Author Topic: Damage Values in FreeSpace  (Read 1587 times)

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Offline Snail

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Damage Values in FreeSpace
In FreeSpace, I have to say that the values given in the tech room entries of some missiles in the units of kilotons and gigatons, are wrong, depending on which source you consult and what you consider canon.

In FreeSpace 2, we see a Hercules fighter that hits a planet in Deneb, leaving a small line of debris and a trail where it hit the ground. Something with that much mass (capable of withstand nuclear impacts) would probably exert enough force moving at that speed to make a jolly big crater, even if it's not that large. However, it is possible the pilot was able to maneuver his Hercules to a speed slow enough to land, but lost control at the last moment and crashed. So that's up to discussion.

In a "super secret" cutscene in Silent Threat, however, we see a Thoth fighter flying around. Then a Shivan "space marine" jumps out of nowhere and lands on the fighter, shaking it up, before smashing through the cockpit with a claw. Tell me, is it possible that a ship that can withstand nuclear impacts can be taken down by a nekkid Shivan punching the cockpit? I doubt it... Either the cockpit is extremely vulnerable, or that cutscene was non-canon (though it was released by Volition it may have been a test cutscene of some sort).

A possible explanation for this inconsistency is that the kiloton and megaton units have changed since the 21st century, and are no more kiloton and megaton of TNT, but a kiloton or megaton of some other weaker explosive that isn't so dangerous (which is a sort of stupid thing to do, IMO).

Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
The hercules in the FS2 cutscene wouldn't of hit the ground vertically, making a crator. Instead the pilot scraped his ship against the ground like your typical crash landing, which is why there is no crater regardless of weight.
Fun while it lasted.

Then bitter.


Offline LT

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Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
Dude, it was a joke cutscene stop analyzing it like some kind of friggin trekki.

Next you're going to be asking us about the pirate ship with the game developers on it.



Offline Mars

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Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
Although LT put it far too bluntly, the Shivan Space Marine cutscene can't be taken as canon any more than the Vasudan Headz

As for the Hercules cutscene, just because something can widthstand kiloton explosions doesn't mean it's massive, it just means it's made of some fairly exotic materials. It's possible the atmosphere of the planet was enough to slow the Herc down as well.

LT please don't result to name calling and ALLCAPS, and drinking and posting is not recommended.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 04:01:13 pm by Mars »


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
There was some sort of crater. . .

But you gotta know, that space doesn't have pressure. So the explosion force just "bounces" off the impacted surface. Unless the target is not armored, then the warhead/weapon-bolt just flys through it, destroying it. . .

Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
Why is it the younger generations don't seem to know how to spell "naked".


Offline Vretsu

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Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
The tech room is GTVA lies.



Offline S-99

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Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
Nukes don't do hardly anything in vacuum. Make a shaped charge out of them and you'll have something very nasty and space worthy. Nuclear explosions in atmosphere are very different because there's an atmosphere to create a devastating shockwave with. In space a nuke is just an unleashing of energy because there's no medium. It's not going to be unharmless of course. But, the fighters in fs2 are not only shielded, but armored pretty good, and are ****ing huge as all ****. Also when they say megatons and kilotons i believe they're using the same kind of megatons and kilotons that we use today.
Every pilot's goal is to rise up in the ranks and go beyond their purpose to a place of command on a very big ship. Like the colossus; to baseball bat everyone.


I won't use google for you.

An0n sucks my Jesus ring.

Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
Why wouldn't they?
Fun while it lasted.

Then bitter.


Offline S-99

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Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
Why wouldn't they what?
Every pilot's goal is to rise up in the ranks and go beyond their purpose to a place of command on a very big ship. Like the colossus; to baseball bat everyone.


I won't use google for you.

An0n sucks my Jesus ring.


Offline LT

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Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
Although LT put it far too bluntly, the Shivan Space Marine cutscene can't be taken as canon any more than the Vasudan Headz

As for the Hercules cutscene, just because something can widthstand kiloton explosions doesn't mean it's massive, it just means it's made of some fairly exotic materials. It's possible the atmosphere of the planet was enough to slow the Herc down as well.

LT please don't result to name calling and ALLCAPS, and drinking and posting is not recommended.

I wasn't aware that I had used name calling good sir, I wasn't aware I was drunk either! But damn your eyes good sir for you see that which I cannot!

I'd like you to meet my friend parody he and I are BBFL's!

god I know some where Aristotle is turning in his grave faster than a Valkyrie in a barrel roll.

P.S. you should really take my comments with a grain of salt, it is not my intention to disrupt the function of this forum. IT IS my intention to bring a grin and a smirk with sarcasm and the humility of the average joe. But if you do not approve please give me your best Per minas.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 10:11:54 pm by LT »

Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
It does say that the Shivan claws can rip through the "sturdiest known alloys"
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Re: Damage Values in FreeSpace
The Shivan's claws are phase claws.  :drevil:
They shred metal like jelly. Kiloton explosives have got nothing on them phase claws.  :lol: