Author Topic: CVS primer  (Read 2202 times)

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Offline Inquisitor

is one way to do it, command liune CVS is another.

Anyone have a good online guide to using that, or maybe wants to write one that is specific to our project?

I like the format of this:
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Offline WMCoolmon

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I've made a ZIP file with the current release of CVS and startcvs.bat, which is a specialized batch file for the FS2 source code project. For documentation, just unzip it and CVS somewhere and type "startcvs".
Zip available here.


Offline Inquisitor

Dude, you rock ;)

Let's get that on the site, hey Tbird!
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Offline Inquisitor

I linked it on the warpcore site.
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Offline Fineus

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Offline DTP

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The batfile just hangs on me, and i should have set thing correctly,
and i verified my password, so it is not that, since i get a different error msg when i just type in some other password.

anyway created my own, and i get this far.

E:\FS2projects\CVSFS2>set CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/home/fs2source/cvsr

E:\FS2projects\CVSFS2>cvs.exe login
Logging in to :pserver:[email protected]:2401/home/fs2source/cvsroot
CVS password:
CVS.EXE [login aborted]: could not find out home directory

E:\FS2projects\CVSFS2>cvs -z3 co fs2_open
CVS.EXE [checkout aborted]: could not find out home directory

any ideas ?.

I have since got it to work, both with the commandline and wincvs.

thx for the help WMcoolmon. I think i forgot that on ICQ
« Last Edit: July 16, 2002, 07:53:49 pm by 508 »
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