One thing though: have you consider upscaling the warp out effect? Because as in retail, you have the problem that ship disappears through the rift instead of the white, what looks a bit awkward.
I briefly considered it because that is what's been done before, but I prefer a different solution that I think more closely matches Volitions original intent and also looks better in general. I'd like to implement a shader that fades the ship in from the portal, possibly with a white or colored fresnel/gradient or something. If you watch the Freespace 1 intro, that's how it looks when the Lucifer arrives.
I'm personally not a fan of making the whole ship pass only through the white area for the following reasons:
1. Making the core larger messes with the ratio of ripples to core.
2. Upscaling the effect makes the effect too large.
3. I actually like that it passes through the ripples a bit, especially if it were to be a bit more seamless with that shader.