Author Topic: Suggestion for suggestions  (Read 3217 times)

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Offline Inquisitor

Suggestion for suggestions
Gonna toss this out and see what people think. The current "suggestion" thread is way to information intense, too much stuff is there. Also, I have noticed the suggestions themselves lack any consistency, so, I had a brain fart.

We will be working this week to get the "requests to date" into an automated system, we are currently favoring using bugzilla for automated bug reports AND feature requests, so we can assign things to people, report status on things, etc. However, that's not done yet ;)

For new suggestions, if you could do the following (I am only using the asteroids as an example cause someone is already working on it, and some of these things will be obvious by illustration):

* Verbally sketch the feature, describe it in as much detail as possible as it appears in your minds eye. If it is a GUI thing, maybe even sketch on a piece of paper and scan that in. Saying "I want more asteroids" is not sufficient, describe it like it would work:


I want to display dense asteroid fields, 100 onscreen at once, of various types


* Describe the benefits this feature would have, and who they would benefit.

"This would benefit mod and campaign makers by allowing more realistic environments


* Tell us how important you think this feature is, High, medium or low, compare it mentally to things like fighter beams, glow points, *nix ports, cutscene video. I'd personally label the asteroids as "Medium to High" because it has immediate benefits to people and is likely to be done before say a new video player. Something like "fix the music bug in the main hall when I am at 1024 resoultion" would be a low priority (I made that up, I don;t know there is a music bug in the main hall at any particular resoultion).

* Write some "fake code" for things that are conditional (I saw lots of examples in the suggestions thread).

"if LARGE_ASTEROID is destroyed, create 2 SMALL_ASTEROID"

* Describe which source code files you think might need to be touched.

This one will obviously not be for everyone, but  if you have a guess, make it. Otherwise, leave it blank till someone replies.

This will accomplish a couple of things. First, it makes you think about what exactly you want, and prevents alot of back and forth about what you mean. Second, it helps people who can code, think about how this would fit int the over all architecture. Third, it focuses the discussion on your feature request in a constructive manner, people have a complete picture of what you mean, and can then figure out if someone can do it :) I'd even go so far as to ask people as they begin new feature independently, that they at least walk thru this excercise mentally, rather than diving write into the code. It will help you explain and present it to us, and will likely guide you in your efforts. Of course, unless I am sitting in your coding room, I can't STOP you from just starting to write code ;)

But, rather than asking people to "stop asking for things" I thought maybe, this would focus our creative juices a bit. Basically, I am asking you to write a short design document for your feature.

Final request: Till we get the "list" up, PLEASE scan the threads for redundancy. If you see one that is on there, go ahead and post it in this format, might as well have the discussion, but just be mindful of repeating ourselves :)

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Offline an0n

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Suggestion for suggestions
*round of applause*
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~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline LtNarol

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Suggestion for suggestions
I agree completely, although im a bit worried about the fake code thing and the "which files will be affected", especially seeing as a lot of people will be clueless to these 2.


Offline Inquisitor

Suggestion for suggestions
Fake code is easy, describe what you want to have happen.

"if shipA connects it's docking ring to capshipB, initiate docking movie"

It really can be that simple :)

Source files, like i said, leave blank or guess. Worst case is, you make an attempt and you get it wrong, and then you learn something ;)

I have faith, there are some sharp people here ;)
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Offline LtNarol

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Suggestion for suggestions
Originally posted by Inquisitor
I have faith, there are some sharp people here ;)
Then you come to the dull ones like me ;)


Offline WMCoolmon

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As requested by Inquisitor, here's an example:
One thing that would be handy to be able to do would be the ability to toggle ship trails being displayed regardless of the mission taking place in a nebula. An option could be added to Fred 2 to toggle this on and off, much like the "Disallow Support Ships" option.
This would be extremely helpful to The Apocalypse Project, and for other campaigns and mods this would be something that could be helpful to have as an option.
Admittedly, this wouldn't be too important in the big picture, since TAP can get along without them (though it would mean that the Homeworldish look would be compromised) and I haven't heard of any other campaigns that have a real need for such a feature.
The use of this would be pretty simple; if the setting in Fred is checked, they're on, if it's off, they're off. Shouldn't be too hard to do.
MissionParse.h, Shipcontrails.cpp, MissionNotesDlg.cpp, FRED.rc, and resource.h will probably have to be changed in order to allow ship trails to be toggled on and off.

The last part is sort of cheating since I already finished editing the files to allow it-so don't be intimidated by the list :nod:


Offline Inquisitor

Suggestion for suggestions
bump :)
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Offline Nico

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Suggestion for suggestions
stickify, mods, that's convention and should be always available.


Offline Inquisitor

Suggestion for suggestions
it was late, I forgot :)
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Suggestion for suggestions
if you can upload the list I sorted, it would help, just tell Exel (or whatever the database proggy is) to search for the keywords of your idea.


Offline Martinus

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Suggestion for suggestions
Allow me to swear:

That's damn clever. :D

I especially like the pseudocode idea, it really helps to figure out how to go about coding something and coding newbies can get some loose idea of a program's structure. Bravo :yes:

Suggestion for suggestions
whose idea?


Offline Martinus

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Suggestion for suggestions
Originally posted by Ace Pace
whose idea?

Sorry to let you down Ace but I was refferring to Inq's plan. :)


Offline Kazan

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Suggestion for suggestions
it for a note - when a LARGE_ASTEROID is destroyed it DOES spawn two MEDIUM or SMALL asteroids
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"The Mountains are calling, and I must go" - John Muir


Offline Inquisitor

Suggestion for suggestions
Hehe, speaking of, you have that code available?
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Offline Kazan

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Suggestion for suggestions
have i worked out the collision bug yet
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"The Mountains are calling, and I must go" - John Muir


Offline Fozzy

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Offline Wildfire

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Can somone add somthing to FRED2 that would allow a user to put animation cutscenes in between missions like in the main FS2 campaign?

I don't know if it's already possible but I've been using FRED2 for some time now and have never found such an option.

As for the benefits they should be fairly obvious.  For one thing the designers can use this to expand on the story in between mission etc.
Burn Baby Burn!


Offline Inquisitor

Suggestion for suggestions
Create a new thread, call it "Suggestion: My Fred2 Request" where "My Fred2 Request" is something descriptive of your actual request, and structure it as close to the above guidelines as possible.

Then we can flesh it out and discuss it :)
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