Author Topic: New Destroyer idea..!  (Read 7200 times)

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Offline TrashMan

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Actually no...

A balanced ship is a ship that can be beaten by another ship of the SAME CLASS!

If I make a dreadnought that can pulverizre 10 destroyrs, you can't say it's unbalanced untill you see how it fairs against another dreadnought...

Clearly there are better and worse designes. Clearly some ship ARE and SHOULD be superior.
Invincible, however, should be avoided...
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline AlphaOne

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Oki then you tell me single destroyer in the entire GTVA that can stans its ground ahainst a Demona class destroyer if you are so "look at me i'm so balanced" !
As for this thing if its so heavely armed and armoured I for one would wonder what the nemy has ! and I can tell you that at least in mi blueprint so to speak its shivan counterpart is slightley more powerfull because of its more powerfull beam cannons.
But no matter.
How about his cruiser Horus class:
400 m long
It can cary 8 fighters or bommbers and has no less the 2 AAAF beams 1 beam cannon(slash) 2 flack batteries 4 missile launcers and has 4 AAAf turrets(combination between the Circe and Maxim).
These are the AAAf turrets I was talking about not AAAf beams.
And has a.......decent armour and speed not heavy not light armour but decent.
It was created to provide AAAf coverage for convois and bigger capships. You can guess, I think, how it can do agains other cruiser's dont you?
Die shivan die!!
Then jumps into his apple stealth pie and goes of to war.What a brave lad....what a brave lad say the ladies in red.

(> < ) 

This is Bunny . Copy  Bunny  into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


Offline StratComm

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The problem is not so much the fact that you want to see such a ship, it's that you're listing a set of criteria that's based off of nothing but numbers generated in your own mind and completely out of context.  I could go back through posts and come up with scores of identical "ideas", all of which, while interesting to think about, are utterly useless from a gaming perspective.  Build the ship, and you might spark constructive criticism and praise.  The same for your cruiser; in the context of Freespace as we know it, it is overgunned.  Could your mod change this?  Maybe.  Do we need to know such specific stats?  Probably not.  I'll side with the guys who have said we don't like the "designs" you're throwing around, simply because I can't see a context in which it would be fun.  Give us a visual design, whether it's modeling, or drawn, or built out of old toilet-paper tubes, a picture is worth infinitely more than words on a gaming forum.
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Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM


Offline Unknown Target

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Originally posted by AlphaOne
Oki then you tell me single destroyer in the entire GTVA that can stans its ground ahainst a Demona class destroyer if you are so "look at me i'm so balanced" !
As for this thing if its so heavely armed and armoured I for one would wonder what the nemy has ! and I can tell you that at least in mi blueprint so to speak its shivan counterpart is slightley more powerfull because of its more powerfull beam cannons.
But no matter.
How about his cruiser Horus class:
400 m long
It can cary 8 fighters or bommbers and has no less the 2 AAAF beams 1 beam cannon(slash) 2 flack batteries 4 missile launcers and has 4 AAAf turrets(combination between the Circe and Maxim).
These are the AAAf turrets I was talking about not AAAf beams.
And has a.......decent armour and speed not heavy not light armour but decent.
It was created to provide AAAf coverage for convois and bigger capships. You can guess, I think, how it can do agains other cruiser's dont you?

Ok, first of all, your post should look like this, not that **** you keep spewing out:

"Ok, if you think you are "so balanced", then you tell me of a single destroyer in the entire GTVA that can stand it's ground against a Demon class destroyer.
As for my destroyer, if it's so heavily armed and armoured, I wonder what the enemy has? I can tell you that at least in my blueprint, its shivan counterpart is slightly more powerful because of its more powerful beam cannons.

Now how about this Cruiser?
Horus Class:

-400 Meters long

-Can carry eight fighters and/or bombers (editors note: wtf? Not even corvettes can carry fighters!)

-Has no less than two AAF beam cannons, one large slash beam cannon, two flack batteries, four missile launchers, and four AAA turrets (armarment for these turrets is a mix between the Circe and Maxim).

-Has medium speed and medium armor.

This ship was created to provide anti-fighter coverage for convoys and bigger capital ships. You can conclude, I believe, how it would do against other cruisers, can't you?"

Ok, now that I've translated your post into something the acual layman can actually understand, I want to post my rebuttle.

To start with, yes, I can conclude how it would do against other cruisers. It. Would. Whip. Their. Asses.
Hell, it could probably go against a Deimos and give a pretty fair account of itself. The problem with all of your ships is that they are balanced not against Freespace, but like StratComm said, against your own mind. These ships are like the United States Navy in 2004 versus the British Navy in 1400. There's no matchup, and the weapons, while called by the same names (cannons, guns), are completely different.


Offline AlphaOne

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:eek2:  Well I did not want to make it so powerfull.
I imagined that it would do bad against other cruisers yet still provide a very serious threat to enemy bommbers and fighters(I really should start paing more atention to the techroom specs of the FS ships.)
Well I'm going to try and create a visual reference of what some of these ships should look like..but it is going to take me some time to get an acurate description of these things.
But rest asured that I will post sooner or later some drawings at least.
Die shivan die!!
Then jumps into his apple stealth pie and goes of to war.What a brave lad....what a brave lad say the ladies in red.

(> < ) 

This is Bunny . Copy  Bunny  into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


Offline WeatherOp

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You are wrong there, the Moloch can carry fighters. Don't say how many, but it does have a fighterbay.
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Unknown Target

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Well then I'm mistaken. But I do know that no Terran ship below Destroyer class can carry fighters, IIRC.