Author Topic: Reproducible fred / messages bug?  (Read 1248 times)

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Offline Arc

  • 23
Reproducible fred / messages bug?
Has anyone tried to end a message with a backslash (\)? Using both Fred2 and Fred2_open3.3, the events editor will close without complaining, but Fred will crash when saving (totally freezes). I assumed it was because Fred was interpreting the \ as an escape code and tried a \\, with no success. The mission can be recovered with by using a text editor to remove the \.

I haven't entered this into bugzilla, because I wasn't sure if this was already known or if it's a thing with my system. Can anyone else reproduce this?

I'm not familiar with the code, so I don't know if this'd be easy or worthwhile to fix. If it isn't, should the events editor be modified to prevent people doing this?