Author Topic: Submit your Fanmail!  (Read 41626 times)

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Offline Rodo

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Ah yes, I have a problem discerning between near-wavelenght colors. So it was purple and because of royalty, well that makes a lot of sense!

A question for Epsilon 1 then:
What do you hate the most?
1- Escort missions.
2- Wave spamming missions.
3- Poorly scripted capital combat missions.
4- Taco gathering missions.

Also, where you able to finish Inferno?
el hombre vicio...


Offline CKid

To Holley, Delta 1, and Epsilon 1.
You're making a pizza, what 3 toppings do you put on it?
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 12:31:26 pm by CKid »
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong


Offline Lepanto

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To Anyone/Everyone from all JAD continuity with a funny answer (including Holley's friends, other side characters, unrevealed Beta Testers, FRED, and even the Irony Nazis from JAD1.)

(But NOT HOLLEY, she's a big meanyface who shot me with a laser cannon for not bribing her. I'm not asking you any more questions until you say you're sorry. Jerk.),

Favorite BP faction, and why?

Favorite genre of music?

Favorite Colossus death?

What weapon from outside JAD would you like to have a Berserk Mode version of mounted on your fighter?

Also, is Derek Smart still president of the GTVA? If not, who is?


To the Dead Beta Testers,

Looking back, any final regrets, or thoughts on the manner of your deaths? If you hadn't decided to attack the FRED Knossos, what would you have done with your lives?
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 03:11:27 pm by Lepanto »
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial


Offline Axem

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A question for Epsilon 1 then:
What do you hate the most?
1- Escort missions.
2- Wave spamming missions.
3- Poorly scripted capital combat missions.
4- Taco gathering missions.

Also, where you able to finish Inferno?

Epsilon 1: Any mission type can become tedious if overused. My opinion into the matter does not change things.
Holley: What a non-answer...
Epsilon 1: Also I have played the original Inferno. It was acceptable.

To Holley, Delta 1, and Epsilon 1.
You're making a pizza, what 3 toppings do you put on it?

Holley: Mmmmm... Hamburger, bacon... and extra cheese I guess. Cheeseburger pizza is the way to go! Just two take slices and put them facing each other and you've got the best Italian based food in the galaxy!

Delta 1: Tie between ham and pineapple and maybe a real Italian based pizza. Tomatoes, olives, green peppers...
Holley: Ham and what?
Delta 1: Pineapple goes great with the ham! It's complimentary tastes.
Holley: You don't put fruit on a pizza! That's heresy!

ED Note: Rest of conversation omitted for space.

Epsilon 1: Plain cheese will suffice.

To Anyone/Everyone from all JAD continuity with a funny answer (including Holley's friends, other side characters, unrevealed Beta Testers, FRED, and even the Irony Nazis from JAD1.)

(But NOT HOLLEY, she's a big meanyface who shot me with a laser cannon for not bribing her. I'm not asking you any more questions until you say you're sorry. Jerk.),

Favorite BP faction, and why?

Delta 1: I'd have to go with the Federation. I'd love to live there. Don't get me wrong, as much as I like saving the universe, the world of art calls to me and in the GTVA, if you're not making a fighter-based war drama then basically you're on the street.

Meddy: Vasudans! They stand above that ugly civil war business and know what the real battles need to be fought: Fashion. The best the TEI programs brought there is more and more drab grays and browns. Meanwhile 3 systems over, Crown prince Abak'marin's latest robes are to die for. The Enundae silk is so lightweight and keeps you warm on those cold station mornings, and the iridescent coloring is so eye-catching and never fades.

Sherry: I find the Gaian Effort very intriguing. I would very much like it to interview them and conduct research on their society. A people who would rather change themselves than the world around them is very profound in my opinion. (I do acknowledge that some of their cells have been involved unfortunate behavior with respect to civilians and military personnel, and I hope we could perhaps learn from each other.)

Mysterious Unrevealed Character: Fedayeen. No explanation required.

Beta Tester Group Opinion: Shivans.

Epsilon 1: I believe I should answer GTVA to balance the answers out.

Favorite genre of music?

Delta 1: Soundtracks! The more bombastic the better. I can close my eyes and see the magnificent explosions as I save the universe from devastation. I also have a soft spot for amazing credit songs... Excuse me there's a lot of dust in here.

Meddy: Dancy trance music is killer. When you're at a party its great to dance to, but even at home you can just zone out to it.

Sherry: I am very fond of classical music. In particular Albinoni, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Dvorak, Elgar...

Meddy: I think they get the picture... Harriet loves anything on the top 40! She'll sing your ears off during karaoke, isn't that right?

Harriet: Mmhmm!

Mysterious Unrevealed Character: Metal is pretty nice. I prefer the riff-heavy stuff instead the "I just stabbed myself in the leg with knife" grunting and howling.

Hailey: Why hello! My name is Hailey! I am a new amazing (and original, do not steal) character, set to take the stage and wow everyone with my amazing personality, beauty and amazing song collection. Please see this video playlist for my extreme likes!

Delta 1, Meddy, Sherry, Harriet: ...

Favorite Colossus death?

Delta 1: Colossus Reborn from JAD1 was pretty classic. The rest: just wannabes.

What weapon from outside JAD would you like to have a Berserk Mode version of mounted on your fighter?

Delta 1: Some sort of Gatling gun would be pretty cool. The bullets could be heat seeking and pierce shields and hull... Or would that be too over powered?

Mysterious Unrevealed Character: Just give me this and everything will be fine.

Also, is Derek Smart still president of the GTVA? If not, who is?

Merv: President Derek Smart PhD is still the president of the GTVA at this time. During Alpha 1's brief betrayal, he had attempted to kill Derek Smart, but instead was forced into battle with Not Derek Smart, who was not Derek Smart. As such President Derek Smart PhD continues to lead the GTVA until he is voted out.

To the Dead Beta Testers,

Looking back, any final regrets, or thoughts on the manner of your deaths? If you hadn't decided to attack the FRED Knossos, what would you have done with your lives?

4th: I wish I could have helped more. :) I guess I would try to write self help books if I couldn't help by taking over the universe.
5th: I don't know why I even bothered, that universe sucks. I'M GLAD I'M DEAD! I DON'T NEED TO PUT UP WITH DUMB BOSSY GIRLS OR DUMB PLOTS!
6th: M-maybe I could have made more friends... And I wish I could have finished painting my models...
7th: If I had just fixed those buffer overflows...


Offline Lepanto

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To Anyone/Everyone (except for Holley or any obvious aliases thereof):

What's your opinion on My Little Shivan? I'm a proud Brovan myself, but I understand if people aren't into it. If you like it, who's your favorite character?

What's your favorite style of campaign? Story-driven and complex, good shoot-em-up fun, retro retail-like, surreal horror, total conversion, what?

Oh, and thanks for the music (even you, 'Hailey')!


To Delta 1:

If you could retroactively have any 3 voice-acting roles from any existing FreeSpace campaign or derivative work, who would you be?


To all Beta Testers, living or dead:

How much work did you actually do on FRED's campaign?

What did you think, from first impressions? If released, would it be awesome enough to rival Blue Planet?


To All Terran and Vasudan Redshirts, Living or Dead:

Why do you stick with this job? BEAMZED to death, forcibly befriended, always shown up by a trio of teenagers with superfighters, overall being less mission-relevant than redshirts in retail...

What would you like the public to know about the neglected life story of JAD's redshirts?


To Axem: Did/will the Lobster and the Colossal Titan from JAD2 ever make it to Earth? What's the hilarious story of their misadventures?
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial


Offline Axem

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To Anyone/Everyone (except for Holley or any obvious aliases thereof):

What's your opinion on My Little Shivan? I'm a proud Brovan myself, but I understand if people aren't into it. If you like it, who's your favorite character?

Meddy: Mmm... I think Holley's the only one that actually watches that show...

Holley: Too bad I can't reply! We could have had the most stimulating conversation about Nephilim Pie and Rainbow Dragon. Oh well. What a shame.

What's your favorite style of campaign? Story-driven and complex, good shoot-em-up fun, retro retail-like, surreal horror, total conversion, what?

Delta 1: Heck man, story based campaigns. The more convoluted and twisted the better. I don't to even need to understand the story, I just need to enjoy the twists and turns. You could fit a bit of horror into that as well.

Epsilon 1: I prefer normal retail-like campaigns.

Iota 19: I like Total Conversions, its a nice vacation from the normal day-to-day work grind around here.

To Delta 1:

If you could retroactively have any 3 voice-acting roles from any existing FreeSpace campaign or derivative work, who would you be?

Delta 1:
1.) Alpha 2 from "The Roman's Blunder", speaker of the iconic "I can live with being a pawn if the game makes sense" line. I mean being Snipes would be awesome but I don't think I could do a better job screaming Dive dive dive.
2.) Justice from Wings of Dawn would be pretty great, especially if I could get those pecs too...
3.) Sunder Marcel from Transcend, just because.

To all Beta Testers, living or dead:

How much work did you actually do on FRED's campaign?

What did you think, from first impressions? If released, would it be awesome enough to rival Blue Planet?

4th: I never got around to actually helping. I'm sure it would have been a very good campaign. :)
5th: I told FRED what was wrong with everything (which honestly was everything, and I didn't even get to play the first mission) and he just started to IGNORE ME. I don't really care what happens to his stupid campaign now.
6th: I had errors trying to run it and I didn't want to bother FRED with it so I just told him everything was fine... I hope it was...
7th: Upon installing his insanely complex modifications, I noticed hundreds of errors and warnings and soon found myself consumed by the inherent darkness of the code... It is calling to me, I need to esc-
8th: FRED wanted help but he never got back to me with the downloads! I'm not waiting forever!
9th: I'll get around to it later.
10th: I tried to help but it needed these things called 'mediavps'. I had no idea what he was talking about so I just put all of his files into the data directory. Still didn't work. Kids these days, I don't understand your modding! Was there anything wrong with what Volition gave us in the beginning?
11th: Mr 11th is in a meeting right now. He says thank you for your letter and he hopes that you will support his efforts in the future. Enclosed is a free pen.
12th: Unavailable for comment.

To All Terran and Vasudan Redshirts, Living or Dead:

Why do you stick with this job? BEAMZED to death, forcibly befriended, always shown up by a trio of teenagers with superfighters, overall being less mission-relevant than redshirts in retail...

What would you like the public to know about the neglected life story of JAD's redshirts?

Iota 2: We're used to it. I mean we get paid the same if those heroes save the universe or we die trying. And really I prefer the former.
Omicron 12: But even then we do get good survivor's benefits.
Omega 7: Every second Friday off too.
Lambda 92: They also provide free lunches!
Io 39: Two more sorties and I get a free sub!
Iota 2: Well he just jinxed himself...

To Axem: Did/will the Lobster and the Colossal Titan from JAD2 ever make it to Earth? What's the hilarious story of their misadventures?

Actually those two are from JAD3, but I guess I can still reveal what happened. Lobster and Colossal were looking for Alpha 1 but when he didn't show up, each one began to suspect that the other was in a secret friendship with Alpha 1. They got jealous and became enemies. Colossal eventually made it to Vasudan Prime where it just decided to sleep for a million years. Lobster found out about this and got some Shivan friends and decided to glass over Colossal and the planet it was sleeping on (not cool bro). That's when Lobster found these other beings that looked a lot like Alpha 1 and decided to go glass their home planet too. As you can guess from FreeSpace 1's ending, that didn't end well for the Lobster.

Later, Emperor Khonsu found the Colossal's glassed over remains and convinced the GTVA Security Council to commission a ship in its memory.

So alas, no, they never made it to Earth.


Offline Lepanto

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I'm certain you've thought about the impact of your actions, and are sorry for what you've done. So, I'll give you back your question-answering privileges (retroactively, even!)... ;)

...on ONE condition.  :drevil:

You give us your current, completely honest feelings about Delta 1. ;7

BTW, I'll be feeding your answer through a hyper-advanced GTVI analysis program, so no obvious lies. :p



What's Derek Smart's campaign platform? Who was his opposition if HE managed to get elected president of the GTVA?

What do you think about his recent anti-Star Citizen policies?

Anyone/Everyone (besides Holley),

Do you find Holley's brattiness endearing, or just plain annoying?

Anyone/Everyone (besides Delta 1),

Do you think Delta 1's as awesome as his reputation made him out to be?

Anyone/Everyone (besides... you get the picture),

Do you think Epsilon 1 has any deep secrets, skills, or personal depths beyond his persona of utter genericness?



Which Beta Tester(s) were your favorite to work with?

Do you think your achievements as Alpha 1 were more, less, or equally as impressive as JAD Alpha 1's? Provide supporting evidence.


To JAD Alpha 1,

Do you dispute FRED's opinion? If so, provide supporting evidence.

What's your fondest memory from your Alpha 1 tenure? Least fond?

If you could pick Holley, Delta 1, or Epsilon 1 to be your one and only successor, who would you pick?


To Other JAD Fans,

C'mon, you've got to have some more insightful/hilarious questions! I don't want to monopolize ALL of Axem's time and comedic genius! :p
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial


Offline Goober5000

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Dear Everyone,

What is the best FreeSpace parody campaign series, and why is it Deus Ex Machina?

Channel 4 News


Offline Misuzu Stella

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And this is why Channel 4 news is a joke channel, and isn't being taken serious by anyone! Clinging to unpopular opinions that only find support on backwater planets, planets that are stuck 10 years in the past. Maybe if your news articles were actually relevant to present events, you'd be taken more seriously!


Offline Axem

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I'm certain you've thought about the impact of your actions, and are sorry for what you've done. So, I'll give you back your question-answering privileges (retroactively, even!)... ;)

...on ONE condition.  :drevil:

You give us your current, completely honest feelings about Delta 1. ;7

BTW, I'll be feeding your answer through a hyper-advanced GTVI analysis program, so no obvious lies. :p

Holley: Huh? Uh, I guess he's fine. Kinda weird sometimes but, okay I guess. Wow that was a freebie.
Meddy: C'mon Holley, its okay to expand a bit more on your deep heartfelt feelings.
Holley: Like what.
Meddy: Tell them how you feel about his fiery hair, his dazzling emerald eyes, and that boyish grin that sends you over the moon!
Holley: Can we go to the next question now?
Meddy: You'll mature into a wonderful flower one day, and then you'll grab his eyes, and then his heart!
Holley: Please stop...


What's Derek Smart's campaign platform? Who was his opposition if HE managed to get elected president of the GTVA?

Epsilon 1: Derek Smart was in last place for much of the campaign, until the last seconds when he suddenly gained 50 trillion votes. Coincidentally those last few seconds is also when FRED entered our dimension. (As seen in Just Another Day 1, Mission 6) These events could conceivably be linked.
Holley: Just when I thought politics couldn't get any more boring... Where's the political maneuvering? The rebellions? I swear a space monarchy would be so much better...

What do you think about his recent anti-Star Citizen policies?

Holley: Can't say they did much. Star Citizen still in production and isn't out yet even in our time.
Delta 1: On the advice of my lawyer, I will make no comment at this time.

Anyone/Everyone (besides Holley),

Do you find Holley's brattiness endearing, or just plain annoying?

Delta 1: It can get annoying if left unchecked, but countering it does help me with my improv skills...
Meddy: You say brattiness, I say confidence!
Sherry: She can be brash and insensitive at times, but she is still very loyal.
Harriet: Mmhmm!
* Holley hands friends 50 credits each
Holley: :)
Epsilon 1: ...

Anyone/Everyone (besides Delta 1),

Do you think Delta 1's as awesome as his reputation made him out to be?

Meddy: Maybe, I mean he did help save the universe a few times. And even if he's overstating his abilities a bit, there's nothing wrong with a little exaggeration!
Holley: You mean like a certain set of measurements?
Meddy: Cease speaking at once.
Sherry: I do not try to pre-judge people based on reputations that I hear before meeting them. It leads to misunderstandings and unfortunate circumstances.
Ursa-tan: E-excuse me. B-but I'd l-like to just say- um... that I think... D-Delta 1 is-
Holley: What do you think, Harriet? Yea or nay on Delta 1?
Harriet: Mmmm...
Ursa-tan: Erm-- I th-think Delta 1 is...
Holley: Okay, I think we've got everyone accounted for here. Next question!
Ursa-tan: O-oh... okay...

Anyone/Everyone (besides... you get the picture),

Do you think Epsilon 1 has any deep secrets, skills, or personal depths beyond his persona of utter genericness?

Holley: [Uncontrolled laughter]
Delta 1: If he is, he is the best actor in the universe. No offense or anything.
Epsilon 1: None taken.

To JAD Alpha 1,

We are sorry, but neither are available to comment! However with regards to your first question, consider that FRED had to imprison all of the Beta Testers and force them to test!

Dear Everyone,

What is the best FreeSpace parody campaign series, and why is it Deus Ex Machina?

Channel 4 News

Holley: I couldn't help but notice you did not spell Just Another Day right. I will wait until this is corrected before answering any more Channel 4 news questions.


Offline JSRNerdo

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Just to whoever: Would you prefer it if crashing your spaceship into other spaceships was the primary method of blowing other spaceships up?
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.


Offline Lepanto

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What do you all think of the respective EVA characters you were based on? What would you have done differently if you were in their positions?

Oh, and:

What is your opinion on Donald Trump?
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial


Offline Axem

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Just to whoever: Would you prefer it if crashing your spaceship into other spaceships was the primary method of blowing other spaceships up?

Holley: If you mean Colossus-style… no. I like my fighter intact and amazingly destructive from a distance. But if I had some sort of fighter based melee weapon… Then we're cooking!

What do you all think of the respective EVA characters you were based on? What would you have done differently if you were in their positions?

Holley: Wait, I'm supposed to be based off of someone from that show? I don't recall any blonde girls in leading roles… But I guess Delta 1 is some sort of genderbent version of Asuka then, huh.
Delta 1: What. No. Obviously not. We both might have red hair, like red vehicles and have a natural talent for showing off but… my family life is so much more stable.
Holley: Plus she's got a name.
Delta 1: Who's Epsilon 1 based off of then? Shinji?
Holley: No no, Rei. Emotionless and creepy.
Delta 1: He doesn't have blue hair.
Holley: Plus he's a clone.
Epsilon 1: I am not a clone.
Delta 1: Ok, so if he's a Rei, then you're some sort of bizzaro Shinji. Which means…
Holley: No. Don't.
Delta 1: Epsilon 1's a clone of your father!

*4 hour silence*

Holley: I'm going to kill both of you.

Oh, and:

What is your opinion on Donald Trump?

Holley: Sorry, but my opinion may influence your future so I have to keep my mouth shut! But let me just say that stuff got a lot better after WW7!

I have two questions.

First, for Epsilon 1 and Delta 1, what do you do when you're in the cockpit but you haven't been called in to die like the unloved, unloveable, squishy no-name redshirts you are rain inglorious death upon your worthy enemies yet?

Second, to Holley, has anyone ever dressed up in a magnificently sparkly jacket and serenaded you with with this song?

Because I totally would. In a heartbeat. Got my sparkly jacket ready and everything.

Your dad would like me.

i like you do you like me y/n


Offline Axem

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I have two questions.

First, for Epsilon 1 and Delta 1, what do you do when you're in the cockpit but you haven't been called in to die like the unloved, unloveable, squishy no-name redshirts you are rain inglorious death upon your worthy enemies yet?

Delta 1: I just listen to my hot mix holo-tape. It fills me with determination and sublime. I'd drop it here, but I'm afraid I would crash the site due to its amazing beats.
Epsilon 1: I wait for orders.

Second, to Holley, has anyone ever dressed up in a magnificently sparkly jacket and serenaded you with with this song?

Because I totally would. In a heartbeat. Got my sparkly jacket ready and everything.

Your dad would like me.

i like you do you like me y/n

Holley: I can't say that I have... though that is a nice jacket. Tell you what: Give me the jacket and you can hang out with me and Epsilon 1 for a day. And then I'll disappear with the jacket and you can spend it with Epsilon 1.

btw are you this that man? y/n

cause ive heard some weird things about you


Offline Lepanto

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Hey, long time no see. Hope you're spending your downtime well (or whatever qualifies as 'well' in Holley's case).


Everyone, even secondary characters and characters from older JADs if they feel like it:

If Space Donald Trump gave you a small loan of a million GTVA dollars, what would you invest it in?

Which of the following campaigns do you bet will actually be released first, if at all?:

WiH act 4
NuWoD act 2
JAD 2.22
Dimensional Eclipse 2
Anything that I've forgotten
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial

Vassago-chan. Just wanted to let you know that you're beautiful just the way you are and not fat at all. Seeing you warms my heart above 27000 degrees.

P.S. I know one day Axem will let you star in JAD.
[19:31] <MatthTheGeek> you all high up on your mointain looking down at everyone who doesn't beam everything on insane blindfolded


Offline Axem

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If Space Donald Trump gave you a small loan of a million GTVA dollars, what would you invest it in?

Holley: I'd build the most monster computer rig ever, it would be capable of running all the games at once, in perfect 192k 360-vision. And a new chair or something. If there's anything left.
Delta 1: You know you have to pay back the money right? It's a loan.
Holley: What if I use Epsilon 1 as collateral?
Epsilon 1: ...
Delta 1: With that money I think I'd fund my own indie-campaign. It'd be very low key, low scope but high on the emotional scale. Tender stories forgotten in the tides of galactic upheaval...
Meddy: The start of my own fashion empire. I've already got a lot of good ideas. No, not just good. GREAT. Everyone in the galaxy will soon be wearing the high point of fashion. I'd have that loan paid off in a week.
Sherry: I would look into constructing a library to house the nearly forgotten works of art from humanity's past.
Holley: What like, Super Mario Brothers?
Sherry: Perhaps... it was culturally significant at the time. But I was more thinking of... less interactive works of art.
Delta 1: Oh, like Die Hard?
Sherry: ...
Lt. Cmdr. Obvious: I would put it in a bank!

Which of the following campaigns do you bet will actually be released first, if at all?:

WiH act 4
NuWoD act 2
JAD 2.22
Dimensional Eclipse 2
Anything that I've forgotten

Holley: JAD2.22 will never be released. Not while Axem wastes his time playing historically inaccurate World War 2 naval games or scrolling through cat gifs all day... So I'm going to say... Wings of Dawn act 2! I can be cast as Dawn's suddenly appearing sister who has jumped through time to guide her on her epic quest.
Delta 1: Unlike some unbelievers, I think we have a good shot at releasing sometime this year. But my inside sources also tell me that Between the Ashes is pretty close to release as well. Might be hard to say...
Holley: But we can all agree that BWO will be released last, right?
Sherry: Now Holley, there is no reason to be mean. We are all in this struggle for creative expression together.
???: Oh ho ho ho. Look at these crummy peasants, they know not of my secret plans to shock them all!
Holley: Who was that?
Meddy: Couldn't be anyone important...

Vassago-chan. Just wanted to let you know that you're beautiful just the way you are and not fat at all. Seeing you warms my heart above 27000 degrees.

P.S. I know one day Axem will let you star in JAD.

Vassago-chan sends her regards. She is always in my heart too. And campaigns.


Offline niffiwan

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.... is she carrying an ML-16?  :wtf:  :lol:
Creating a fs2_open.log | Red Alert Bug = Hex Edit | MediaVPs 2014: Bigger HUD gauges | 32bit libs for 64bit Ubuntu
Debian Packages (testing/unstable): Freespace2 | wxLauncher
m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline Axem

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No, its a Triton about to be devoured. I dare not show any more, there might be kids watching this board.  :)