Author Topic: Plan for 3.6  (Read 19726 times)

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Offline Inquisitor

Have you submitted a bugzilla bug?

tell me what version it worked in, aand any other relevant details :)
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Offline IceFire

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Originally posted by Flaser

Hmm..torpedos still seem to be an issue.

I think some good points were already mentioned about them:

  • Massive payload
  • BIG size
  • more inteligent then a simple missile

Original torpedos were designed as "autonom ships" to deliver some explosives...and they were quite faulty.
In space the requirements are quite the same. They have a massive (in other words - damn expensive) warhead.
To get it delivered they either have armorplating or some fancy AI and speed.

So - torpedos should be:
-big like a fighter (so only corvette should be big enough to mount one alone - maybe even a corvette may have only two launchers - and only a couple (2-4) of torpedos)
-->they may be treated as automatic crafts or drones
-do huge damage *much more than Helios - 3 torpedos hit - there goes a Hecate
-have an AI similar to a drone

Since they're so big there's no way a ship would fire more than a dozer or a little more - so they can be treated as a suicide fighter.

-the torpedo's still big, but can be fitted even onto a bomber
-they do less damage - maybe they're for surgical strikes, so they do more damage to the system they hit
-even a frigate may fire them - but not in all directions like a missile - the torpedo is massive and the engineers better make sure they don't go off inside the hull.
-they are manuverable and skippy - they have an AI similar to a fighter on the run

Since a couple of dozens may be fired during a mission they can be treated as very inteligent missiles - some figter AI traits should be transfered.

*Ships with torpedos may have a torpedo vault - based on the number of torpedos left massive damage may await any ship that gets its storage blown :devil:

Ships may launch torpedos from a distance -  so foghters may have a chance of interception - easier than taking down a bomber, but lot harder then a bomb, since these bombs dodge and take a couple of hits.
...or from close range - which puts even the attacker in grave danger - if the torpedo goes off while being lauched - :devil: [/B]

And what part of that requires the source code?  I don't understand....
- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Offline J.F.K.

  • 29
Originally posted by IceFire

And what part of that requires the source code?  I don't understand....

Exactly... I don't understand what qualities of the torpedoes you describe can't be attributed to ordinary missiles or bombs through table editting, and maybe a few new POFs.
[font="SerpentineDBol"]. . . . W H O . I S . T H E . M A N , . W H O . I S . T H E . M Y T H ?[/font]


Offline Fry_Day

  • 28
I'm with GE. Right now the shield impact is displayed as an ANI on a square polygon created on the plane of the impacted polygon of the shield mesh, instead of conforming to the shield mesh. Basically it's just a bill-board (Not in DirectX SDK terms, just to signify, flat) right now, instead of the proper effect.


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

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Offline Rampage

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Originally posted by J.F.K.

Exactly... I don't understand what qualities of the torpedoes we describe can't be attributed to ordinary missiles or bombs through table editting, and maybe a few new POFs.

You must give the newbies their learning period.  Just be patient. :7


Offline FreeTerran

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Support for 16.7 mio color interface and not the limitation of 256 colors.
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Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
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There's a thread all about that.


Offline Flaser

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Originally posted by IceFire

And what part of that requires the source code?  I don't understand....

In brief I'm not a coder - so I don't know.
In length there was a discussion a couple of moths ago wheter torpedos should be done like ships or a missiles.
I tried to collect the ideas and put them together in two feasible concepts that -imho- wouldn't hamper the game's balance to much.
About the true source part - it's AI and launching.
The big ones need an AI for a ship class that's a designed suicide fighter - I don't know how volition programed their own routine, I know it's already possible to set them in "kamikaze mode".
That concept also need the launching to be handled - the torpedos (or ships if it were a hangar) have to leave the tube in a certain angle and speed - and from inside the ship, appearing gradualy.
The small torpedo concept would need AI as well - to have the torpedo dodge incoming fire.

That's all.
"I was going to become a speed dealer. If one stupid fairytale turns out to be total nonsense, what does the young man do? If you answered, “Wake up and face reality,” you don’t remember what it was like being a young man. You just go to the next entry in the catalogue of lies you can use to destroy your life." - John Dolan