Author Topic: Coronavirus Outbreak  (Read 139639 times)

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Offline General Battuta

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A clear case of TDS (Trumpogenic Deathphobia in Socialists)

Trump has retweeted a call to fire Fauci.

Trump's stupidity knows no bounds. Firing Fauci would be political suicide... right?

Turns out that openly correcting Trump on live television gets you enemies amongst the fascists. Who would have thought?
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 12:46:05 pm by -Joshua- »


Offline Su-tehp

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Trump has retweeted a call to fire Fauci.

Trump's stupidity knows no bounds. Firing Fauci would be political suicide... right?

Turns out that openly correcting Trump on live television gets you enemies amongst the fascists. Who would have thought?

Posting this and this here because I thought they're both strangely relevant.

But yeah, contradict the fascists and the fascists get pissed for some odd reason. Yeah, Joshua, I don't get it either. /s

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"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
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In other news:

An article (in webcomic form) about how a pandemic is modeled, and why estimates can vary so wildly:


Offline Goober5000

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We have the death counts. The number of people who are dead. But all you can do is pick at media accounts; all your energy and your communications bandwidth is bent to one purpose. And it's not giving a **** about the dead. It's protecting a politician from criticism.

False.  You are expressly contradicting the second paragraph of my first post in this thread - which even named you specifically.

Now was that a lie, or did you just overlook that part of the post?

And that is the sort of thing that as a Christian, people like Goober could be helping with. Convincing these people that God will listen to them just as well at home. That it isn't worth leaving your house and risking the health of the entire community because of a desire to do something you can do at home.

If you're allowed to go to the supermarket, you're allowed to go to church.  Man does not live on bread alone.

In other news, the Trump campaign has helpfully provided a timeline of the administration's actions in response to the virus.

If you're allowed to go to the supermarket, you're allowed to go to church.  Man does not live on bread alone.

Hol' up. Are you saying it's fine to willingly risk yourselves and all your friends by going to a large gathering where you're going to be close together, breathing and touching and (hopefully not, but probably) coughing on each other?

And why couldn't you do church from home? Basically my entire organization has switched to Zoom, and it's working and nobody's risking infection from it.


Offline Mongoose

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Goober are you seriously citing Trump's own campaign propaganda machine as an objective assessment of his administration's response?

Also I guess "where two or three are gathered in my name" should really be read as "where 500 or 1000 are jammed together  in a hideously irresponsible manner"?


Offline Det. Bullock

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If you're allowed to go to the supermarket, you're allowed to go to church.  Man does not live on bread alone.

Imbeciles that insisted going to prayer groups and masses only spread the disease here in Italy and that's a fact that doesn't care for your quotes from the Gospel taken wildly out of context.
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor


Offline DefCynodont119

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We have the death counts. The number of people who are dead. But all you can do is pick at media accounts; all your energy and your communications bandwidth is bent to one purpose. And it's not giving a **** about the dead. It's protecting a politician from criticism.

False.  You are expressly contradicting the second paragraph of my first post in this thread - which even named you specifically.

This is not to take away from the very real threat posed by the pandemic, and my sympathies go to Battuta's family and anyone else who may be affected by the virus or may have family or friends affected.

Now was that a lie, or did you just overlook that part of the post?

That depends on if you were/are sincere in that statement goober. Ask yourself if you are, and then you will know if Battuta is wrong or not.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 09:42:33 pm by DefCynodont119 »
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Offline karajorma

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If you're allowed to go to the supermarket, you're allowed to go to church.  Man does not live on bread alone.

But you are going to the supermarket for the bread. The other stuff you already have at home.

Everybody has had to sacrifice doing some things that they wanted to do or alter the way they do it in order to avoid risking lives. Supermarkets are open because otherwise people wouldn't have food to eat. You need to find a way to give people food and other solutions are pretty impractical. There are ways that organised religions could still have their services without risking the lives of their followers. They could do those services online, they could instruct their followers to pray at a certain time of day, they could send out sermons via email. Yes it's not as good as going to church, but having to work online hasn't been as good, talking to our friends online instead of meeting them isn't as good. We all made sacrifices.

Even if you think prayer is essential, going to a building in large numbers to do it isn't. God is everywhere, right? There are other ways that could be done temporarily in order to be a good neighbour. Or you could be selfish and put your own desires above potentially saving the lives of other people. But is that really a Christian thing to do? I'm sure you'll turn up some phrase from the bible to justify your point of view, but you know deep down that this is just about what you want to do.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline mjn.mixael

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Normal Christians who aren't bat**** crazy are meeting online. Just FYI.
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Between the Ashes is looking for committed testers, PM me for details.
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Offline karajorma

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I was pretty sure that they were. Didn't mean to imply that they're all risking everyone's lives.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline General Battuta

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We have the death counts. The number of people who are dead. But all you can do is pick at media accounts; all your energy and your communications bandwidth is bent to one purpose. And it's not giving a **** about the dead. It's protecting a politician from criticism.

False.  You are expressly contradicting the second paragraph of my first post in this thread - which even named you specifically.

Now was that a lie, or did you just overlook that part of the post?

We know you don't care. We know because you open a post by insisting that you care, then go on to argue for mass gatherings and post a link to a Trump website. You make it clear that you're just smoothing the delivery of an argument. Some of your argument is explicitly about prioritizing your theological concerns over human life. If coronavirus is three times as dangerous, on a daily basis, as the Blitz, you are asking people to gather beneath the bombs. You are proselytizing for death.

Covering your ass with trite empathy isn't giving a ****. It's just a rhetorical fig leaf.

Expressing concern for individual people while you carry water for the system that put them in mortal danger isn't concern. It's appearance management. It's camouflage.

You're minimizing, what-abouting, and caviling. You are here to parrot propaganda and insist that everything is fine. You express concern and care only to segue into bizarre partisan warfare over timelines and statements when what people need now is truth and action.

You have not made the basic, good faith statement which nearly everyone else in this thread has managed. It would not be difficult, and I think you know it is true. It would not even be a partisan statement. It would not prevent you from arguing in favor of Trump or countering what you perceive as lies and inaccuracies. Yet for some reason it is difficult for you; for some reason it is intolerable to say this true thing.

That truth is that something went terribly wrong with the American response to this disease.

I remember, a long time ago, believing that political differences were the result of fundamentally different ways of processing the world; the expression of cognitive parallax, not simply a barometer of moral quality. Not a marker of good or evil. Not a canary about how someone would act in a crisis.

I have never been so sad to find that I was wrong. You put more effort into preparing yourself and others for your predicted Rapture than you have into expressing any concern over this disease.

I think you should go from this community. I think it's long overdue. You do not belong in this company.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 10:04:39 pm by General Battuta »


Offline General Battuta

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Imagine the kind of man who stands at the doors of a burning building and urges his family, his friends, his community inside.


Offline DefCynodont119

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This Pandemic has shown the darkest parts of American society in a way even I am surprised by. . .

When Trump and Corona are both over with, we will have to decide what kind of country the United States will be.

Also wash your hands.
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Offline The E

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Goober, you have to ask yourself why you're arguing about what Trump did or did not do, when it is abundantly and objectively clear what he did and didn't do, and how his chosen course of action was inadequate in first diagnosing the magnitude of the outbreak, communicating the risks, mitigating the consequences of the outbreak and ensuring that supplies are delivered to where they're needed.

In an earlier post, you quoted Trump bragging about how the JHI rated the US as having the best pandemic preparedness rating amongst the world's nations. That study, which can be seen here and which dates from October 2019 is of questionable utility. Its ratings is largely based on self-assessments and a catalog of questions that excludes factors of political culture; It rates the UK second after the US, and both of these countries can inarguably be listed amongst the countries with the worst responses in this crisis, largely due to a failure in the respective governments' senior leadership.
If you were truly interested in truth and accuracy, why did you single out that soundbite? Why did you not scrutinize the statements made? Why did you not do even a cursory reading of the study cited, or even the press releases that accompanied it? Here, I'll quote you something from it!
National health security is fundamentally weak around the world, and no country is fully prepared to handle an epidemic or pandemic, according to the first comprehensive assessment and benchmarking of health security and related capabilities across 195 countries.
The point is, the study (at least in my cursory and decidedly non-expert opinion) was measuring the wrong things. Not unimportant things, definitely not, but it had blind spots that, as it turned out, were pretty important.

It's a curious mixture, isn't it. On the one hand, the media is misleading and bad and must be scrutinized heavily for bias and inaccuracies, but on the other hand, the government is definitely trustworthy and should not be questioned. You citing as evidence talking points prepared by the Donald J Trump For God-EmperorPresident campaign while in the same breath decrying partisanship and bias is a level of hypocrisy I have seldom seen.
No wait, that's not true. I've seen it every single time a supposedly christian person excuses their liking of Trump despite Trump's decidedly non-christian worldview and morals.

Basically: If the only sources you can find that, in your opinion, are fair to Trump are Trump's PR people and shining examples of human decency like self-admitted rapist Mike Cernovich.... Why isn't that raising any questions for you?
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns

Also wash your hands.

My brother has germophobia so he was always very frantic about washing hands.

Now I know how he feels 0_o - You haven't washed your hands until you've washed your hands like lives depend on it. Which they do!

[earnest german engagement with goober]

Honestly Battuta's said it as well as could be said: Goober is a death cultist whose values are totally at odds with almost everyone on this board. The only reason he's still here is that a) he owns parts of the server infrastructure and b) like any true evangelist (both for his brand of protestantism and for Trump, the idol of Owning The Libs) he feels gratified by spreading the good word to the unbelievers, even if they are clearly having none of it. There is no point in talking to the man himself; the only point of engaging with him is to point out his lies and his deranged morality to each other.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.

The only useful thing to talk to Goober about is probably trying to get him to acknowledge that the US government's response to the pandemic failed terribly and thousands of people are dying needlessly as a result.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Belated quote fail-
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« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 06:53:54 am by Colonol Dekker »
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-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
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-Trancsend (Possibly?)
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-Vassagos Dirge
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(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

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That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
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