Author Topic: EPA Bans 80% of Wood burning stoves (used to heat 12% of US homes)  (Read 5481 times)

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Re: EPA Bans 80% of Wood burning stoves (used to heat 12% of US homes)
On basic stove technology.
I was never a big fan of open chimney fire places. It's a lot for their inefficiency, it's more for risk of lighting your house on fire.

I've installed many wood stoves and built chimneys for them over the years.
This was the last stove i managed to get for free for my landlord. And it's just a classic wood burner in all respects, but in a small size.

Wood stoves have controllable air flow on the stove itself, and the dampener close to the stove in the chimney; wood stoves in general are designed to radiate heat. Chimneys i find really only heat the immediate room with most of the heat and smoke going up the chimney sucking a bunch of cold air through any holes in the house to feed itself.

Aside from the chimney tangent gets down to one of the recent past upgrades to woodstoves. The ones with catalytic converters. Extract more heat from the smoke! I thought i was on board until i found out i can destroy the catalytic converter burning anything with colored ink and any type of glue (that rules out almost all fire starters). That, and getting such a stove up and going properly meant getting the catalytic converter hot enough (pain in my dick). I hate catalytic converter stoves because they take too long to get going without snuffing out your fire if you put the catalytic converter into use slightly prematurely, or destroying your catalytic converter because you had a bunch of totino's pizza boxes around and felt like you'd start the fire with. So yes, i downgraded my old place in north pole alaska with a less advanced stove just to have a much easier time. It used less wood, i could burn all paper and wood products or anything in it, burned just as long as the old stove, and put out just as much heat.

Ballot measure 2
Most stove regulations would indeed change the market for wood stoves which is fine. All the other wood stoves would most likely be grandfathered in (this is very likely). If that isn't offered, then a trade your old stove for new stove might happen (but, this is unlikely). Any locations that demand you upgrade your own stove on your own dollar, or fine you for not is bastardly and doesn't serve the people or the community.

A similar thing was about to happen in north pole alaska. It was mostly prompted by thinking the city's air was too polluted; compared to the rest of america, alaska's air is pretty darn clean. The second thing that prompted it was the local wood pellet factory (this is my opinion here, but i bet it's not far off that superior pellet fuels liked the idea of getting rich fast, and that they had a hand to play in this). North pole government was trying to go down the road of sending people to your door so they can test your chimney and then fine you if not within regulations. Too bad almost everyone in that community burns wood. Like nuke pointed out, just about everybody in alaska burns wood. If you live in alaska and you don't burn wood, you live in an apartment building, or you're retarded. In winter when the power goes out for hours and your lovely wood pellet stove (electronically powered, most if not all are) and your toyostove can't provide you heat. You're effectively ****ed. I hated living in places where the wood heat was electronicly assisted. Because when the power goes out, you're ****ed, and it means the people who put that heating system there were morons.

Great defunct website on the north star boroughs ballot measure 2.

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Offline Nuke

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Re: EPA Bans 80% of Wood burning stoves (used to heat 12% of US homes)
^ especially up in the interior where -40f is common. frankly i would want a backup stove if i lived there, because not having heat can kill you.

i knew a guy in juneau who put an industrial heat exchanger on his stovepipe. made it so one load of wood could do the work of 4. and he was just burning old shipping palettes which he collected from stores who just wanted to get rid of them, as well as construction waste from a few contractors that he knew. granted i dont know where he got that unit. to buy one would probibly cost tens of thousands of dollars, but he claimed he got it for free. the perks of being an engineer.

im actually on fuel oil, since i live in an apartment, and i dont have to pay for it. there is a magic button i can push that makes it warmer in here at no expense to me.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 12:42:42 am by Nuke »
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Re: EPA Bans 80% of Wood burning stoves (used to heat 12% of US homes)
there is a magic button i can push that makes it warmer in here at no expense to me.
**** you.

On the other note. I wish i could have that guy's setup. Then again, processed and treated wood gives off a lot of heat. It also burns faster, he did have a good system going on. I was more or less trying to do the same thing (getting pallets and what not), but whenever i did, i found them more handy than to just burn unfortunately. To resist those ground level soggy logs, they are great for stacking wood on top of!

I actually was busting apart dressers and other wooden in fantastic condition stuff to burn instead. Getting a hold of construction waste was a different thing. Wait until late spring and all of summer, and show up to the transfer station. Get all of the unused lumber and fiberglass insulation still in the packaging to get for free from all of those construction projects that purchased too many materials and bring it all home. But, yet again, aside from fiberglass being handy, the free lumber was just too handy to burn as well.

The person you spoke about obviously lives in a complete insulated and well built house.
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Offline Nuke

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Re: EPA Bans 80% of Wood burning stoves (used to heat 12% of US homes)
yea, i did most of the work. it was a double wide trailer actually. in addition to a new roof which was installed before i started working there, we redid all the exterior walls. stripped off the sheet metal and put on bead board, plywood, and tyvec and new siding. then on the inside we put in new ceilings, redid all the walls, new insulation, new windows, new drywall and new floors. we sealed up every little crack we could find. he even rented a flir unit to check for holes. needless to say by the time we finished it wasnt a trailer anymore. idk why we just didnt build a whole new building. he actually planned to have it jacked up remove the wheels and put a foundation under it, but i left juneau before that could happen. i was house sitting once in the fall way several years ago and almost never had to fire the stove.
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Offline S-99

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Re: EPA Bans 80% of Wood burning stoves (used to heat 12% of US homes)
That sounds awesome.
Every pilot's goal is to rise up in the ranks and go beyond their purpose to a place of command on a very big ship. Like the colossus; to baseball bat everyone.


I won't use google for you.

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