Author Topic: Really finding this project a mess now  (Read 4912 times)

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Really finding this project a mess now
I used to be able to come here and download and install and use this stuff.
Now everything for a simple installer goes to pay sites and useless system polluting downloader installers for everything but.
Everything seems an over complicated mess.
It just seems really tragic after all the great work people did, it seems to have turned into nonsense.
It used to be a joy using a PC and playing with stuff. It just seems like the joy is entirely sucked out of it now.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2019, 11:26:54 pm by KewlToyZ »


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Re: Really finding this project a mess now
Just use Knossos, it'll handle everything.


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Re: Really finding this project a mess now
That might be the system polluting installer he refers to.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

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Re: Really finding this project a mess now
As someone who doesn't do much more than "download and install and use this stuff" (and donate, because I don't contribute anything else), I couldn't disagree more. Everything is much more centralized and organized nowadays, and the Knossos launcher is way easier to use for someone who hasn't been tweaking FS for a long time.

Pay sites? Sure, there were a few years where it was near impossible to find a CD copy of FS2, and digital distribution hadn't taken off yet, but HLP has been recommending GOG for getting the base game for quite some time now, that's nothing new (ten years or so at least).

If you don't like Knossos, just think of it as a repository. Anytime you see those Knossos links, you can manually download the files instead of using the Knossos installer/mod manager. If you want to use an older launcher or tweak your mods the old-fashioned way, that's how you get all the files nowadays with the caveat that you can't really expect to get any kind of official support for mods, because you're not doing it the approved way. If you know how to mod and debug mods yourself, nothing has really changed.


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Re: Really finding this project a mess now
I'm really curious what installers and pay sites you're talking about.

If you're talking about these links:

Then that's not a paysite... it's an installer developed by this community (See this thread) as a replacement for the FSO Installer.
If you click on that button, you can just click on "No, but I know exactly what I'm doing and I just want download links" and get the old direct links you're used to.

In exchange, installing mods is much easier for newbies and uploading mods also got much easier than it was before. Also, noone's getting paid here. There are no ads and the servers hosting the downloads are paid for by the HLP hosting fund and myself.

If you're actually seeing links to and the like, I'd love to hear about it so we can get rid of them.


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Re: Really finding this project a mess now
Are there ads on ModDB? Then this could be my fault, because i have uploaded complete modification installers like this or this one there.  :rolleyes:

Yes, i am an AdBlock user...
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Is one of my releases broken or not working? Please send a PM here, on Discord at @novachen or on Twitter @NovachenFS2, a public tweet or write a reply in my own release threads here on HLP, because these are the only threads i am still participating in.

Re: Really finding this project a mess now
Dude, seriously, it has never been this easy before. Knossos has let me play campaigns I’d never have bothered with because it was just so darn all I had to do was point and click. Have you tried Knossos?
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Offline wookieejedi

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Re: Really finding this project a mess now
I would agree with the sentiments expressed about how great Knossos is. Not only does it make it incredibly easy to find, download, and keep up-to-date mods/campaigns, it also keeps the SCP up-to-date with the click of a button. Furthermore, Knossos makes the job of modders like myself very easy, because now I can simply publish a mod to Knossos, there is an automatic notification on Disocrd, and users can even submit bug reports with just a few clicks. Knossos is great, and IMO it is a great tool when I try to convince someone to try FS and it's mods.  :)


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Re: Really finding this project a mess now
I was quite distrustful of Knossos at first, I wanted to manual control that I thought I preserved by using only wxLauncher. Then I actually decided to give it a try, and found that I didn't really lose much, if any, manual control, while finding a MASSIVELY more end-user-friendly, unified framework. It's glorious.  :nod:

Re: Really finding this project a mess now
Thanks everyone!
My apologies, I got caught up reading too deep in older posts getting bad links and tried using some other launcher I ended up wiping out because it linked dead libraries. I finally found a hassle free GOG installer for FS2 before I read your replies.
I took the advice with Knossos from Kara in another older post too and voila easy as hell.
Thank you so much for bearing with me!

I just overthought and followed too many old posts trying to get oriented again after being away for years.
Plus I am just too curious about some things that were going on while I was gone.
Pretty overwhelming how far things have come along.
=S= to all of the work you guys have been doing!

Diaspora is pretty thrilling to play.
I fried my vid card during the heavier battle on my 50" TV so I took a break for a few weeks.
Came back and in one evening you guys got me all squared away. Card was old anyways, the fan expired during gameplay.
New vid card being shipped for my game rig. Just testing on a couple laptops with Discreet NVidia cards.
Productive this evening figuring things out from your advice.

Well, I thought it was at least?
Where does Knossos put the mods at? I try to run Diaspora and get immediate exe error?
File integrity checks all passed?....Hmmmm ok OpenAL error finally.
I'll try some more fiddling tomorrow lol
« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 01:41:19 am by KewlToyZ »


Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: Really finding this project a mess now
A fan that stopped spinning doesn't mean a dead card right away, though (just a rapidly overheating and shutting down one). Care to share what exactly happened? You might be able to replace the fan or something.

I don't remember where was the default Knossos mod data path, but you can check it at Knossos settings (click the gear in the top right corner, then click "Knossos" and the thing you're looking for is "Data Path"), and also change it to your heart's content.
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.

Re: Really finding this project a mess now
Thanks, yeah unfortunately the N550 GTX Ti card was showing off pattern checkerboard type red and blue squared sort of overlay on every screen.
Start menu and my dialog boxes wouldn't display any text or graphics.
I switched out to the motherboard video and it was fine so it wasn't the OS.
Tried the drivers, no luck. It overheated and hung the system before it went like that.

I grabbed a GTX 1050 off Amazon that seems to be running great.
I went back and installed Knossos on that machine but my Diaspora lost all of the configurations.
I tried launching it from the C:\Games folder and it errored out to this:

ERANGE: String error. Please Report.
Trying to put into 32 byte buffer:
The Prometheuswithoutaichase.fs2
ntdll.dll! NtWaitForSingleObject + 21 bytes
kernel32.dll! WaitForSingleObjectEx + 67 bytes
kernel32.dll! WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
fs2_open_Diaspora_R1.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_Diaspora_R1.exe! <no symbol>

So I guess I'll just go back through Knossos and setup from scratch.
But it wasn't recognizing my Joystick but the OS does.
Trying to figure out which Launcher to configure for it now.

Edit - got it to run with the errors from the C:\ Games directory.
I really do enjoy the game play in this better than Btrl so much more polished.

[attachment eaten by a Shivan]
« Last Edit: March 22, 2019, 01:07:27 am by KewlToyZ »