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Offline RandomTiger

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Originally posted by heretic

oh please, do tell how outlawing guns will stop criminals! or how forcing even more registration will stop an illegal/stolen gun.....I -love- it when people say that.

Are you really that stupid? Yes of course the UK has gun problems, but nothing on the scale of the US, even if you take into account the population difference.

The more guns you have in a country the more they will be used, the more people will get shot. Its so simple its crazy.


Offline vyper

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
This is just bloody stupid. Its like taking Flight Sim off the shelves after 9/11.
As for UK's problems. Lets get something clear - the problem of home owners being unable to defend themselves is little to do with gun-laws. Home owners are unable to act because they themselves be arrested if they strike the burglar. :rolleyes: Thats the problem - not gun laws.

A gun is designed for one purpose - to kill. It used to be UK law that if you carried a loaded firearm, you intended to use it. We cannot have weapons designed purely to kill in the hands of the general populous save we get people like the Washingotn Sniper.
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Offline Sandwich

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Originally posted by Kellan
Heretic: guns are illegal in this country, and many other European nations. We have a much lower incidence of gun violence here than elsewhere. I concede that it doesn't stop everyone, and those who are committed to getting a gun can probably do so. However, it cuts off the easiest route of supply. Only those who connive to get a gun can do so.

Why was this done? Because seven years ago, a guy walked into a Scottish school with a legally-owned gun, and shot a dozen or so six-year-olds and their teachers. Since the outlawing of handguns, no such incident has been repeated.

The point is you can make it harder for criminals to get guns. It won't stop everyone, but it does stop most of 'em - here, at least. Now, if you're prepared to argue that Americans are in some way different to that, genetically or socially... :p

Besides, I bet if I dug up the figures, most gun violence, like other violence will have been committed within the home, by members of the same family to one another. Most gun violence involves legally-owned guns.

Sorry Kellan, but I'm gonna harp on all this gun-law crap, and your post is the one I'm gonna use as a punching bag. ;)

Gun laws only work to prevent law-abiding citizens from aquiring a gun. What criminal is gonna say, "Oh, it's illegal for me to have/get a gun, so I'd better not" ?!?!? :wtf:

7 years ago, eh? And did this type of incedent occur once every 7 years or so previous to the instatement of the gun-law? No, didn't think so. So this "statistic" about it not recurring means absolutely nothing.

I don't quite see how this could be applied to any other society, but here in Israel, an overwhelming majority of people go through military service. One of the main points I recall about my basic training was about our weapon, our gun. They said it was your girfriend: it went everywhere you did. Sleep, eat, etc. THey also were quite emphatic about not fooling around with the gun - it was a weapon of death, meant to be used only when death was the point. When you go home, you don't showcase your new "toy" - you lock it up where small children and adults alike cannot get to it. You do not show off with it, you do not demonstrate to your family how fast you can disassemble and reassemble it. You recognize the incredible responsibility of having the power to kill in your 18-year-old hands, and you act with maturity. And, they said, all of the IDF's saftey rules have unfortunately been written in blood. Lessons learned the hard way, hopefully never to be repeated.

So anyway, here you have a society of gun-toting civillians; roughly one in twenty owns a weapon. Crime rate? Virtually nil. Yeah, you get the drug-related shootings every few months or so, but a crook breaking into someone's house? If that person has a gun, he can legally shoot-to-kill that crook for breaking into his house. School violence? Bah - we go on about the physical violence in our schools - kids beating others up, and yeah, it's pretty bad/sad/horrible. But thank God we don't have the school violence that you do in the West.
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Offline Tiara

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
still not as bad as in Greece.... :doubt:

...because I can :drevil:


Offline aldo_14

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Guns kill people... not games.

And how many murders in the US could be avoided by criminalising guns?  Look at the high school shootings by kids using their fathers guns, for example..... if you have a situation where it is easy to legally buy a gun, it makes it ahell of a lot easier for wannabe criminals... it gives them an easy, effective weapon (otherwise, they'd need to use a knife, etc, which is a lot less dangerous / avoidable).  Not to mention that it gave the IRA an easy source for weaponry in the 80's (while we're on the war on terrorism).

Sandwhich - the situation in Israel is totally different to the US, I believe;  you have a lot of people who have been trained to use and understand the lethality of a gun, and thus to respect that.  in the US, most people wouldn't, and there seems to be a whole sort of very strong gun culture there...during this sniper thing, there were seemingly glowing praise for the the snipers skills at the same time as condeming him from an NRA PR guy.  and the point of a gun law is that it should STOP the legal import of arms(beyond those for government agency /army, etc)  into a country... that alone makes it hard for a crim to obtain a gun on the black market, and forces them to search fro more difficult / expensive sources.

Oh, and sandwich - are guns legal in the Gaza strip (et al)?


Offline an0n

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Personally, I'd much rather be shot in the face than be beaten to death with a baseball bat.

Also, it's impossible to outlaw guns in the US, and infact, the current regulations are inviolation of of the original, unammended US constitution. 'Right to bear arms' anyone?

The reason that US gun-death rates are higher is because in just about every large US city there is some kinda of big-ass ghetto full of illegal immigrants, gangsters and mentally ill people who've been overlooked by the system. If there were no guns, then there'd just be dozens of stabbings and hit'n'runs every day.
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Offline Zeronet

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Here in the UK, they banned guns and Gun crime soared. American gun laws are good, because everybody knows who has guns etc, remove the ability to get guns legally and people get them off the black market. Its not that hard to get a illegal gun in the UK, its always been easier than getting a legal gun.

In britian, if you punch a robber, the son of a biatch can sue you. man got sued successfully because his fence was too close to a canal and the robber fell in. Laws in the UK are fubared.

As for Wal-mart, let them. This Sniper is a crazed terrorist or ex-marine with a fubared brain.
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Offline vyper

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Gun crime soared because of social factors Zero, not because we outlawed guns. Our culture is suffering from a loss of moral grounding, people feel opressed in thier own country, and drug related crime continues to rise. These factors are the main cause of all crime in the UK, not outlawing guns.
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Offline Tiara

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
In the Netherlands guns are illigal but (soft) drugs aren't... :p

...because I can :drevil:


Offline 01010

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Originally posted by Tiara
In the Netherlands guns are illigal but (soft) drugs aren't... :p

I thought that they were illegal but it was more of a blind eye approach, and that the sale of cannabis was taxed.

::must visit amsterdam::

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Offline Stryke 9

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Eh... not really. Most of you are just flat-out wrong in one way or another.

1. The US is never gonna be like the UK. We've got a ****ed-up, violent culture strung together by thousands of semi-psychotic man-children. I won't go into detail (some things I'm a bit foggy on, and it'd take a largish book to explain the national consciousness of the States, which I have no intention of writing, because typing cramps hurt like all hell), but basically, people here generally don't recognize each other as any more human than a piece of furniture, unless they know the individual person well and like them. Combine that with feelings of inadequacy, testosterone buildup from vicariously living the lives of supermen with guns who kill bad dudes by the gross, and the sort of childishness you see out here (You can't take away my rights! And I have a right to a semiautomatic rifle!!!), and you get: tons and tons of psychoes. If you took away the guns, people would go at each other with machetes, and those things ****ing HURT when you get a good whack from one- way more than a handful of bullets would, and taking a much longer time and larger quantity to kill you. No. Thanks.

2. Black market guns are ****ing expensive. Maybe one citizen in a hundred can really afford one, and maybe one citizen in a thousand is the sort who'd use one on someone else- and they're rarely the same one citizen. Criminals are normally pretty damn poor- you don't see your local mugger buying a Lexus, and you sure as hell don't see any street-level drug dealers sporting Kalashnikovs- it's the same economic range, one that's beyond the resources of the average crook.

3. The "deterrent value" thing... meh. It's kind of ****ed up to kill someone for stealing your TV, no matter how you look at it ("Bastard! That thing cost me $2500 and I'm gonna miss the Simpsons! Die!" *blam*). If the individual in question is also intent on killing you, well, it might work to some degree. I'm not gonna trust my quick-draw when some dude's got a stiletto pointed at my back, much less a largish Glock in my face, and I think that few criminals would expect you to.

4. Why not ban guns? Because guns are damn cool. They make loud noises, if you point them at something it explodes/dies, it makes a convienient phallic symbol, and guns hows are less disgusting than pissing contests... what more could you want in life? Aside from a bigger gun?


Offline Kellan

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Originally posted by Sandwich
Sorry Kellan, but I'm gonna harp on all this gun-law crap, and your post is the one I'm gonna use as a punching bag. ;)

Feel free, I've bashed religion based on your posts before. I put my views out in public expecting them to be challenged. :)

Gun laws only work to prevent law-abiding citizens from aquiring a gun. What criminal is gonna say, "Oh, it's illegal for me to have/get a gun, so I'd better not" ?!?!? :wtf:[/b]

I never said that gun laws would stop those who were determined to acquire firearms. I said as much, in so many words, in the post. However, casual criminals are far less likely to go in armed if it's difficult to get a gun. Crimes of passion are less likely to end with shootings if there's no gun in the drawer. Kids are less likely to fool around with Dad's gun and get themselves killed if he doesn't have one.

7 years ago, eh? And did this type of incedent occur once every 7 years or so previous to the instatement of the gun-law? No, didn't think so. So this "statistic" about it not recurring means absolutely nothing.[/b]

I had considered writing in this kind of disclaimer to the post, but I couldn't be bothered. I thought the point I was trying to get across would be clear without resorting to pedantry. :p

But no, it didn't happen often. It was just the most graphic example of gun violence I had to hand. However, if you really WANT me to spell it out, that event was like our Columbine. Since then, we've had no more "Columbines" because guns are illegal. However, the U.S. had events like that before Columbine, and it has had very similar ones since. Thanks. :D

THey also were quite emphatic about not fooling around with the gun - it was a weapon of death, meant to be used only when death was the point. When you go home, you don't showcase your new "toy" - you lock it up where small children and adults alike cannot get to it. You do not show off with it, you do not demonstrate to your family how fast you can disassemble and reassemble it. You recognize the incredible responsibility of having the power to kill in your 18-year-old hands, and you act with maturity.[/b]

To select one part of this long passage, I would add the qualification that you act with maturity. Not everyone does, as your "lessons in blood" show. There are countless examples of family members shooting one another thinking they're intruders, or kids finding Daddy's gun, etc etc. In fact, IIRC they make up the majority of gun-related deaths in the US. That's too great a risk to take for me.

And yes, I realise that guns have their place in the military. :)

So anyway, here you have a society of gun-toting civillians; roughly one in twenty owns a weapon. Crime rate? Virtually nil. Yeah, you get the drug-related shootings every few months or so, but a crook breaking into someone's house? If that person has a gun, he can legally shoot-to-kill that crook for breaking into his house.[/b]

Yes, but respectfully - people in Israel have rather more to worry about than breaking into people's homes and stealing their stuff. It's not exactly a complete reason, but it could be a factor - especially in the Settlements.

School violence? Bah - we go on about the physical violence in our schools - kids beating others up, and yeah, it's pretty bad/sad/horrible. But thank God we don't have the school violence that you do in the West. [/B]

We don't have that kind of violence because we don't have guns here. Simple.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2002, 11:22:31 am by 323 »


Offline CP5670

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
On the gun law issue, I can see about equal benefits and losses for both arguments, and I am not heavily in favor of either side there. I think a much better solution to fighting crime is simply to make punishments ten times as harsh. The death sentence should be far more common and prison luxuries need to be drastically reduced; we are not paying taxes so that these cutthroats can live a great life for free. :p When you have tough penalities for everything, people will obey the laws out of fear for the alternative, and everything will go well.

people here generally don't recognize each other as any more human than a piece of furniture

come to think of it, how are they any more "human" than the furniture or anything else? :rolleyes: :D
« Last Edit: October 19, 2002, 11:28:14 am by 296 »


Offline Kellan

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Originally posted by an0n
Also, it's impossible to outlaw guns in the US, and infact, the current regulations are inviolation of of the original, unammended US constitution. 'Right to bear arms' anyone?

"...As part of a well-organised militia", Mr. Warbird? :D

Originally posted by Zeronet
In britian, if you punch a robber, the son of a biatch can sue you. man got sued successfully because his fence was too close to a canal and the robber fell in. Laws in the UK are fubared.

...And shooting their face off wouldn't be considered a crime? :lol:

Also Stryke, that whole thing was very funny.


Offline Tiara

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Originally posted by 01010

I thought that they were illegal but it was more of a blind eye approach, and that the sale of cannabis was taxed.

I consider that legal....

...because I can :drevil:


Offline CP5670

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Actually, forget about guns; how about bombs? are they legal or illegal in most countries? (not that it will really matter, but I am just curious :D)


Offline Stryke 9

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Highly illegal. Hell, you can't even go deer-hunting with landmines out here!


Offline Knight Templar

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
The reason that US gun-death rates are higher is because in just about every large US city there is some kinda of big-ass ghetto full of illegal immigrants, gangsters and mentally ill people who've been overlooked by the system. If there were no guns, then there'd just be dozens of stabbings and hit'n'runs every day.

yup, that would be like the whole south west side of my little city .
I've taken to call it lil' mexico

you'll never be able to get rid of guns here (US) i mean.. the NRA has Charlton Heston.. :p
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Offline vyper

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Originally posted by Tiara

I consider that legal....

I don't think either your Government nor mine does however. Drugs are bad m'kay? :D
"But you live, you learn.  Unless you die.  Then you're ****ed." - aldo14


Offline Tiara

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Walmart pulling "sniper" games off shelves
Originally posted by vyper

Drugs are bad m'kay? :D

How come? Some doctors even proposed to use cannabis as a pain relieving medicin.

...because I can :drevil: