Author Topic: OT - WTC Reconstruction  (Read 4429 times)

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Offline Kellan

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Originally posted by Mr Carrot
Nah we all just hate that slimey tit Tony Blair.

Hey, it's better than having Ian and Duncan Smith as our Prime Minister(s). But not as good as that cheeky chappie Charles Kennedy. :)

(Sorry to all non-Brits here for making these quite Anglocentric comments, which probably make no sense to you at all).


Offline Stealth

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Originally posted by CP5670
Actually, the reason I would support that is that it will be very good for public morale, which in turn will boost the economy back up. (in addition to demoralizing the enemy) Anyway,I am not one of those who thinks that several Orions are better than the Colossus. And this whole thing about "honoring the dead" is quite ridiculous; as that Vasudan pilot says, "no sorrow but vengeance!" :D

agreed!  one colossus are better than several orions in framerate too :D


Offline Kellan

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Originally posted by Stealth
agreed!  one colossus are better than several orions in framerate too :D

Schmeh...but the risk-bearing economies of scale... :nod:

Fear economics jingoism, ah but you could see with managment economies of scale you would be more likely to reach pareto effeciency with a collosus frame.

IDSmith roxors! (any ex-serviceman gets my vote)


Offline Kellan

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Originally posted by Mr Carrot
Fear economics jingoism, ah but you could see with managment economies of scale you would be more likely to reach pareto effeciency with a collosus frame.

Yes, but it's much harder to achieve managerial economies of scale these days because of improved communications methods. Anyone can talk to anyone else pretty much instantly today, so it's not like there will be information loss between them, or waiting on the opinions of others.

IDSmith roxors! (any ex-serviceman gets my vote) [/B]

Hah, that's a funny joke. Seriously, you're kidding, right? :nervous:

Ian Duncan Smith is a buffoon!! :) He keeps his party together by having no policy whatsoever (not even of opposition to the government, which is at present a joke). In fact, he registers even less on the "are you doing *anything*-meter" than his predecessor.

Well from me chats with numerous conservative MPs the party is pretty much paralysed due to "New Labour" nicking all its policies.


Offline Kellan

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Originally posted by Mr Carrot
Well from me chats with numerous conservative MPs the party is pretty much paralysed due to "New Labour" nicking all its policies.

I'd be the first to agree that New Labour is hardly liberal of social in its legislation these days, but that's a poor excuse. What, are the Conservatives letting Labour representatives sit in on their meetings so that they can steal Conservative ideas from the source?

The simple fact is that the Conservatives are mainly elected to maintain the status quo by older people, or for their stewardship of the economy. Black Wednesday and the recession broke the economy spell, and Gordon Brown's good management (or good fortune) has helped to make Labour seem the natural choice for the economy. As for maintaining the status quo, there's not really much to maintain. It really is reform or bust - of the disconnected political processess, decaying public services and overloaded criminal justice system.

It also doesn't help IDS that he makes patently ridiculous claims that he will increase spending on public services over Labour targets without raising targets and whilst also defending traditional Conservative areas that have seen deep cuts, such as defence. :p

hmmmm..... i think theres always room for reform backwards, instead of trying to engineer perfect working enviroments and cover every eventuality via paper work. I feel that even though this leads to certain negative aspects slipping through the system, 10 odd years of keeping institutions desk bound has done little of removing institutionalised racism.

I think the Conservatives base of removing poltical correctness and pointless beurocracy to the extent of allowing people an easier working day. It will also save BILLIONS in middle managment, thats where they will get the money from.

You can argue back and forth this topic ad nausiem because theres no way of telling if it will work unless Conservatives win the next election. However i will vote for them for the main reason that appeals to all young men, and something that labour promised but never did, Changing licensing laws so all pubs can stay open to 1 and can apply for permits to stay open till 4.

Oh also, i think its a farce the way people completely ignore thatchers monetarism that firmly put Britain back on the leading economic power block, without it there would be no current economic prosperity. The only thing Labour did to help it was put monetary policy control in the hands of the Bank of England.


Offline Kellan

  • Down with pansy elves!
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Originally posted by Mr Carrot

AIEEEEE!!!!![/i] :shaking: :nervous: :eek2: :shaking:


AIEEEEE!!!!![/i] :shaking: :nervous: :eek2: :shaking:

I'm just going to shut my eyes and hope that this all goes away. The thing that I think is funny, after all is that it was Thatcher who failed to invest in the railways for 20 years. Just remember that next time you sigh at the state of the railways.