Author Topic: Node War's Future  (Read 889 times)

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Offline Grey Wolf

A poll to determine the future of Node Wars is occuring as we speak. Anyone at all interested in playing now or in the future should vote:,0.msg176195.html#msg176195
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw


Offline Kamikaze

  • A Complacent Wind
  • 29
for details/argument/discussion come to the IRC channel too.
Science alone of all the subjects contains within itself the lesson of the danger of belief in the infallibility of the greatest teachers in the preceding generation . . .Learn from science that you must doubt the experts. As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. - Richard Feynman