Author Topic: Starship Troopers demo  (Read 1326 times)

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Offline Unknown Target

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Starship Troopers demo
Here's a download link :)
It's from the new SST game :)


Offline Ace

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Downloadin' this and AOE 3.
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock

450 mbs so it'll fit nicely on my flash drive an I'll d/l it first period tomorow.
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Offline pyro-manic

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Ooh - didn't know about this. Diolch yn fawr, UT. :)
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Offline Mefustae

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Tried it a while ago, got a really wierd distortion happening with my screen on the left and bottom edges, and the guns sound absolutely ****, my Cat sounds more bloody imposing than the machine guns in that demo! Plus, there's an area that's pretty much unbeatable to the average advice; don't waste your D/L Limit if you have one...


Offline Ace

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Yeah, the difficulty is pretty crazy. Reminds me of the AvP 1 demo.

However the last scene of the swarm of bugs is absolutely awesome. Seeing them in the distance, hundreds of them kicking up a huge dust cloud.

Personally I would have kept a small squad with the player during the little excursion in the demo. Other then that it's fun, mindless action.

Tactics are definately needed against the bugs, they're easy to kill with a shot gun in their "head" nerve node... thing... If you keep shooting limbs off you just get an angry bug.

Is it just me or are the little walking potato bug looking things the eyes and ears for the brain bugs?

In many ways this game is closer to what I wanted out of Halo. (well minus no vehicles seen in this yet)

Now this game with vehicles and also the powered armor from the book. (jetpacks, nuke weapons et al) would be definately freakin' sweet.

As it is, the whole fighting massive swarms of bugs has sold me on. It's like AvP but in broad daylight.
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline Fragrag

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I didn't get further then when you finally got those Power Cells, game went to laggy and I couldn't take 20 of those bugs on my own
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Offline Fineus

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I also had some serious problems with lag. Granted I insisted on setting everything to "full" where possible but overall it didn't seem too happy. Possibly something to do with the wide open spaces... it handled very similar to BF2.

Also, what's with the yellow bugs? They seem a lot lot harder than  the black variety but in lesser numbers... which makes it less fun if you ask me.

I'm still undecided on this.


Offline aldo_14

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Hmph.  I don't think this will run on mine; I heard it needed an FX5950 min.


Offline Fineus

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    • Hard Light Productions
No. It'll run with a Radeon 9800 Pro.

But it's not exactly top notch.


Offline Unknown Target

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I've got it running with a GF4Ti4600. Lots of graphical glitches though, and the game crashes whenever I try to restart the mission, go into graphics settings, etc.
Fun though :) (when it works)


Offline Liberator

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i get like 6fps on my 9600, runs fine though.
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Offline NGTM-1R

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All in all...I'm more impressed by Microprose' RTT game...
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Offline Scorpius

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I just hope this comes out for xbox because Im sad to say that I dont think my little laptop with a 9600 can handle this game.  It looks like a lot of fun.
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