Author Topic: Worldcraft?  (Read 935 times)

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Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
Is it possible to make Freespace ships in Worlcraft, and then convert them to pof? I am asking as i am quite skilled in worldcraft, and it is freealy available, truespace and such are beyond me.


Offline delta_7890

  • Your Node Is Mine
  • 28
er...what formats can you save in?



  • Turret Fiend
  • 210
worldcraft? as in HL map editor? hah! you could give it ago but... heh heh.................. *runs off sniggering*
Conflict GRDLA:
Operation Return To Riker - the latest site is not finished yet!
[What we have here is the source to the Freespace ENGINE, not the Freespace GAME. By allowing the ENGINE to support all kinds of cool stuff, we're allowing the creation of all new GAMES] - TurboNed


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
Originally posted by delta_7890
er...what formats can you save in?



Offline DTP

  • ImPortant Coder
  • 28
Well you could, but world craft is perhaps the worst choice when it comes to building models.

Instead of listing the problems and drawbacks of using world-craft, I recommend you buy Truespace 4 that right now cost the same as 3 games, 99$ in the last offer I received from calagari.

Perhaps because I stated that I was simply not ready to pay 700$ for truespace 5.2 :D.

If you cannot afford this, then go for truespace 1 or 2. That is available somewhere, just use Google or Yahoo. That is the way I found them.

You need any of them anyway since you need to edit the hierarchy anyway in order for turrets and stuff to work.
VBB member; reg aug 1999; total posts 600.
War is a lion, on whos back you fall, never to get up.
Think big. Invade Space.


Offline Grey Wolf

You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
Sorry 'bout the exhuming of threads, but...
Does anyone in the UK remember a Short-lived pc mag called PlanetPC? The disk that accompanied the first issue had the FULL VERSION of Truespace 2! I had this long before I started playing Freespace, however I lost the disk, could anyone who had this e-mail me the exe?

BTW, a mate of mine had a German mag with the FULL FS1 on the coverdisks, how cheeky is that? Here in the UK we're fobbed off with demos that are no-use, and the "FREE SOFTWARE" is always a crappy card game or some ****.