Author Topic: Welcome Everyone!  (Read 3856 times)

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Offline Fineus

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    • Hard Light Productions
Welcome to the new Hard Light Art forum! This is on a trial basis to see how things work out (considering that the results of the poll were only slightly in favour of its creation over leaving everything as it was). However lets give it a go and see how we get on.

This forum is for all kinds of art - it doesn't have to be renders. It can be anything else that takes your fancy as well such as writing or music. No general theme either - it's only restriction is that it must be art related. I'll be moving any threads I see in the main forum regarding art from there to here from now on so I ask you to save me the trouble and just post it straight into here from now on.

Enjoy everyone!


Offline Stunaep

  • Thread Necrotech.... we bring the dead to life!
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now this is something happening!!! well, good luck.
"Post-counts are like digital penises. That's why I don't like Shrike playing with mine." - an0n
Bah. You're an admin, you've had practice at this spanking business. - Odyssey


Offline Black Wolf

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I didn't know this had been finalized as yet. Good stuff.
Rarely Updated P3D.
Burn the heretic who killed F2S! Burn him, burn him!!- GalEmp


Offline Redfang

  • 28
Nice. :)
Was this the reason that forums were slow and not very functional yesterday?


Offline Fineus

  • ...But you *have* heard of me.
  • Administrator
  • 212
    • Hard Light Productions


Offline Redfang

  • 28
Actually, were they slow and gave 404 errors for others, too? Or only for me? :doubt:


Offline Unidan

  • 28
woo! i've been waiting for this for a long time ;)
I'll think of a siggie later..


Offline Corsair

  • Gull Wings Rule
  • 29
Maybe this will bring a new influx of art and stuff....I hope
Wash: This landing's gonna get pretty interesting.
Mal: Define "interesting".
Wash: *shrug* "Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die"?
Mal: This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode.


Offline Redfang

  • 28
Originally posted by Corsair
Maybe this will bring a new influx of art and stuff....I hope

Seems like that, in a few days there is already almost a page of renders and stuff... even if some of them are moved from elsewhere.