Author Topic: Joystick and Razer Nostromo  (Read 965 times)

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Offline dig314

  • 24
Joystick and Razer Nostromo

wxLauncher detects my Logitech Extreme 3D pro joystick and my Razor Nostromo ( programmable keypad ). Whether I select the Logitech or the Razer as the joystick, the game ( fs2_open_3_8_0_SSE2 ) does not recognize the Logitech joystick. If I unplug the Razer and restart from the Launcher, the game recognizes input from the Logitech joystick.  When this situation occurs in other games, the solution has been to set the Logitech as the 'Preferred Device' in Windows. That step does not seem to work with FSopen. Is there a way to have the game recognize both ? I like using the Razer with flight games to handle most of the keys that are not configured for the joystick.


Offline ngld

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  • 29
  • Knossos dev
Re: Joystick and Razer Nostromo
Please post your fs2_open.log file.  Instructions on how to do this can be found in this post.

Are you using wxLauncher 0.12.0-rc2 or an older version?


Offline dig314

  • 24
Re: Joystick and Razer Nostromo
Thank you.
I was using the older wxLauncher 0.10.1
In  0.12.0, the joystick is working along with the Razer.
