Author Topic: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.  (Read 5641 times)

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Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.
Something like the artilliary in BF2.

The one thing everyone hated was that any infantry unit was instantly at a disadvantage against an enemy team with a commander (which most enemy teams have if they're any good). The reason being that a commander who's paying attention can instantly negate any infantry threate using the arty strike command.

People rapidly got tired of sneaking half way across a map to make a game winning move on an enemy outpost, only to be hit by an arty barrage.

That's called realism, Kal. Welcome to the reality of being an infantryman; you're small, vunerable, and everyone else has bigger guns then you. Infantry detest all artillery.
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Offline aldo_14

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Re: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.
Something like the artilliary in BF2.

The one thing everyone hated was that any infantry unit was instantly at a disadvantage against an enemy team with a commander (which most enemy teams have if they're any good). The reason being that a commander who's paying attention can instantly negate any infantry threate using the arty strike command.

People rapidly got tired of sneaking half way across a map to make a game winning move on an enemy outpost, only to be hit by an arty barrage.

That's called realism, Kal. Welcome to the reality of being an infantryman; you're small, vunerable, and everyone else has bigger guns then you. Infantry detest all artillery.

Plus, as an infantryman you're trained to bounce across the landscape on your belly carrying several tonnes of ammunition, fire a gun that gets less accurate the more you try to aim it, and don't get access to different weaponry until you've killed enough enemies.



Offline Fineus

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Re: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.
At the risk of derailing this thread into BF2...

...a line should always be drawn in games between realism and game play. Some people like games where they die following a single shot and others detest them and prefer games that givem them shields then armor and then finally their health before they die.

BF2 treads a curious line through this. It's not realistic but it's not a work of complete fantasy either.

In the case of artillery though, it could be argued that it really ruins the gameplay when you realise that for the last 20 minutes you've been running around the map being stealthy but have been killed by artillery strikes every time. That sort of thing really sucks the fun out of a game for those who're getting killed. Stealth was entirely buggered in BF2 as UAVs and Sat Scans could do away with any sort of stealthy tactics. I dislike this fact.


Offline aldo_14

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Re: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.
No games are truly realistic, really; the nature of the interface precludes that.  But they should feel (in this sort of case IMO), if not perhaps realistic, then plausible enough to be immersive.


Offline Nuke

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Re: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.
they coulda made that better by making the uav trailor and satelite dish easyer to kill. you cant destroy them with any less than 3 satchel charges, and only if youre a spec ops. when you think about it you should have been able to take them out with a couple of grenades. otherwise i dont have a problem with them, gives the engineers something to fo.
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Offline Fineus

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Re: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.
That's true, and I think they addressed that in BF2142. Credit where it's due - you can now destroy the control panels and core of a Titan in BF2142 using small arms fire as well as RDX packs (the equivilant of C4).


Offline Mathwiz6

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Re: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.
Easter eggs...

The good old days.... ummm... Halo legendary movie (that is so classic), making the monster on Monkey Island (in Escape from Monkey Island)... drat. I can't remember much...

The baby trick in NWN  :lol:.

I say, unlock the demented, the unusual!

Like THPS2, if you beat the game 5 or so times, you unlocked Spiderman as a useable character  :D


Offline Inquisitor

Re: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.
"My love for you is like a truck"

That's an XBL Achievement that makes you earn it.
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Re: Tiny Rant: Xbox 360 Achievements system.
the photo gallery at the end of quake 2, the decapitated head of romero at the end of doom two, those were the days of easter eggs