Author Topic: Warpmap Blend File  (Read 1968 times)

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Here's the blend file for the warpmap I've made recently. I might revisit it at some point to clean up the node setup. Other than that, I'm not sure how to improve it at this point:

Warpmap in Blender

I think the following video is the best demonstration of the effect it generates:

Woot! Excellent work. :-)

I like the effect pretty much :yes: :yes:

One thing though: have you consider upscaling the warp out effect? Because as in retail, you have the problem that ship disappears through the rift instead of the white, what looks a bit awkward.

One thing though: have you consider upscaling the warp out effect? Because as in retail, you have the problem that ship disappears through the rift instead of the white, what looks a bit awkward.

I briefly considered it because that is what's been done before, but I prefer a different solution that I think more closely matches Volitions original intent and also looks better in general. I'd like to implement a shader that fades the ship in from the portal, possibly with a white or colored fresnel/gradient or something. If you watch the Freespace 1 intro, that's how it looks when the Lucifer arrives.

I'm personally not a fan of making the whole ship pass only through the white area for the following reasons:
1. Making the core larger messes with the ratio of ripples to core.
2. Upscaling the effect makes the effect too large.
3. I actually like that it passes through the ripples a bit, especially if it were to be a bit more seamless with that shader.

There's a SEXP where you can apply the FS1 techroom selection effect to shipmodels, it is probably the closest you can get to what is shown in the FS1 intro.

1. Making the core larger messes with the ratio of ripples to core.

If you change the size of the warpin/warpout in ships.tbl you might get that done w/o changing the effect itself. A more elegant solution might be to resize Warp.pof but idk if it actually works.

Never heard of/seen this before. Anyone got a demonstration laying around perchance?

For the effect its

Code: [Select]
$Formula: ( when
   ( is-event-true-delay
   ( ship-effect
+Name: DepartReal4
+Repeat Count: 1
+Interval: 1

I used that for a custom warpin/warpout effect for a special kind of subspace drive; the full effect is more complex.

Also it *may* require an entry in post_processing.tbl. 1 of them is provided via the MVPs, the other is not; probably check what FRED offers you - its something with FS1 but I cant remember atm.