Author Topic: Freespace 2: First Person Shooter  (Read 46735 times)

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Offline Bobboau

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
if you'r going to do this then I sudgest you try working it in stages, first thing, try and get a simple multi player thing going, try to get three or four tarren and Vasudan charicter models and some weaponsworking in game and a hand ful of simple multi-player maps
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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
I think I would find it easier to use a single-player map, that way I dont have to worry about player stats, respawn times, and so on and so fourth. I've never made multiplayer maps before, but I'll consider the idea. Maybe it will be easier.

But my first priority will be just to get the player in a room with a Vasudan, a Terran, and a Shivan all standing idle while he can walk around and observe them and his surroundings. Cool stuff and all that...

Edit: The images are up, but for some reason its got the Tripod sign...
« Last Edit: March 14, 2004, 11:19:36 pm by 1718 »


Offline Janos

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter, so we don't rape your site and bandwidth and all can see the pics.
lol wtf


Offline Ghostavo

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
But will HL2 support a radar thingy such as the one AvsP2 has?

Also, AvsP2 seems to be suficient to support a FS FPS (there is a thing such as too much textures and graphics).
"Closing the Box" - a campaign in the making :nervous:

Shrike is a dirty dirty admin, he's the destroyer of souls... oh god, let it be glue...

Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
one thing, TC, use a simple, low spec engine, so that everyone can play, something like Half Life 1.

Also, start of as bob said, throw in a few simple character models, one or two weapons, and put it all in a simple space ship map.
just another newbie without any modding, FREDding or real programming experience

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
Meh. They made Half Life 2 able to run on very very low-end computers. That brings me to the idea that I would be able to complete a MOD much easier and much more pleasing (especially for its good eye candy and physics. You just dont have that with Half Life. It's even more dated then AvP2).

Aliens vs Predator 2 has some very weird problems with it, meaning that MODing the game takes quite a while, and it's near impossible to make character models that make sense. That's why there are few to none. Major modding usually consists of level making, changing skins and colors for weapons, so on and so fourth.

I've made up my mind. You guys dont have to help if you dont feel up to it. Thats ok. That way, no one has to scour for a game that everyone else has, when we can all just buy it at once. I would have bought it anyway, MOD or not. But, I got a free copy, thanks to my Radeon 9600 XT purchase. I think I get it some time after it comes out... I dont know.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2004, 10:01:59 am by 1718 »


Offline Janos

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
But isn't Half-Life 2 still unpublished? :confused:
lol wtf


Offline Ghostavo

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
They made Half Life 2 able to run on very very low-end computers.

How do you know that? The minimum requirements are still unknown!?!?!
"Closing the Box" - a campaign in the making :nervous:

Shrike is a dirty dirty admin, he's the destroyer of souls... oh god, let it be glue...


Offline Flipside

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
Starting a Mod on a game that isn't officially completed may not be the best direction to take ;)
Unreal 2k3 - 2k4 have Radar modes on them, and vehicle support and support for most of the kind of games that this would involve (Deathmatch, Domination and Assualt would probs be similar to the 'type' of gameplay you are looking for).
Personally, I'd recommend this, though, it's your baby, so it's up to you :)


Offline Janos

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
Operation Flashpoint.
"DAMN... 1... IS DOWN"
lol wtf


Offline Fineus

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
I'd like to echo the whole "a game that looks nice" thing... nobody but the die-hards will show interest in this if you use an anchient engine. UT2K3 or anything newer should be good. HL2 would be very nice to work with I'm guessing... but it's not out yet.

Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
Originally posted by Ghostavo

How do you know that? The minimum requirements are still unknown!?!?!

Actually, I know this because I read up that it could ACTUALLY run on a ATI Rage Pro (very, very, very old card) with low settings on. The source engine adapts to the computer and basically runs itself. That is the same thing Half Life 1 did. Besides, the guys even SAID that it would run on low-end machines. But regardless, if you guys can run FS2 just fine, then you should run Half Life 2 just fine. Trust me, I looked a lot of stuff up on this game. Ive got that 650 Megabite showcase E3 video. Does anyone else have it?

But I want to start on a game that is NOT already made, so that I have time to get all my **** together, as well as get the hang of using 3D Max. I'd like to get up on some level design, as well as character plans, weapons, etc. It takes time to plan a game, and thats how all games start off as: an idea. THEN they put it into action after getting some concept art, some ideas, and everything else put together. I plan to consult with a few friends of mine for ideas. If you guys want to add anything, please do. Any help would be appreciated.


Offline Flipside

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
I've seen some of the showcase, but I always get bored watching them things, I just read the minimum specs when I buy a game anyway :D

Good luck with it, I'm way too tied up with RL, TI, TVWP and a whole host of other acronyms to help at this moment.
To be blunt, the best way to attract people is to prove it, too many of us have jumped on bandwagons to nowhere, so I think people want to see some hard evidence before they'll commit their time.


Offline Ghostavo

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
I run FS2 with every little detail in max fine, in my older pc (PII 266MHz 128MB RAM). I doubt HL2 can even get 1 FPS.

Define low-end pc.
"Closing the Box" - a campaign in the making :nervous:

Shrike is a dirty dirty admin, he's the destroyer of souls... oh god, let it be glue...


Offline Lightspeed

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
You know, this thread is starting to be entertaining.

:) especially at the noob comment and the "megabite" :D

Back on topic, Flipside is 100% right with his last post.
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Offline Raven2001

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter

Originally posted by AlphaOne
Well i'm not even going to try and post some of mi ideas because I would eventualy get kicked around all over this BB.Also i'm not going to try and say enithing "bad" or say mi point of view regarding the ideas posted in this thread because the result would be the same:
(AlphaOne+ideas(good or bad)="I'm going to hold the off much longer!"
"Cover me....,cover meeee...."
Command:"AlphaOne is toast...,I repeat AlphaOne is toats..!"
For cring out loud this place used to be a fun place to visit state ideas and opinions regardeless thei were goo or bad,regardeless of the fact that you said that FS was a good game not so goo game or what ever you get the poin.
The atitude of some of you guis *SUCKS* BIG TIME .
That is all I had to say.
Did eny of you think that maibe for some of the modders out there it mai be easear to mod a FPS....due to more experience in this area..???

How would you know?  
Plus, the thing is, AO...ah, actually, Flipside explains it best. Most of us have been here for longer than a couple months, and the new guys that come in here saying that everyone is not a "true Freespace fan" for not coming to aid them in some pie-in-the-sky mod idea, is definately going to offend a lot of people. And, like Flipside said, most of us are working on our OWN mods, and have some idea of the actual work required, unlike Tin Can and yourself, who probably have not done a major mod as of yet (you may have, I don't know).

Unknown Target: Have you ever thought that this kind of projects die because many people just like to act like the @ss you are being??
Have you ever thought that many "n00bs" come and go because they aren't given the oportunity to prove themselves, because they are flamed for every and each sentence they write??
Have you ever thought that most of the times it is you/us "Great War Veterans" that are wrong??

Have you ever at least tried to think!?!?!?! I don't think you have...

AlphaOne: You are more than right...

Tin Can: I'm on this community for 3 years now, and I'd love to see an FPS mod of FS. So I say GO FOR IT, and I truly hope you have more strenght and dedication than the former beginners of an idea like this. I truly hope that you will have more strenght than the Vets who think they are gods now, than the Vets who failed and are failing miserably, although they can't see it...
« Last Edit: March 15, 2004, 04:07:59 pm by 206 »
Yeah, I know you were waiting for a very nice sig, in which I was quoting some very famous scientist or philosopher... guess what?!? I wont indulge you...

Why, you ask? What, do I look like a Shivan to you?!?

Raven is a god.


Offline Raven2001

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
To the whole community: I think that you should lay the eyes on this kind of threads when many oldtimers act like dumbasses, where they are the first to take years to get their projects going... I've wondered why before, but I know the answer now: Because many people who help on projects really don't give a damn about it, they say "sure I'll help" and then do zer0. And then of course comes the "too much RL issues" stuff...
And then when they see a kickass model in the forums they all drool and say "Release! I want that for my XXYYZZ campaign!!!". Why? Because they only think on their goddamn @ss and love to have everything at their doorstep... but that's not how life works...

I say put your eyes on the SCP team. I'm sure they have as much RL issues as you, but they care for what they do, and want to see it done. So they do it and at amazing speeds. I too have RL issues and help as I can in some projects when tasks are given to me, and although not as fast as I work for my own project (of course... to me what is mine :rolleyes: ), I DO THINGS for those projects...

Conclusions: Ask for the help of others, yes. But also help the others. Because neither you nor the others can do everything by themselves alone...

I know that this post will be target to all kind of flaming, but I really don't care: my conscience is clean and I know that I'm right...
Yeah, I know you were waiting for a very nice sig, in which I was quoting some very famous scientist or philosopher... guess what?!? I wont indulge you...

Why, you ask? What, do I look like a Shivan to you?!?

Raven is a god.


Offline Kosh

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
You do have a valid (and good) point. I personally would love to help, but I have no skills and when I'm at my university I tend to drift away from online things (because I would much rather be with my friends than sitting in front of my computer, I can do THAT at home).
"The reason for this is that the original Fortran got so convoluted and extensive (10's of millions of lines of code) that no-one can actually figure out how it works, there's a massive project going on to decode the original Fortran and write a more modern system, but until then, the UK communication network is actually relying heavily on 35 year old Fortran that nobody understands." - Flipside

Brain I/O error
Replace and press any key


Offline Flipside

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Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
We are not saying it's impossible Raven, Twisted Infinities is over two years old, the team has been, mainly, 3 dedicated members, with the much appreciated addition of more in recent months. How did we get these 'more?'. By banging away at the idea until we had some stuff to show the community.

During this time, Sectorgame went down for quite a while, for a great deal of reasons from viruses to a squiffy ISP. But we endured through all of that and are still going. All in all I'm extremely proud of the team, but it was that perseverance and doggedness on the part of a very small number of people that made it happen. I think you'll find that is the truth for a great many mods on HLP.

I wonder how many Mods have 'tried and died' in the history of HLP. No-one wants to do loads of work only to find a key member of the team loses interest or motivation halfway through and the forum ends up being silent for months.

That's all we are saying Raven, not that it's not worth the effort, but simply that you have to 'prove' you are behind your own intentions, it's easy to be excited about something at first, but six months down the line and nose deep in script it's another story.

I hope this does get off the ground, and if it does and I'm able to, I will help if my help is wanted. The SCP guys have a slightly different manner of working to us, the adjustments they make to the engine are for the Modders to tweak, and tweaking takes far far longer, even if it's technically easier.

EDIT : Oh yes, and don't even think of accusing me of not DOING STUFF for my own projects, because you don't have the faintest idea HOW much I have done so far for my project.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2004, 12:23:05 pm by 394 »

Freespace 2: First Person Shooter
@ Raven2001... I love you...

@ The rest of you: I at least PLAN to get this project SOMEWHERE floating off the ground at a decent height... maybe even let it soar... but I am going to need all the help I can get.

Map Working/Modeling/Weapon Editing/Advisors is not a one-man job. I guess I'll have a signup section, with a link to the tools and positions set up.