Author Topic: Mando's work in progress list  (Read 14917 times)

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Offline mandobardanjusik

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
well say hello to the beginning of another new attempt at the scimitar texture, hopefuly wont be that hard this time, as I now know most of the detail areas.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 08:05:50 pm by mandobardanjusik »


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Re: Mando's work in progress list
The splotchy gray base color isn't a very good starting point.  I'd try something more uniform.
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Offline mandobardanjusik

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
ok so after a good bit of work, and a few somewhat new techniques, I have managed to do as much of the tug texture that is within my skill area(still have a thing or two I hope to get help with from bobb though). and since brand's mailbox is full, I am posting the pics out here for him to evaluate.

note(dirt and blast marks are the 2 things I am hoping to get bobbs help on)


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
For dirt you won't get any argument for me (apart from adding some oily splotches perhaps), but blast marks?
That thing can't have blast marks, because it doesn't survive any blasts, and who would bother to shoot a tug in the first place?

Apart from that my complements for this fine piece of work.


Offline mandobardanjusik

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
well, first off it has a reinforced top hull that is designed to take heavy collisions, and the occasional blast shot(and they may be used as training targets which would scratch the paint).. second they can be considered a target when you are after them or the cargo they are pulling(sometimes they get escorts even ;)) and it has the common upgrade of a pair of laser cannons for defense. and thanks

oh and dont forget tug skiing, when you use your tractor beam to grab a ride on a faster fighter, going fast, and shooting at it
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 06:48:41 am by mandobardanjusik »


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
Seems like they've gone a long way from being instantly vaporized, like they were in X-Wing... or was it alliance?


Offline mandobardanjusik

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
well I would at least think they could take a few hits, at least as many as the tie fighter. I mean, if they can take a hit with a piece of cargo, or a micrometeorite, a laser blast or two should be allowable, however it isnt a fighter of course
and training lasers can barely scratch paint on a fighter
however in the end it is all up to the coders


Offline mandobardanjusik

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
well since I missed chief by 2 minutes I am posting the improved back caustion paint.

Re: Mando's work in progress list
I would try to introduce that brown metal texture to the domes at the base of the tractor beams.


Offline rhettro

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
That's a more detailed texture than I have managed to complete. :) But like bobbtmann, I would like to see the brown metal bleed onto the adjacent parts. Also I would expect some of the yellow paint to be flaking off if it is as old as the brown metal parts.  You have talent Mando, keep it up.


Offline mandobardanjusik

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
do you guys want me to be able to finish this?!!!!! also I imagine the yellow paint to  be constantly replaced, and I used to have flaking but it wasnt up to standards, and its not like I have a ton of experience like bobb or brand


Offline mandobardanjusik

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
ok sorry, that was a bit harsh, I am just getting tired have doing to stuff again and again and again


Offline Dragon

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
Indeed, the yellow paint should be scratched and showing some use, but other that that, it looks perfect. Keep up the good work.


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
I guess it's the old saying again: "Art is never finished, only abondoned."


Offline mandobardanjusik

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Re: Mando's work in progress list
well if this gets abandoned, it doesnt get ingame ;), on the up side,  the uv on the dagger is great, and the AO is baked, however on the scimitar I may need to redo the cockpit module uv, its a bit warped right now., only thing needed for the tugs completion is that flaking paint, butI might be able to get help on that