Author Topic: Just another day at HLP...  (Read 46496 times)

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Offline Unknown Target

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Just another day at HLP...
I'm typing the next part now, should be up in about 20 minutes, at most.


Offline Fineus

  • ...But you *have* heard of me.
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    • Hard Light Productions
Just another day at HLP...
This stuff really is good - I'll post some news about it in a second - and I kindly ask people not to spam here, it's to good to degrade with pointlesness ;)


Offline Unknown Target

  • Get off my lawn!
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Just another day at HLP...
We have screen wiped from the previous scene to:

INT. General Discussions. Day.
We open to a worm's-eye view of the room, facing a tall platform, suspended above the floor. Numerous people are blocking the view. We can overhear snippets of conversation.

Senior Forum Member: So, have you heard? Tech Sup is being revived!

Newbie: What's that?

SFM #2: Really? By who?

Newbie: Who?

SFM #1: wEvil I think. He's even got full moderation powers!

Newbies: What's a moderation power?

SFM #2: Wow!

Newbie: Wow? Does that have to do with MODing?

SFM # 1+2: Grrrrr..........

Two shapes flash past the camera from the left, and sounds of shouting and a scuffle can be heard. We continue to stay in our current view. Suddenly,  what we can only presume to be the newbie's head slams down in front of the camera, with Razor(who is SFM #1) and Icefire (SFM #2) on top of him, pinning him down.

Newbie: Arrrrrrrr! Gerhoff! GERHOFF!

The newbies face is looking directly at the camera, but it's also being flattened against the floor.

Razor: (Out of view) So, whaddya say, Ice? Should we roast him? Or feed him to Carl over there?

IceFire: You know, I am kinda hungry...

Razor: Roasting it is, then!

Newbie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly, a figure appears behind the newbie on the raised platform. It's Griffon

Griffon: Attention!

No one pays attention

Griffon: At-Attention! Hello!? Ah, forget it!

He looks over his sholder and calls out to something behind him. Slowly the figure walks forwards. We zoom in on the platform, just in time to see this mysterious figure reveal himself from the shadows. It is...daveb.
The room quickly falls silent. We pan around to look from the two figures' backs, looking out into the forum room.

Newbie: (In hushed whisper) Who's he?

Icefire reaches over his head, and pulls out a small, cylindrical object. Igniting the object, he forms a large bludgeon, and knocks the newbie out with one hit.

Griffon: I'm sure...(he glances at the now-unconsious newbie)...most of you know who this is here?

A silent murmer goes through the crowd

Griffon: Good. Now, to business. Will the forum militia task force please report to the briefing room? Thank you.
We rotate the camera so it's facing the front of these two figures, and pan outwards, so that we are just behind Razor and Icefire. They look at each other as we screen wipe to:

INT. Forum Military briefing room. Day.
We screen wipe to a fully seated table, with multiple people sitting around it. They are: Icefire, Razor, venom2506, Zeronet and Gortef. They have obviously been there for awhile, as they are looking around nervously. Suddenly, a side door opens with the Babylon 5-type swoosh, and in walk Thunder, Griffon and daveb.
The latter is obviosly a curiosity, as all eyes follow him when he walks in. We pan the camera around to follow them, and as Thunder seats himself at the head of the table, the other two take up flanking positions behind him.

Thunder: Thank you all for coming.

A rustle goes through the crowd.

Thunder: Now, down to business. It seems that Griffon...

Griffon nods

Thunder:...has informed me that we have reason to believe that there are un-sanctioned activities taking place in the TechSup forum at this current time. As such, we will mount a small, secret expedition into the "belly of the beast," so to speak.

There is an outbreak of voices and arguments in the crowd

Thunder: Quiet, hello, he-hello? Quiet, QUIET!!!!!

No response from the now extremely loud voices. daveb steps forward.

daveb: (in normal voice) Quiet...

The room suddenly falls silent.

Thunder: Thank you, daveb. Now, if we could hold our tempers in CHECK...

Sheepish looks follow this.

Thunder: We could get along with the proceedings. Now, Griffon has a plan for this expedition, Griffon?

Griffon: Yes, well, umm, hello!

Irritated looks from the gathering

Griffon: (adjusts neck piece) Ummm...yes, well, uhhh. Now, um, my plan is to...

Zeronet: Spit it out!

Griffon: Humph! Anyways, the plan is that you will go in...

His voice fades out as we also fade out to:

INT. Cryogenic Farm. Day.

We open to an outside, front view of the cryogenic control room. Everything is bathed in a greenish glow. Inside are the figures of wEvil and Infested Larvae.

IL: They are free, sire!

E: So...I, the chessplayer am now about to make my first move. Is the commnode almost complete?

IL: Almost, sire, almost. Would you like to meet our guests?

E: Yes, bring them in.

A small side door swooshes open, and HemroidFrogButt, Alpha_One and a beaten, battered Analazon enter. The latter is being held up by two security gaurds. wEvil walks towards Analazon, and bends over, so he can speak to him.

E: Ahhhhhhhh....yes. Hello, Analazon. So nice of you to drop in.

A: Grumph....damn fu--

Suddenly, a gaurd behind him shocks him with a prod.

E: Now, now, there is no need for that. Let our guest speak freely. It is only good manners that we should let him, is it not?

A: (breithing heavily) I'll....get you. You can't run...I'll COME FOR YOU!!!!!!!

He is obviously exhausted by the effort, and slumps back again.

E: (laughs) I don't think you are quite in the position to "get" anybody, Anny!

He straightens, and walks over to where Alpha_One and HemroidFrogButt are standing. Facing them, he speaks

E: Well...welcome again to the land of the living, Alpha, Hemroid.

AO: We are pleased to be here, and I thank you.

HFB: Yea, wll, I tink yu stupid!

AO: That's his way of saying thanks.

HFB: Yea.

E: Well, then...first thing's first. Men, take Anny--

A: Don'

E: Well, take it back to his...quarters. Alpha, please accompany me to the briefing room. Hemroid, you can come too, but afterwards, you are attending a spelling class.

HFB: Yea.

Fade to black.

So, what do you think? Please keep commenting, I like reading your comments a lot! ;) :D
« Last Edit: July 03, 2002, 10:19:51 am by 368 »


Offline Fineus

  • ...But you *have* heard of me.
  • Administrator
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    • Hard Light Productions
Just another day at HLP...
Still looking good dude - and it seems this actually has a story as well now! At the start I was worried it was going to be aimless comedy but aimless comedy with a plot of sorts is actually much better!

Oh, and give Griffon more of decent part in the next one, he doesn't just stammer you know ;)

Also... the rest of the staff! Introduce some of them - HLP isn't just me and Griff (who isn't on the staff BTW) anymore!.

Even so - good stuff.


Offline Blue Lion

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Just another day at HLP...
I want a part :nervous:


Offline Ryx

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Just another day at HLP...

I could get addicted to this stuff. More! :D
Intel C2D E6850|4Gb RAM|Abit IP35 PRO|ATI X1900 XT


Offline Unknown Target

  • Get off my lawn!
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  • Push.Pull?
Just another day at HLP...
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..........but the rest of the staff is sleeping, remember :p:D


Offline Styxx

  • 211
    • Hard Light Productions
Just another day at HLP...
Damn cool, keep it up. :)
Probably away. Contact through email.


Offline Reaper

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Just another day at HLP...
Cos I'm high, Cos I'm high...
There is full moon shining on the sky... It's midnight... I'm rising from my grave... I have my scythe and i'm thirsty for blood... I'm ready, i'm ready to steal souls and feed on them... I'm ready to kill
World War III: Wasteland Earth


Offline Windrunner

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Just another day at HLP...
I am not even mentioned in this story :(
Staffmember: Hard Light Productions
I said a lot of things.  Some of them were even true. - Aldo_14


Offline Darkage

  • 211
Just another day at HLP...
Originally posted by Windrunner
I am not even mentioned in this story :(

Don't wory dude:)

You wil get mentioned later, atleast i think:D

I only was briefly mentioned.:)
[email protected]
Returned from the dead.


Offline Thorn

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Just another day at HLP...
I want to know what the hell is up with me, why I sound so evil, and why am I so damn sexy? :D


Offline Styxx

  • 211
    • Hard Light Productions
Just another day at HLP...
Originally posted by Thorn
I want to know what the hell is up with me, why I sound so evil, and why am I so damn sexy? :D

Meh. :p
Probably away. Contact through email.


Offline an0n

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Just another day at HLP...
Originally posted by Thorn
and why am I so damn sexy? :D

Because it's fiction.

"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline Thorn

  • Drunk on the east coast.
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  • What is this? I don't even...
Just another day at HLP...
Ouch. I think I'm gonna need some water for that burn....


Offline Unknown Target

  • Get off my lawn!
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  • Push.Pull?
Just another day at HLP...
INT. Militia Ready Room. Day.
Fade From black. Our view is being blocked by some long, cylindracle objects. Voices can be heard in the background, as well as sounds of shuffling and movements of clothes. Suddenly we here daveb's voice:

daveb: Alright people, listen up. The plan is to enter through the air shafts.

Zeronet: Boy, I know a couple girls who would love getting shafted like this.

A small laugh ripples through the assembaly

daveb: Hardy-har-har. We're going into territory that is presumed hostile. Everybody, be on your gaurd, and watch each other's backs. No one gets left behind.

Gortef: It is not wise to quote Black Hawk Down when going into combat.

Fantomeye: I agree.

venom2506: Cyclops! I didn't know you were coming.

Fantomeye: Well, I am. You guys need someone to babysit you. Oh, and venom?

Our view is still obscured by the objects.

venom: Yes?

Fantomeye: The eye at the end of name does not automatically make it ok for you to call me cyclops.

venom: It doesn't?

We here Fantomeye groan.

daveb: Alright, enough chatter people, let's move! Go go, go, go!

Every time he says go, we hear running, and one of the objects is grabbed away, gradually clearing our view. We soon realise that the objects are guns. When the last gun is grabbed, we pan the camera around and lock it on the last soldier. He follows everyone else into a dark tunnel, and we go with him, and our screen is completely blackened.

INT. TS forum, sector 2942.

We pan to the left of the blackness, and it turns out it is simply a crate. Once we pass the crate, we begin a slow ascent above them, and see two workers welding together a large object, hidden in the shadows. A lone figure walks up behind them. We cannot see his face, only hear his voice, but it turns out to be wEvil.

wEvil: Is it ready?

Worker 1: Yes, we are only adding the final touches now.

E: Goooooood........ Command of the creatures when they arrive will be transfered to Alpha_One, so map it to his nureal pathways, is that understood?

Worker 2: Yes, sire.

The figure turns away, and his cloak twirls around behind him. He walks out quickly, and the workers return to their work. Fade to black.

Fade from black. We see we are in a small, squarish tunnel. Figures can be seen crawling along, with beams of light waving back and forth, coming from the sides of their heads.. We soon realize that they are the marines.

Fantomeye: Hold up...

We cut to his point-of-view (POV), with his helmet interface also being shown. We see a map of the air shafts being super-imposed on a green background. The background is his visor. Cut to outside view again, we see him tapping something on the side of his head. Each time he does so, we cut back to his POV, showing what he's doing. He's re-sizing the map. We can see a flashing red blip on the map, and when he finally does about two taps, we see crosshairs, flashing and growing larger and smaller.

Fantomeye: There's our objective. Men, set your heading for Z-minus-2309. Remember, return fire only, we are not here to engage the enemy.

venom: Roger.

Gortef: Roger.

Zeronet: Roger.

daveb: Roger.

Icefire and Razor: (in a long, dissapointed voice) Roooooooooggggggeeeeeeeerrrrrrr..........

Fantom: Let's go.

They begin slowly crawling forwards. Fade to black, and fade in again, this time at a different location. We are now facing forwards in the tunnel, and there is a grate, with light coming through, about 2 feet in front of us. We see a line of people crawling towards us. They are obviosly the marines. The leader, Fantomeye, holds up a fist. The group stops. Slowly, we see Fantomeye peer over the ledge of the grate. We move the camera forwards, and begin a gradual upwards slope, until we're looking directly downwards. We obviously can't see anything, and neither can he. We hear shuffling, muted voices, and then we here:

Icefire: Finally!

We see a figure advance forwards, and he starts to do something to the grate. He attaches something to it, and backs away. All we can see are four lumps on each side of the grate. We hear Ice chuckle, and a button click. The four lumps explode, albeit quitly, and dislodge the grate. We pan the camera downards again to it's previous spot, and see a figure nod to another one.

Fantomeye: Go ahead, daveb.

daveb: Roger.

The second figure moves forwards, and pulls the grating out. He attaches a rope to the side of the grating, and let's himself downwards. Suddenly, we hear numerous weapons cocking. we zoom down the rope, and situate ourselves behind daveb's slowly rotating body. Locking the camera on his back, we pan around the room with him, and see that he is surrounded by enemies.

daveb: (under breath) ****!

He tugs three times on the rope. We cut back to the camera's previous positon, and see Fantomeye

Fantom: ****! He's caught, and requesting support. Ice, Razor, set explosives on opposite ends of the tunnel. Detonate them, and crawl through, to try and get him out. I'll fire from here. Zeronet, Gortef, go with them, gogogogo!

The figures scatter up and down the tunnel, and we focus on Icefire and Gortef crawl down the passageway. Ice sets the detonators.


We cut to a close up of his detonator, and mute all external sounds. Cue slow-mo. We hear the click of the detonator. We cut to a close-up of the hammer on Fantom's gun, and it draws backwards slowly, and goes forwards. We hear a click. We cut to a close up of daveb's pistol, mounted at his waste. He pulls it out and aims it at an enemy soldier's head. We zoom in on the hammer. We here the click of the hammer. Cut to 2X normal speed and we see the man drop, and everyone in the group open fire at daveb, who quickly drops to the floor, and spins around, firing off his pistol at all sundry. Cut to Gortef and Icefire. We see them drop to the floor also, and in the distance, we can see the other team do the same. Both teams blast a group of badguys who were standing around. Suddenly, fire erupts from everywhere. One of the bad guys aims a bullet at where Fantomeye was hiding, and empties about thirty rounds into the shaft. Cut to slow mo, and a horizontal view of the holes. Blood starts to drip through them. Cut to Razor and Zeronet and normal speed. They are both hiding behind a stack of crates. While Razor is giving the smackdown to everything that moves, we see Zeronet laying on his back and screaming into his radio.

Zeronet: Situation compromised! Situation Compromised! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

Cut to:
INT. Forum Control. Day.
We open up to a view of the controll room where we can see all of the desks, and we are sort of at a horizontal angle. We can hear over the static Zeronet's hurried message, and weapons fire can be heard in the background. Thunder stands up in front of the camera and scratches the back of his head. Sighing, he walks over to the radio operator. Leaning over to him:

Thunder: Signal a retreat.

Cut to
INT. TS forum, sector 2942.
We open again to the last position we left. Except now one of Razor's arms now hangs loosley by his side, and an empty, smoking weapon is lying on the floor. He is currently blasting away with his pistol. Suddenly, Zeronet grabs his limp arm.

Razor: OW! ****! Watch it man!

Zeronet: Sorry Razor, but we've got to high-tail it out of here. I'm relaying the retreat order to everyone else.

Razor looks at Zeronet in disbalief. We can hear Zeronet relaying the message, and Razor turns back, and begins to blast away. Suddenly we hear him scream, and his head falls over into Zeronets lap. There is a bloody hole in it. Zeronet looks downwards and yelps. The sounds of weapon fire gradually become more sporadic, as Zeronet drags Razor's body out of the place, and back into the air shaft. In the distance, we can see that Gortef and Icefire have also made it.
Cut the camera to an over-the soldier view from daveb, after everyone has left, and the weapon fire has stopped. dave is currently being gaurded by multiple enemies. His arm hangs limp next to an empty pistol. Numerous dead are lying all over the place, a testament to his handiwork. Suddenly, the gaurds in front of him part, to let a cloaked figure pass through.

daveb: Who are you?

The figure just stands in front of him and doesn't answer.

daveb: WHO ARE YOU?!

The figure crouches down. Slowly he takes off his mask, but before we can see his face, we cut to a close up of daveb's eyes. While we can't see him, from his voice we know it's....Alpha_One

AO: Oh I think you know me.....daveb.

daveb: No...NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

cut to black


Offline mikhael

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  • Fnord!
Just another day at HLP...
Originally posted by an0n

Because it's fiction.


That prison guard did think it was fiction. He was all over Thorn like a fanboy on Natalie Portman. I still have the video if you'd like to see. ;)
[I am not really here. This post is entirely a figment of your imagination.]


Offline Unknown Target

  • Get off my lawn!
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  • Push.Pull?
Just another day at HLP...


Offline Gortef

  • 210
  • A meat popsicle
Just another day at HLP...
Wooee! That's one fine story you got there UT, good job :nod:

It has an actual plot, and when it at first seemed to be just a humorous tale (as Thunder said...) it begins to feel like a real actionthriller :D
Habeeb it...


Offline Darkage

  • 211
Just another day at HLP...
Now this is very cool ! we want more !...I loved the combat part !
[email protected]
Returned from the dead.