Author Topic: BtA Bug Report Thread  (Read 84315 times)

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I need more info on that one. A screenshot of the debriefing would help. That mission has a pretty complicated debriefing set and if you did not scan a freighter, you cannot continue because the next mission pretty much depends on that.

I thought so. But then, shouldn't scan the freighters be a primary objective? RIght now it's clearly marked as a secondary one. So you complete all primary objective then get told you failed the mission. that is very strange.

BTW, now on the 2nd mission, no more problems so far, love the campaign!


Offline mjn.mixael

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Because objectives are shown at the end of the briefing, they are more of a story telling element than a mission pass/fail element. You go into the mission not knowing you'll need to scan a freighter, so it cannot be a primary objective. This kind of thing is done a few times in FS1/2 as well. You start a mission thinking you'll be doing one thing but events work out such that that's impossible and instead have to do something different.
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Okay, but at the moment you get the objective shouldn't it be then marked as primary? Or is that impossible? I mean at that point command clearly knows how important that scan is, and more importnat then saving one or two containers...

Anyway, great campaign in general!

and another one! well, I decided I was getting tired of being killed in 5 seconds in mission 2 (you are supposed to play this campaign on medium right?) so I destroyed all the turrets before inspecting the containers and freighters.

Now the CI unit is sent in by command, but mission never progresses anymore at all... :-(

Umh, not really a bug, but, is the 2nd mission supposed to be THIS hard? I keep trying and trying and trying (on easy) but my wingmates are slaughtered in 5 seconds as soon as the shooting begins and the transport escaped even if I catch up with it and hammer it's engines continuously with dual subsystem damaging cannons...  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :confused: :confused: :mad: :mad: :hopping:


Offline mjn.mixael

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If the CI unit is sent in, the mission is over and you should have an RTB directive.

As for the difficulty, why are you destroying the turrets rather than reprogramming them? I mean, if you're having trouble on Easy on this mission, the turrets won't help a whole lot, but they will help.

Are you using the Disruptor to damage the engines or something else? How long are you waiting before trying to disable it?
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Offline xenocartographer

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I've found that C-3-9, then an opportunistic dash at the transport, is an effective tactic there, on both Medium and Hard. You can also use your Harpoons to help disable it - iirc, two linked salvos will disable an Elysium with only moderate hull damage.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 03:39:44 pm by xenocartographer »

i didn't get any checkpoints in Groundhog Day and have to repeat the artillery practice every time, is there a fix to that?
Thank you!!


Offline mjn.mixael

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The one thing I'm not sure was fixed in the latest patch was the Groundhog Day checkpoints. They look pretty straightforward, but let me know. They only save in a campaign playthrough, fyi. They will not work from the tech room.
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Offline CT27

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I'm still looking into that particular issue.

Any luck with that?


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Sort of. The issue is that those entries become available only when playing in the campaign (and before the most recent patch, only if you never skipped a mission ever in any way) having successfully completed a mission.

So I've got a fix that will allow skipping and still make the entries available, but you'll have to play a mission in the campaign to get all the entries to appear. Playing from the tech room won't work.
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Offline CT27

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Thanks.  I take it you'll post here when that fix is available?


Offline mjn.mixael

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Yes. Watch the release thread for updates.
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Offline eicca

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Alright. In "Going out with a bang" are the enemy decoy fighters supposed to be 42,000 away?


Offline mjn.mixael

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Alright. In "Going out with a bang" are the enemy decoy fighters supposed to be 42,000 away?

Um, no. There is nothing in the mission logic that should cause that. Are you playing on 3.7.4?
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Offline eicca

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Alright. In "Going out with a bang" are the enemy decoy fighters supposed to be 42,000 away?

Um, no. There is nothing in the mission logic that should cause that. Are you playing on 3.7.4?

3.7.4 official. It looks like right at mission start they turn tail and head away from the battle at top speed and by the time I have to chase them down they've made it to 42 klicks out.


Offline mjn.mixael

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That sounds like an SCP bug of some sort... I've never seen that happen in my playthroughs, though.

I double checked the mission file. They have orders to protect an object near the Cardinal. I also checked some of the other invisible objects and things we use in the mission that could be causing it by the AI trying to attack it.. but all those objects are protected, so that can't happen.

I've heard a few others mention fighter AIs flying off into the sunset in random missions... so I'm going to go with SCP bug for now.
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Offline Nemesis6

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Something's up with the wingmen in the "Rebels and Revolutionaries" mission -- I noticed that after the first drone ship is destroyed, I was always alone in attacking the drone ships, so I look where my wingmen are, and they'll be a few clicks back, not attacking the enemy, but just idly flying around not trying engage the bad guys, and ordering them to engage doesn't work. If one is not attacked, they disengage totally and just kind of fly around. This is with the 3.7.4 AVX build by the way.


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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I'm playing the Texas Seven. If you fly to the Cardinal before the escape pods carrying Ozymandias and co. arrive, you can destroy enough of them to softlock the mission. Also, it is possible to disable the Cardinal before it escapes.
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Offline mjn.mixael

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Can't say you didn't ask for it. :)

Will be in the next update.
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