Author Topic: Model Status Report (continued)  (Read 1721 times)

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Offline Mav

  • 28
  • location: Shivan fleet - closing in on GTVA space
Model Status Report (continued)
...continued from here .

Hi @ll :) .
Hm, seems I've been sort of lost in space for quite a while  :o ... (reasons are the usual ones - that 'RL'-thing, PC-problems and other games [for the last point mainly SE-V and X3TC in this case] )

Anyway, just a short status report:

SsbB Inferno - model nearly finished (except for the pilot) , UV-map on a good way  (additional model-details will be added separate so they won't screw the UV)

SsFK Havoc - improved model complete, UV-map nearly; too  (2 of the 3 rear-turrets are still a bit messed up)

Kilrathi Bloodfang Mk 1  - model finished (though I noticed it should have had a peaked nose, but I'm going to stay with the rounded one) ; UV-map started

GTVsF Aurora - UV-map started, but not very far yet...  ( #@!% idea to model the cockpit as part of the hull-mesh :( ... )

Kilrathi Jalkehi - got a better UV-map a while ago, but I didn't yet got to update the texture to fit to the new UVs, so it looks a bit messed up currently.

In-between, I experimented a bit with tS' effects for trying a little render-video, but bullet-flightpaths turned out to be complicated of sorts  ( bullets flying into random directions after attaching the emitters to a model - the bonus here is, the lensflares choose another direction than the bullets...  :eek2:  :wakka: ) - the GunFire-tsx would be nice there, but from what I know, it's not available anymore... :(
Still, I got lasers, beams, engineglows and shields to look somewhat acceptable; wrecks seem to work, too.
The downside of this is that I need to activate light-emitting textures which sort of swallow my workingmachines Core2Duo whole... 3h rendering time for 1s of video (with sketch-models even) doesn't seem very promising there...  :shaking:

I also started a Kha'ak TM, and a few fighters for my own X3TC-company, but that I'll post over at egosoft once I get to it  ( and the fighters aren' that far anyway... :-/  )

Oh, and I recently re-discovered the following on my HDD (pic is from late 2010, seems I forgot it after that....) .
Wings are already ok, I'd say, but the cockpit-section will need a lot of work to look good.

Oh, the name's THF Dart (my shipnames are a bit unimaginative, I have to admit) - the TH standing for my sort-of-equivalent of Inf's EA in the story I imagined for my ships  ( actually in 2001 already, so I didn't copy it story-wise, there are just some parallels - and I just got stuck on the modeling-part of sorts, so no, there are no missions yet and it's unknown if there ever will be... [though i have a very rough mission-/events-tree somewhere... or rather, 2 actually, which I should integrate at some point...] ) .

Ok, enough talking, here's the THF Dart:

More pics are sheduled for soon, but for the moment, this is it.
... returning to the hive for now. :warp:

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capship shields DO WORK !!!
my models, now with pics
test mission for commanding capships
suffering from a late stage of BoE-infection - DON'T call a doctor, it's too late for that anyway ;o)