Author Topic: Official new people thread!  (Read 245691 times)

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Offline deathspeed

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Re: Official new people thread!
Here is one of the more recent threads on joysticks:

And here is one on using multiple controllers:

Good luck!
Maybe someday God will give you a little pink toaster of your own.


Offline amm0eater

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Re: Official new people thread!
Thanks for the information, I appreciate the warm welcome.  :)


Offline OrdoCorvus

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Re: Official new people thread!
Hi everybody,

New here, long(long) time freespace fan.

I've got a mod project in the conceptual stage, and I was hoping to find some like-minded people to see about maybe getting it past that stage.

Happy to be here.

Re: Official new people thread!
We'd be happy to help :) Welcome to HLP.


Offline OrdoCorvus

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Re: Official new people thread!
We'd be happy to help :) Welcome to HLP.


Is there a proper place to put up a thread to discuss such a thing?


Offline Black Wolf

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Re: Official new people thread!
Either FS Modding or Missions and Campaigns, depending on the precise nature of what you want to do.
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Offline OrdoCorvus

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Re: Official new people thread!
Either FS Modding or Missions and Campaigns, depending on the precise nature of what you want to do.

Thanks! I'll head over there.


Offline BugMeNot

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Re: Official new people thread!
I am revisiting FreeSpace2 and I'd like a little clarification and or recommendations concerning few things I encountered on the forum.

ATM I have the FP2 gog installed**. Download recent openAL and FP2 open RC4, and currently downloading MediaVPs 2014.
** It was faster than ransacking the attic for the CDs

1. If I understand correctly that should give me a more polished original FreeSpace2 Experience (i.e. interface, voice acting, textures etc).
2. I was also looking for extra content/mods and here is trouble, since i pretty much drowned in huge list of links for campaigns and what not (e.g. I need advice which extra I highly recommended (and compatible) to start with after I finish the Original.



Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Re: Official new people thread!
I was also looking for extra content/mods and here is trouble, since i pretty much drowned in huge list of links for campaigns and what not (e.g. I need advice which extra I highly recommended (and compatible) to start with after I finish the Original.
Try this.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline BugMeNot

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Re: Official new people thread!
Thank you, its very helpful in conjunction with automated installer.

Another question, is there way to replay a mission after accepting its outcome? I had to go, so I "aborted" a mission early, trying to get out fast I think I  unintentionally hit "yes" on accept mission outcome (expecting a "yes" i am sure I want to exit) So now that I am back, I only see the next mission and no apparent way (to me) to go back to the previous one. ( Wasn't there a button at the top left screen that allowed to reply missions?! )

So, is there any way to go back one mission through the interface any other way(save editing?), so I don't have to the restart the whole campaign? I am playing FS2 with FSport v3.4.


Offline Parias

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Re: Official new people thread!
Certainly - your best best is to go into the "Tech Room" in the main menu screen, then go into the Mission Simulator. You can then choose to play past missions in the campaign that you're currently on.

Bear in mind though that this won't have any impact on your campaign progress - if you're looking to replay a mission because you failed a secondary objective or something for example and have it reflect properly in your campaign progress, you will indeed need to restart the campaign.


Offline BugMeNot

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Re: Official new people thread!


Offline Jackho

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Re: Official new people thread!
Hi people!

Yes I'm new here, yes I did purchase every freespace|freespace2 games I found eversince I new them. And yes I definitely wanted to try this opensource version because I found that such space simulation was peerless (except descent3 maybe, but it's not exactly the same  :v: ).
So while I'm downloading last version of mediavps and every single mission I'll find on this forum I really wanted to thank all people who made it happen, I'm so sorry I can't express what I feel about this game to you coders, graphics and sound designers because of my monkey english. These new graphics are what we(well, me), as young gamers expected to see when buying the game but it was a time when lack of technology power couldn't give us what we hoped for, now here it is... and... I mean... I really love this game so much now (again! )
Jack H. : "Well... There's much more to check than six..."


Offline DudeMannerisms

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Re: Official new people thread!
Being a Freespace fan since I was 5, I love the fact that there's a fairly large community who still play the game. I think you modders are all cool, but i don't like the fact that sometimes a big mod is promised and hyped up, only for the author to disappear or cancel it altogether.


Offline z64555

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Re: Official new people thread!
Being a Freespace fan since I was 5, I love the fact that there's a fairly large community who still play the game. I think you modders are all cool, but i don't like the fact that sometimes a big mod is promised and hyped up, only for the author to disappear or cancel it altogether.

This is something that's common to any modding community. You have to remember that mods are the fruit of peoples' labors during their free time, and is thus at the mercy of the developer's desires and misfortunes. A lot of mods die when the chief developer can no longer commit enough time to their development, likely due to real-life circumstances such as a death in the family or the requirement to work longer hours (thus having no free time or energy left). Other mods die when the developer loses the will to make the mod in the first place, also likely due to real-life events but can also be due to lack of interest from the community.

Indeed, there's a large number of turns that can kill a mod, so you must try to focus on the positive and encourage the ones in development, appreciate and respect the ones that have succeeded, and have hope for the ones that have not. Trying to pin blame or angst to the developers is not healthy, and in fact discourages the growth of other mods. Feel like a beloved mod isn't being finished fast enough? Offer your skills, or at the least let the developers know that you have them in your heart.
Secure the Source, Contain the Code, Protect the Project

funtapaz: Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Juche.
z64555: s/J/Do
BotenAlfred: <funtapaz> Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Douche.


Offline DudeMannerisms

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Re: Official new people thread!
Being a Freespace fan since I was 5, I love the fact that there's a fairly large community who still play the game. I think you modders are all cool, but i don't like the fact that sometimes a big mod is promised and hyped up, only for the author to disappear or cancel it altogether.

This is something that's common to any modding community. You have to remember that mods are the fruit of peoples' labors during their free time, and is thus at the mercy of the developer's desires and misfortunes. A lot of mods die when the chief developer can no longer commit enough time to their development, likely due to real-life circumstances such as a death in the family or the requirement to work longer hours (thus having no free time or energy left). Other mods die when the developer loses the will to make the mod in the first place, also likely due to real-life events but can also be due to lack of interest from the community.

Indeed, there's a large number of turns that can kill a mod, so you must try to focus on the positive and encourage the ones in development, appreciate and respect the ones that have succeeded, and have hope for the ones that have not. Trying to pin blame or angst to the developers is not healthy, and in fact discourages the growth of other mods. Feel like a beloved mod isn't being finished fast enough? Offer your skills, or at the least let the developers know that you have them in your heart.
It's not like I don't appreciate the effort they put into the mods, as the Halo conversion looked promising. I wouldn't blame them if they have personal reasons for not finishing, or if they're just procrastinating(I do that too). I would like to offer my skills, but my creativity level for anything art related is below -1, so I'll just give support. And I apologize for looking like an ungrateful jerk.


Offline z64555

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Re: Official new people thread!
It's alright.  :)

Never underestimate your own capabilities, quite a few modders have started from knowing absolutely nothing about game design to become some of the world's finest authorities on them. Willpower is a very fascinating thing.
Secure the Source, Contain the Code, Protect the Project

funtapaz: Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Juche.
z64555: s/J/Do
BotenAlfred: <funtapaz> Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Douche.


Offline deathspeed

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Re: Official new people thread!
Hi people!

Yes I'm new here, yes I did purchase every freespace|freespace2 games I found eversince I new them. And yes I definitely wanted to try this opensource version because I found that such space simulation was peerless (except descent3 maybe, but it's not exactly the same  :v: ).
So while I'm downloading last version of mediavps and every single mission I'll find on this forum I really wanted to thank all people who made it happen, I'm so sorry I can't express what I feel about this game to you coders, graphics and sound designers because of my monkey english. These new graphics are what we(well, me), as young gamers expected to see when buying the game but it was a time when lack of technology power couldn't give us what we hoped for, now here it is... and... I mean... I really love this game so much now (again! )

Welcome aboard, jackho!!  Glad you found us.  :)
Maybe someday God will give you a little pink toaster of your own.

Re: Official new people thread!
Hello! I'm new here, I've played FS2 a lot when I was young (the FS2 demo was the only game I had for a long time   :ick: ).

It's been a while since I played and I was allways terrible at it, but I still really enjoy flying in a Perseus. I'm completely blown up by what this community has done with my old game with FSO. Those graphics are so nice!

I've started importing Eve online models in PCS2 and someone on the Freespace subreddit suggested me to come over here. So here I am! I'm gonna make a post in the modding section about that.


Offline z64555

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Re: Official new people thread!

Don't worry, there's quite a few of us that are fairly terrible at FS2. I thought I was doing pretty good until I saw the leaderboards for JAD:XA.  :rolleyes:

We've got several that are interested in porting models from the newer engines into FSO, the first step is to import your model into your 3D editor of choice and export it as a ColladaDAE (Not the .dae that comes standard with 3DSMax). From there, you'll import your freshly created .dae model into PCS2 and then rig it up to work with FSO, and finally create a ship.tbl entry for it so you can use it in game.

The FreeSpace wiki has much information on things like this, so be sure to poke around there if you haven't already.
Secure the Source, Contain the Code, Protect the Project

funtapaz: Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Juche.
z64555: s/J/Do
BotenAlfred: <funtapaz> Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Douche.