Author Topic: Stealth Ain't Dead  (Read 39320 times)

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Offline Stealth

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yeah.  and, as stated, there was traffic in the other lane, and it was dark, so i didn't know exactly what it WOULD do, but i did it anyway for the 'greater good' :-/
:wtf: That sounds pretty similar to the original story in the original "fake" announcement.

Also I'm kind of surprised that you aren't more pissed off at the guy who did this and that neither you nor the workplace are pursuing legal action.  After all, he DID hack into a computer system.  Companies spend thousands of dollars to patch their systems after a virus outbreak even when the virus does no damage at all.

Are you sure this coworker actually exists?  After all, the original story was a ruse; why can't this be? :drevil: You know, there's an old saying in Texas: "Fool me once, shame on -- shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again."  Or something like that.
it's been dealt with internally.  life goes on.

EDIT: and i should add, he didn't "hack" into a computer system.  if it was anyone's fault this happened, it was mine, because in traveling here and there, i completely overlooked system accounts that were wide open... accounts that we'd used for testing, but that should've been locked down.  plus i know what was done and what wasn't done.  live and learn.  it won't happen again
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 01:28:10 am by Stealth »


Offline Mongoose

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Personally, I've always preferred, "Fool me seven times, shame on you. Fool me eight or more times, shame on me."


Offline Unknown Target

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W00t Stealth's a zombie.


Offline Goober5000

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I think I'm going to lock the thread.  This has gone on long enough, and continuing to drag it out is not especially helpful.  There's more important stuff we need to be working on. :)