SR is the best mod in the whole ****ing universe! It's way better then the best rated 3A games ever published! None of our assets is lower then 500k tris! Our missions are absolutely bugless! Our writing is better then Philip K. Dick! You guys should drop development of everything else, as SR will certainly outshine everything you make! Huh! You just should stop breathing, eating and even existing at all, because who needs such activities, when you can play SR all day long and your entire life!
- Anybody have seen advertisement like that? No.
- Do SR think about itself this way? No.
Because blah blah no obligatory "best mod" exist, because each mod is different, because modmakers have varied taste and different ideas, because mod diversity is what's the best thing here, because grass is green, because butter is buttery and because blah blah insert rest of the obvious stuff here.
- Can people see and read "2020 Futuristic Sim" capitalized, and coming with "ModDB's MotYA" in the title? They obviously can.
But pfff...
- Did we explain it before? Yes.
- Is this a reason to turn it into another drama with tons of ****posting? No.
- Is this an opportunity to turn it into another drama? Apparently for some people obviously yes.
Okay, lelz is fun but let's get to the merits.
From my perspective I feel little to no need to add something like "This is not selfish and arrogant statement of SR team, but annoucement of MotY contest results" because I don't see people here as incompetent. Also there is no arbitrary rule here that imperatively dictates that "ModDB sucks balls". If somebody is biased against ModDB, it's an issue of this very individual. Not mine, not rest of the team, and not those who actively browse or participy in daily ModDB life. I assume that some of the people here do care. If one does not, move along.
However the issues have been noted. Fortunately we have services of professional editor available, so our news will be redacted by coherent pair of eyes to avoid confusing situations in the upcoming future.
Now plz, calm down, return home and be a family people. Nyx signing off, returning to his shadowy lair of everlasting torments to forge more ships. Don't force me to come back here to kill another thread. Any interpersonal issues may be discussed somewhere else, as this thread diverged enough from it's original purpose.