Author Topic: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Dec 1, 2021)  (Read 122934 times)

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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Okay, I will officially sign up for the Braha'tok-class gunship and the Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser, both of which I need for my mod anyway, I will just make a higher detail lod. I have an Ewing I haven't UV'd yet that could be poly bumped a bit (right now is around 4K)

the offer stands for the MC-30c as well

I also have a high poly Allegiance that is partially finished
and a victory I
that would need to have details added  (though I know both have been claimed, but not started)

I could be persuaded to texture some models, but I usually don't like to because I have a nasty habit of changing the models to make UVing better :-p

What poly limit and texture size are you targeting for the various ships?
are mirrored and overlapping UVs for normal maps allowed?
what about open edges?
how are detail meshes and lods handled? (context switch of model? progressive mesh reduction, or subobject elimination?)
triangulation rules?


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)

XD  The Interdicter is Turambar's, the ISD is Brandx0's  (EDITED, sorry, thought both were Turambar's .. :sigh: )
« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 05:42:26 pm by jr2 »


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Uh, the interdictor is turambar's, the ISD is mine.
Former Senior Modeler, Texturer and Content Moderator (retired), Fate of the Galaxy
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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
What poly limit and texture size are you targeting for the various ships?
are mirrored and overlapping UVs for normal maps allowed?
what about open edges?
how are detail meshes and lods handled? (context switch of model? progressive mesh reduction, or subobject elimination?)
triangulation rules?

Poly Range: (We're not too tough about this as long as the detail justifies the polycount and it's not rediculous)
Fighters: 4000-8000
Freighters/Small Capitals: 6000-20k
Large Capitals: 10k-20k
Supercapitals: 30k+

I believe there are no UV restrictions. Normal maps will obey the same restrictions as the diffuse texture, which can be mirrored and overlapped.

Open edges should not cause a problem, but should be avoided anyway.

The model file has several model files contaned in it- the LODS, turrets, and debris. LOD switching is done via the ship's file specifying where the changes in what model is rendered occur.

All models are required to be fully triangulated.
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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
I was always under the impression you wanted an airtight model just for sanity's sake.
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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Models will be autotriangulated in FS2.  This is where the difference between polycount and triangle count comes into play.  Regardless of the geometry, a high poly/tri model will run more slowly in FS2, however, a model which is well modeled (low number of polygons) will load more quickly.  Thus, still try to keep polygons to a minimum, even if triangles are insane, a 5k poly/tri model will load more slowly than a 5k tri/2k poly model will.
Former Senior Modeler, Texturer and Content Moderator (retired), Fate of the Galaxy
"I love your wrong proportions--too long, no, wait, too short
I love you with a highly symbolic torpedo up the exhaust port"
-swashmebuckle's ode to the transport

Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
so a high poly mesh should have a closed mesh? No detail meshes of surface plating? I'm trying to find out if I need to build the mesh for automatic progressive refinement.

I understand that the base object should be closed hull, but I'm curious about the surface details. (I think unless scp is moving to dx10 soon or has really bad zbuffer issues that detail meshes are fine, it looks like what you are doing with the ISDs etc, otherwise I am doubly impressed if those vessels have closed meshes for all the detail)


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
My ISD is a closed mesh, not so much out of neccessity rather than it's just a good habit.  For highly detailed surfaces like that, however, I will be detaching some parts for detail box implimentation afterwards.
Former Senior Modeler, Texturer and Content Moderator (retired), Fate of the Galaxy
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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Oh yeah, you can detach for detail boxing and subobjects, but then I think those things should be closed individually as well.  But no, not moving to DX10, in fact they're gutting D3D support altogether in future versions to work on optimizing the code for OpenGL.  There's a lot of stuff they want to do but couldn't because it was required to keep D3D support as well.  That's changing now though, finally.  If only Intel cards had some decent OpenGL support...
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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Before you ask D3D was dropped because there wasn't anyone to support it anymore (no programmers to implement/optimize the code).
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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
* jr2 wishes we would stumble over 10 programmers that like integrating Open GL & Direct 3D together & optimizing them all to 1337ness.


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Really, I could care less about D3D.  The game is cross platform, why develop for an API that's only on one platform?
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Eh... because OGL has problems on some GFX cards (Intel, some ATi)?


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Most of the Ati issues are just bad drivers, and Ati is working on getting better OpenGL support apparently.  But Intel, well, they just plain suck.  Bad.  At anything related to a graphics card.  If you have an integrated Intel chipset, go buy a real card.  Seriously, $50 is all it takes to be any integrated Intel chipset.  Maybe not even that much.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
I know.  But how many new FS-ers would try the game out, see it doesn't work, throw up their hands, and attribute it to shoddy game design on our part?  Whilst Intel still happily rakes in the millions.  :mad2:


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Easy.  They shouldn't even be trying it if they read the system requirements and don't meet them.  They just need to be better stated in advance, so there's no confusion as to why it doesn't run.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
Point me to the system requirements, please.


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
I'm currently trying to convince Turey to put them in the installer.  So far it should probably be something like, slightly better than what FS2 ran on, except no Intel cards.  That should just about do it.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
...Exactly.  There aren't any.  :p


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Re: Fate of the Galaxy Shipset (Updated Oct 11, 07)
What are you talking about?  Just cause there are no exact numbers doesn't mean the game doesn't have requirements.
Fate of the Galaxy - Now Hiring!  Apply within | Diaspora | SCP Home | Collada Importer for PCS2
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays