Author Topic: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.15.0-dev+73b131a (combined launcher/installer)  (Read 466695 times)

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
These are the files I have been using for Freespace 2 Open for awhile now. They were used for IL-2 1946 OpenGL as well.


Offline ngld

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
@jr2: Sorry, I always used ReShade with DirectX games which is why I immediately thought of that. ReShade also has an OGL wrapper which works the same way.

@OverDhill: Thanks, I'll see if I can get that to run with Knossos.


Offline jr2

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
@ngld: might want to check the newest version (3.1.0) as well, can't hurt to poke at it:

EDIT: Oh, hey!  ReShade is Open Source now, didn't know that!


Offline Firesteel

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
Couple things that have been on my mind for a while regarding Knossos (that I'm sure are buried somewhere).

First is regarding the command line arguments/settings. (Aside from not working from what I can tell) are they intended to be implemented on a per mod basis? Like if I have different arguments on FSPort, FSPort MediaVPs, MediaVPs, and ST:R, which would be used?

Second are there any plans in the future to allow updating dependencies through the GUI? For example letting people hook up Homesick to the 2014 mediaVPs? The ini files were fairly easy to do that for compared to the new jsons.

Amazing progress on this project though you guys!
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Offline ngld

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
The command line flags should be working. The way it currently works is that Knossos saves the enabled flags for each mod and uses them whenever you start that mod. This means that the dependencies can't influence the flags at all (that'd make this waaay too complex to handle).
You can see (and edit) the currently enabled flags by going to your Home tab, clicking on the little arrow on any of your installed mods and clicking on "FSO Settings".
I'm currently working on implementing global flags which will allow you to set the flags on your settings screen for all mods while still allowing you to set mod-specific command lines.

The question about modifying mods has been brought up before on Discord and I plan to add an option which will allow you to switch a mod into dev mode. That will cause it to show up on your dev tab where you can change everything related to the mod including dependencies.


Offline Firesteel

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
Awesome thanks!

I don't know how the command line stuff works under the hood, but would there be a way to do a global one similar to wxLauncher that could then be overriden on a per mod basis?
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Offline ngld

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
I'm currently working on implementing global flags which will allow you to set the flags on your settings screen for all mods while still allowing you to set mod-specific command lines.


Offline PIe

  • 28
Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
Second are there any plans in the future to allow updating dependencies through the GUI? For example letting people hook up Homesick to the 2014 mediaVPs? The ini files were fairly easy to do that for compared to the new jsons.
For the time being, the best workaround is to create a new blank mod and add Homesick and MVPs 3.7.2 (aka 2014) as dependencies.
[6:23 PM] PIe: why do I have the feeling that I shouldn't be able to give orders to 22nd armored hq
[6:24 PM] Axem: 22nd armored hq, i order you to get me a cup of coffee
[6:24 PM] PIe: and donuts
[6:25 PM] Axem: :O
[6:25 PM] Axem: am i under arrest
[6:26 PM] [`_`]/: no, just please step out of the myrmidon
[6:26 PM] [`_`]/: you have so much to fred for

[9:50 PM] Sottises: wait did you do vassago's verge?
[9:50 PM] Sottises: .. dirge?
[9:50 PM] Axem: yes
[9:50 PM] Sottises: ohh
[9:50 PM] Sottises: well I have that and JAD too
[9:50 PM] Axem: :)
[9:50 PM] Sottises: what a contrast of themes lmao
[9:50 PM] Axem: isnt it
[9:51 PM] Axem: super grimdark thriller about unknowable alien intelligence and over the top colorful action about friendship
[9:51 PM] PIe: jad is grimdark???
[9:51 PM] Axem: :skull:


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
I think we covered this on Discord already.

I am very against creating a special UI for users to mod a mod by altering dependencies. If you want to do that, that's what the Dev tab is for.

Outside of user preferences (command line flags), no modding should be built into the Home or Explore tabs.
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Offline ngld

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
I have good news and bad news: ReShade works fine if you copy the files into the same directory as fs2_open...exe. The bad news is that nothing else (short of injecting the DLL which I'd like to avoid) seems to work.
This means that you'll have to copy the files for every FSO version installed and every time Knossos updates FSO.
The best solution that I've been able to come up with is to copy everything from a special override_dlls folder into FSO's folder whenever Knossos launches FSO. However, if I implement that, I'll make Knossos delete the files once FSO quits to avoid leaving clutter. I'll also prevent anything in override_dlls from overwriting FSO's files (like the FFmpeg DLLs) because I couldn't reverse that without making backup copies which would make this even more complicated.


Offline jr2

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
I have good news and bad news: ReShade works fine if you copy the files into the same directory as fs2_open...exe. The bad news is that nothing else (short of injecting the DLL which I'd like to avoid) seems to work.
This means that you'll have to copy the files for every FSO version installed and every time Knossos updates FSO.
The best solution that I've been able to come up with is to copy everything from a special override_dlls folder into FSO's folder whenever Knossos launches FSO. However, if I implement that, I'll make Knossos delete the files once FSO quits to avoid leaving clutter. I'll also prevent anything in override_dlls from overwriting FSO's files (like the FFmpeg DLLs) because I couldn't reverse that without making backup copies which would make this even more complicated.

Is there anyone at ReShade that can work around that from their end?  Probably too busy or whatever, but you never know..


Offline ngld

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
I don't think this is something the ReShade devs can fix. For ReShade to work Windows has to load ReShade's DLL instead of the "official" OpenGL32.dll (which in most cases is in C:\Windows\System32). If you take a look at MS' documentation, you'll see that Windows first checks the EXE's folder and then the system directory. The result is that unless you want to inject the DLL, you'll have to place it in the EXE's directory.
You could use the current working directory or the PATH to modify this in the past, however, some malicious software abused this fact which is why it's not possible anymore.


Offline eisberg

  • 24
Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
Norton Security Suite keeps on deleting the files

Filename: knossos.exe
Threat name: Heur.AdvML.BFull Path: d:\games\knossos\knossos.exe



On computers as of 
1/16/2018 at 5:59:46 AM

Last Used 
1/16/2018 at 6:01:47 AM

Startup Item 


Threat type: Heuristic Virus. Detection of a threat based on malware heuristics.


knossos.exe Threat name: Heur.AdvML.B

Very Few Users
Fewer than 5 users in the Norton Community have used this file.

This file was released 10 days ago.

This file risk is high.


Source: External Media

Source File:


File Actions

File: d:\games\knossos\ knossos.exe Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\knossos\ mods.json Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\knossos\ settings.json Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\knossos\ log.txt Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\hardlightproductions\freespaceopen\data\ cmdline_fso.cfg Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\hardlightproductions\freespaceopen\ fs2_open.ini Threat Removed
Directory: c:\users\ryann\appdata\local\temp\ comtypes_cache Removed
Directory: c:\users\ryann\appdata\local\temp\comtypes_cache\ knossos-36 Threat Removed

Registry Actions

Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_0A5D\ DeviceInstances->8&8655AF1&0&0001:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_1532&PID_0037\ DeviceInstances->7&2AADE4A5&0&0001:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_1532&PID_0037\ DeviceInstances->7&2AADE4A5&0&0002:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_1532&PID_0037\ DeviceInstances->7&2AADE4A5&0&0003:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_C31C\ DeviceInstances->9&17779FC4&0&0000:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_1532&PID_0037\ DeviceInstances->7&2AADE4A5&0&0004:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_C31C\ DeviceInstances->9&17779FC4&0&0001:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_0A5B\ DeviceInstances->7&394501CC&0&0000:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_C31C\ DeviceInstances->9&17779FC4&0&0002:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_0A5B\ DeviceInstances->7&394501CC&0&0001:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_0A5B\ DeviceInstances->7&394501CC&0&0002:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_0A5B\ DeviceInstances->7&394501CC&0&0003:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_0A5D\ DeviceInstances->8&8655AF1&0&0000:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_044F&PID_FFFF\ DeviceInstances->2&1A4798ED&0&0000:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired

File Thumbprint - SHA:
6820d53c5b2b0360fc6740576026e6c433eb1c93babf690e9492a05337f879 cf
File Thumbprint - MD5:


Offline Spoon

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
Avast also likes deleting the Knossos files

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline chief1983

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
is there a voluntary method to submit to these companies the source and binary examples so they stop doing that?
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline ngld

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
Threat type: Heuristic Virus. Detection of a threat based on malware heuristics.
Heuristic means that Norton thinks that Knossos could be a virus due to a few indicators, which are:

Very Few Users
Fewer than 5 users in the Norton Community have used this file.
Not suprising given that only some people on this forum have installed Knossos and I'm not sure how many of those even use Norton.

This file was released 10 days ago.
Not actually true. The file was released 12 days ago but I guess Norton saw it for the first time 10 days ago.

This file risk is high.
Not exactly sure why it thinks the file is risky.

File: d:\games\knossos\ knossos.exe Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\knossos\ mods.json Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\knossos\ settings.json Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\knossos\ log.txt Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\hardlightproductions\freespaceopen\data\ cmdline_fso.cfg Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\hardlightproductions\freespaceopen\ fs2_open.ini Threat Removed
Directory: c:\users\ryann\appdata\local\temp\ comtypes_cache Removed
Directory: c:\users\ryann\appdata\local\temp\comtypes_cache\ knossos-36 Threat Removed
Well, those are all harmless text files. Those aren't threats but they were created by Knossos.

Registry Actions

Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_0A5D\ DeviceInstances->8&8655AF1&0&0001:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_044F&PID_FFFF\ DeviceInstances->2&1A4798ED&0&0000:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Knossos doesn't actually use these registry keys. However, it uses SDL2 which uses DirectInput.

File Thumbprint - SHA:
6820d53c5b2b0360fc6740576026e6c433eb1c93babf690e9492a05337f879 cf
Now, if you take that hash and go to VirusTotal, you get this page:
Which will tell you that only a few (7 out of 67) AV scanners think that this file is suspicious. Hell, even Symantec (the company which owns Norton) marks the file as clean.

So... nothing I can really do about that. If possible, you should report it as a false positive and add an exception but otherwise... that's it. AVs nowadays just hate rare unknown files.
One solution would be to sign the executables because that'd prove that they came from me but... honestly? I don't see why I should verify my identity and pay a bunch of money just to have some AVs not mark my program as suspicious.


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
Or people should stop using bloatware anti-virus like Norton....

Cutscene Upgrade Project - Mainhall Remakes - Between the Ashes
Youtube Channel - P3D Model Box
Between the Ashes is looking for committed testers, PM me for details.
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Offline eisberg

  • 24
Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
Threat type: Heuristic Virus. Detection of a threat based on malware heuristics.
Heuristic means that Norton thinks that Knossos could be a virus due to a few indicators, which are:

Very Few Users
Fewer than 5 users in the Norton Community have used this file.
Not suprising given that only some people on this forum have installed Knossos and I'm not sure how many of those even use Norton.

This file was released 10 days ago.
Not actually true. The file was released 12 days ago but I guess Norton saw it for the first time 10 days ago.

This file risk is high.
Not exactly sure why it thinks the file is risky.

File: d:\games\knossos\ knossos.exe Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\knossos\ mods.json Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\knossos\ settings.json Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\knossos\ log.txt Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\hardlightproductions\freespaceopen\data\ cmdline_fso.cfg Threat Removed
File: c:\users\ryann\appdata\roaming\hardlightproductions\freespaceopen\ fs2_open.ini Threat Removed
Directory: c:\users\ryann\appdata\local\temp\ comtypes_cache Removed
Directory: c:\users\ryann\appdata\local\temp\comtypes_cache\ knossos-36 Threat Removed
Well, those are all harmless text files. Those aren't threats but they were created by Knossos.

Registry Actions

Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_046D&PID_0A5D\ DeviceInstances->8&8655AF1&0&0001:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Registry change: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1795443936-2587830784-1468899020-1001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_044F&PID_FFFF\ DeviceInstances->2&1A4798ED&0&0000:..., Registry Hive: 64 bit Repaired
Knossos doesn't actually use these registry keys. However, it uses SDL2 which uses DirectInput.

File Thumbprint - SHA:
6820d53c5b2b0360fc6740576026e6c433eb1c93babf690e9492a05337f879 cf
Now, if you take that hash and go to VirusTotal, you get this page:
Which will tell you that only a few (7 out of 67) AV scanners think that this file is suspicious. Hell, even Symantec (the company which owns Norton) marks the file as clean.

So... nothing I can really do about that. If possible, you should report it as a false positive and add an exception but otherwise... that's it. AVs nowadays just hate rare unknown files.
One solution would be to sign the executables because that'd prove that they came from me but... honestly? I don't see why I should verify my identity and pay a bunch of money just to have some AVs not mark my program as suspicious.

yeah, I didn't have any doubts about it, and knew it was done through the Heuristics system.  It happened to me yesterday as well, and then I did an exception for it, but for some reason it still did the same thing today.  So now I told Norton to not even bother scanning the folder and the file, so hopefully that will prevent it from happening again.

I wanted to let you know cause I am not sure if there was something you could possibly do or not.


Offline eisberg

  • 24
Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
Or people should stop using bloatware anti-virus like Norton....


meh, I got it free from Comcast.  This is the first time I ever had a problem like this.  This is the first time that telling it to exclude it in future scans didn't work.  No reason to not keep using Norton.


Offline jr2

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Re: PUBLIC BETA: Knossos 0.7.8 (combined launcher/installer)
I don't think this is something the ReShade devs can fix. For ReShade to work Windows has to load ReShade's DLL instead of the "official" OpenGL32.dll (which in most cases is in C:\Windows\System32). If you take a look at MS' documentation, you'll see that Windows first checks the EXE's folder and then the system directory. The result is that unless you want to inject the DLL, you'll have to place it in the EXE's directory.
You could use the current working directory or the PATH to modify this in the past, however, some malicious software abused this fact which is why it's not possible anymore.
