Hard Light Productions Forums

Off-Topic Discussion => Gaming Discussion => Topic started by: haloboy100 on March 18, 2010, 06:29:26 pm

Title: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 18, 2010, 06:29:26 pm
Free public beta being offered on steam. Real-Time Strategy game set in WW2 featuring the Soviets, Americans, British, Italians, French and of course, Nazis.
What makes it different is that you have these things called "Ruses" where you can initiate things like fake assaults, bases and intel to your opponent in order to misinform and confuse him...hence the name, "R.U.S.E.".

Also some pretty gorgeous graphics to boot. Being published by Ubisoft.

Anyone try it out yet?
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: mxlm on March 18, 2010, 07:44:24 pm
What makes it different is that you have to be online at all times in order to play the game.

So, no, I haven't tried it. Shame, too, because I was interested before Ubi unveiled its new DRM.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Titan on March 18, 2010, 07:46:05 pm
I got distracted by the video at top. I thought the site was still loading.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Blue Lion on March 18, 2010, 08:37:01 pm
Why are people still making WWII games?
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 18, 2010, 08:56:05 pm
What makes it different is that you have to be online at all times in order to play the game.
No, you don't. There's a battle mode against the AI and the full game will have a campaign complete with tutorials.

Why are people still making WWII games?
A very good question.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: MR_T3D on March 18, 2010, 09:20:07 pm
site thinks i'm in quebec.
I'm in Hamilton.

and i'm not a fan of the core mechanic, preferring feint attacks like in a normal RTS.
What makes it different is that you have to be online at all times in order to play the game.
No, you don't. There's a battle mode against the AI and the full game will have a campaign complete with tutorials.

its called the new ubisoft BS-DRM
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 18, 2010, 09:25:16 pm
site thinks i'm in quebec.
I'm in Hamilton.

and i'm not a fan of the core mechanic, preferring feint attacks like in a normal RTS.
Same here, on both accounts. Except I'm in Calgary.

its called the new ubisoft BS-DRM
Oh. that online. I thought he was talking about there being no single-player options.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: BloodEagle on March 18, 2010, 10:37:38 pm
Why are people still making WWII games?

Why are people still making LOTR/Star Wars/Whatever games?

They. Sell.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 18, 2010, 10:43:23 pm
Then the real question is....

Why do people buy them? I got sick of WW2 games after playing COD 1 and MOH Airborne.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: StarSlayer on March 18, 2010, 11:16:28 pm
Why are people still making WWII games?

Cuz a WWI game would be unbalanced against the player.

For example:
Player 1 has entered the game
Player 1 has been killed by artillery
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 killed by maxim gun fire
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 killed by maxim gun fire
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 killed by maxim gun fire
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 killed by maxim gun fire
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 killed by maxim gun fire
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 catches flu and dies
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 trips and drowns in trench mud
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 killed by artillery
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 killed by maxim gun fire
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 learns WW1's inception has nothing to do with a bloke named Archie Duke shooting an ostrich
Player 1 killed by maxim gun fire
Player 1 respawns
Player 1 vomits up his own inards during gas attack
Player 1 has left the game
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Mongoose on March 18, 2010, 11:36:04 pm
Then the real question is....

Why do people buy them? I got sick of WW2 games after playing COD 1 and MOH Airborne.
Because...they're not you? :p
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 18, 2010, 11:44:46 pm
Why are people still making WWII games?
-- My first ten playthroughs of COD2 on veteran.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: NGTM-1R on March 19, 2010, 12:16:17 am
Why are people still making WWII games?
A very good question.

Because this is the first WW2 that lets you do Operation Fortitude and the Double Cross System, funkspiels, the rest of that fun stuff.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: SpardaSon21 on March 19, 2010, 12:22:41 am
So this game has a lot of focus on counter-intelligence and misinformation?  That sounds nice, as not a lot of games implement that kind of thing.  Supreme Commander had jammers and radar stealth and Zero Hour had Prince Kassad being able to build decoy buildings, but from what I'm hearing (and I can't access R.U.S.E.'s homepage without making an Ubisoft account, and I'm not doing that) this sounds like playing dirty is the name of the game.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 19, 2010, 12:34:05 am
Well after playing against the AI on easy the only RUSEs I had to use were the spying (to see enemy units, which is a waste of a ruse if you just use reconnaissance vehicles) and radio silence (which conceals your units).

However I've already heard stories of the developers using really dirty tactics against players they  play against. One example was how someone got completely owned when his opponent built a decoy airfield, so the victim built lots of AA units and light tanks to counter, only to be fooled by the fake assault as a real  and very large tank assault slaughtered his units and ended the game in under a minute.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Titan on March 19, 2010, 04:43:15 am

It seems like the game is unrealisticly focused on trickery, and leaves lots of other mechanics out. Not that it's a problem.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Dilmah G on March 19, 2010, 05:03:08 am
Yeah, makes it fun. :)
Why are people still making WWII games?
What's wrong with them?
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: newman on March 19, 2010, 10:44:43 am
I find that generally depends on game type. With simulations it's an easy answer: ww2 era provides most fun at a reasonable level of realism. Take modern subs for instance - a realistic sim of a modern sub would have a very small audience, due to it being too complex. I remember Sub Command - it was basically a sonar sim with an 800 page manual (or so). Same thing with planes. In general WW2 planes are cooler, more capable etc then WW1 ones so it makes for a fun game while still feeling more or less realistic (to call it a sim rather then a shooter anyway). Modern aircraft with their zillions of radar modes and complex avionics etc mean that making a realistic game limits your fan base quite a bit. On the other hand if you dumb it down you'll probably end up with something like Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. which isn't a sim. So in terms of balancing gameplay and realism I'd say ww2 is the obvious candidate. With FPS and RTS though there's less excuses to keep sticking to ww2. Heck I think I could find my way through towns like Carentan, Normandy without ever having been there, so I'm kind of sick of FPS and RTS WW2 games :)
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Flipside on March 19, 2010, 01:09:24 pm
Considering UBI's servers have been torpedoed twice already, leaving all but the pirates unable to play games that use their DRM, I refuse to buy any game that introduces such a vulnerability into its design. The game itself looks interesting, but I won't buy it out of principle.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: TESLA on March 19, 2010, 03:59:43 pm
Why are people still making WWII games?

Were still waiting for WW3 to happen
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: SpardaSon21 on March 19, 2010, 04:27:31 pm
I'm waiting for the inevitable appearance of heavy tanks out of thin air, followed by their owner proclaiming his tactical genius, then his opponent saying one word, "CREEEEEEEEEEED!!!".
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Blue Lion on March 19, 2010, 04:52:59 pm
Yeah, makes it fun. :)
Why are people still making WWII games?
What's wrong with them?

Nothing really. It's just there are so many other areas to deal with combat.

WWII has been so bastardized in terms of FPSs that it's not even realistic (if it ever was).

I don't mind warping the history a bit to tell a good story and make good games but my god, how many times can we do the same areas with the same weapons and the same enemies and etc etc etc.

Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Dark RevenantX on March 20, 2010, 12:46:59 pm
It's not too hard to make up a hypothetical war in the same time period.  Game designers these days...
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Flipside on March 21, 2010, 02:14:55 pm
Must admit, wouldn't be surprised if in twenty years time we are facing a generation that believes that Hitler named his Stormtroopers after Star-Wars...
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 21, 2010, 02:17:19 pm
I've found people that believe that already...

Most of the kids in my class don't even know who he is. One girl thought he was a heavy-weight wrestler.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Titan on March 21, 2010, 03:21:38 pm
Guys, Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw has already answered this question.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 21, 2010, 03:30:13 pm
I was waiting for someone to mention him...
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Flipside on March 21, 2010, 03:37:50 pm
I suppose when it comes to World War Games, I prefer the Wolfenstein 1 approach, if you've got to fight Hitler, at least make it a Spider-Cyborg Hitler ;)
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Mongoose on March 21, 2010, 05:02:10 pm
Guys, Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw has already answered this question.
...and?  If you take more than 10% of what comes out of his mouth seriously, You're Doing It Wrong. :p
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 21, 2010, 05:06:05 pm
What? He has a lot of good points...:nervous:
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Mongoose on March 21, 2010, 05:11:35 pm
And he also has a lot of overblown fluff, fanboyism, and flat-out inaccurate statements.  I haven't watched him in a while, but I remember there being a big to-do over some statements he made about the Wii shooter The Conduit's control system, which he heavily criticized while not once mentioning the fact that it's almost completely customizable.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: BloodEagle on March 22, 2010, 01:29:14 am
And he also has a lot of overblown fluff, fanboyism, and flat-out inaccurate statements.  I haven't watched him in a while, but I remember there being a big to-do over some statements he made about the Wii shooter The Conduit's control system, which he heavily criticized while not once mentioning the fact that it's almost completely customizable.

And he was completely correct about Bioshock. 

His reviews are hit-and-miss, mainly.  But every now and then he hits the nail on the head.


I've found people that believe that already...

Most of the kids in my class don't even know who he is. One girl thought he was a heavy-weight wrestler.

They must be euthanized immediately.  For the greater good, of course.  :nervous:
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Dilmah G on March 22, 2010, 03:41:40 am
I've found people that believe that already...

Most of the kids in my class don't even know who he is. One girl thought he was a heavy-weight wrestler.

They must be euthanized immediately.  For the greater good, of course.  :nervous:
Oh, Amen.

How old are you? If anyone at my school said anything of the sort 3/4 of the dudes in the year would've come down on them like a stack of bricks. That said, about 1/4 of the year only knows about Hitler from COD.  :D
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: StarSlayer on March 22, 2010, 07:12:54 am
I'm waiting for the fools who think WW2 played out like Inglorious Basterds.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 22, 2010, 09:22:17 am
Oh, Amen.

How old are you? If anyone at my school said anything of the sort 3/4 of the dudes in the year would've come down on them like a stack of bricks. That said, about 1/4 of the year only knows about Hitler from COD.  :D
15, but they said this last year, in grade nine.

I swear, all the kids I know take their WW2 knowledge from COD. They think they have any chance against my knowledge, which accounts for every history book in our library plus a huge number of wikipedia articles, documentaries, and stock footage. :D
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Thaeris on March 22, 2010, 12:56:52 pm
If you're looking for good WWII games, you really need to look into Battlefront.com's stuff:



Games like Combat Mission set the standard for things such as combat physics, etc. The AI might have never been the best, but this is what a WWII strategy game should be. And I've never known Battlefront to employ opressive DRM stuff, either...
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Blue Lion on March 22, 2010, 01:24:33 pm
I want a good Korean War game, or a good Vietnam

Come on Call of Duty: Grenada
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: The E on March 22, 2010, 01:27:26 pm
I want a good Korean War game, or a good Vietnam

Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: NGTM-1R on March 22, 2010, 02:19:40 pm
Games like Combat Mission set the standard for things such as combat physics, etc. The AI might have never been the best, but this is what a WWII strategy game should be. And I've never known Battlefront to employ opressive DRM stuff, either...

If you want a good WWII strategy game go play SP:WaW.

Just be aware there are some weird bugs with it these days.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Thaeris on March 22, 2010, 04:48:41 pm

Can you expand that acronym?
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: haloboy100 on March 22, 2010, 05:25:04 pm
It's not too hard to make up a hypothetical war in the same time period.  Game designers these days...
Well, it's not WW2, but if you want a cool historical fiction game try looking at World In Conflict. It deals with the hypothetical world war three as a result of the cold war with Russia; still not very original, but the narrative is exceptionally good for a war game.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: NGTM-1R on March 23, 2010, 01:30:24 am

Can you expand that acronym?

Steel Panthers: World at War.

Historical accuracy, mechanicized version of the slavishly accurate game rules people used to build tabletop around so it plays fairly quick, hexbased turn-based, and an utterly ludicrous number of scenarios historical and not-quite-historical plus the battlemaker so you can build your own. It's even free, but you'll have to buy it if you want the random campaign generator too.

The engine is getting old though, and weird bugs pop up. I, for example, can't use the artillery/airstrike interface whenever I forget how much of a problem that is for somebody who played SP3 and reinstall.
Title: Re: R.U.S.E.
Post by: Thaeris on March 23, 2010, 11:53:58 am
Yeah, I actually looked up the acronym a little while after I fist posted the question - what I found interesting is that "Wild Bill Wilder" did several of the scenarios. This was particularly interesting as he did many of Combat Mission's scenarios as well.