Author Topic: Inferno News  (Read 42332 times)

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Last updated: 15th May '03

Since the site seems to be updated less frequently these days, I thought I'd bring some of our more recent news to bear in friendly thread form. :)

Inferno custom EXEs

Woomeister built a custom version of the FS2 and FRED2 executables for Inferno to allow for the inclusion of more mods (and more TBL entries). It does not include any of the SCP additions, since the recent builds have been somewhat unstable on a lot of people's machines. Inferno may be distributed with these executables as standard, providing they are as stable as Volition's originals, or they may be optional for mod-makers to add their own ships to the campaign.

Tech room

At present we have a fully functioning techroom for both ships and weapons in the campaign. Superficial but cool nonetheless. :)

New toys

A number of new mods not mentioned on the Inferno site have been introduced, including a heavy assault fighter, a heavier stealth fighter, a new SOC destroyer, and the Notus' exclusive carrier ship. Even more cool stuff is planned to go in the eventual release. Existing stats are also being tweaked to give each Inferno ship unique combat characteristics.

Mission progress

Major revisions have been made to Inferno's GTVA Chapter 1 missions, the only real issue holding up the initial release. However, the changes are well worth waiting for. ;)

Interface art

Full, canon-style techroom animations for every flyable Terran and Vasudan ship in the campaign (currently numbered at almost 30 ships).

Voice acting

The voice question still remains undecided. We may be on the lookout for actors soon, or we may not bother at all.


The team is always on the lookout for experienced, competent mission designers. However, I'd also like to ask for help in making some single-frame interface art for the weapons techroom and with gun icons for the weapon selection screen. If anyone with the necessary skills wants to volunteer them in either of these regards, contact me or Woomeister by PM or email.

Update (15-05-03): Weapon models and interface art

Woomeister has finished modelling our new secondary weapons and is designing the requisite art for the techroom and loadout screens.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2003, 06:28:41 am by 443 »


Offline Hudzy

  • Apollo Pilot
  • 28
:D Sounds good.


Offline J.F.K.

  • 29
The work you guys are pulling off is damn impressive. Godspeed. :yes:
[font="SerpentineDBol"]. . . . W H O . I S . T H E . M A N , . W H O . I S . T H E . M Y T H ?[/font]

Some more screenshots will be winging their way to you all very soon... I'm almost done with mission 13 of 15 for Chapter 1. Getting really close to release now. :nod:


More screenshots here.


Offline Woomeister

  • Infyrno Missile
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    • Inferno SCP
Most release 1 modpacks are now ready so a download size estimate can be given now.

The first release is the core of the mod, it will include most of the ships and all the weapons so far.

Packs required:

Core Files - currently 24mb
EA Pack - 10mb (already released)
Terran Pack - 19mb
SOC/Vas pack - 20mb
Shivan Pack - probably about 10mb, will be replaced by R2 Shiv/Ancient pack
Missions - probably a few hundred k
Tables - a few kb

Chapter 1 CB Anis - currently 49mb

Overall R1 will be about 135mb to download and will be around 250mb uncompressed, at least so far.

The entire campaign mod folder is currently over 300mb, and we have more cb anis to do :D

Release 2 will include the Ancients mods and the 2nd GTVA chapter.

Release 3 will include our modified exes, a few new ships, the final GTVA chapter, and the entire SOC campaign.

I'm putting together a new sound pack for Inferno at the moment. I doubt I'll be able to scrounge enough effects for secondary launches, but the interface and many of the flight sounds have already been put in to my liking. :)



Offline pyro-manic

  • FlambĂ©
  • 210
Packs required:
Core Files - currently 24mb
EA Pack - 10mb (already released)
Terran Pack - 19mb
SOC/Vas pack - 20mb
Shivan Pack - probably about 10mb, will be replaced by R2 Shiv/Ancient pack
Missions - probably a few hundred k
Tables - a few kb

Chapter 1 CB Anis - currently 49mb

Overall R1 will be about 135mb to download and will be around 250mb uncompressed, at least so far.

Damn, that's huge! This better be worth it, people! :D
Any fool can pull a trigger...


Offline Rampage

  • Son Of Rampage
  • 211
  • Urogynaecologist
And this is aimed to be released within the next two years?


Offline Woomeister

  • Infyrno Missile
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    • Inferno SCP
Next month if we get the weapon loadout anis done on time...
I may release the Terran modpack this weekend, depending on my mood ;)

Rampage, there is very little more to do. 13 of 15 missions for the first GTVA chapter are done, and the only extra stuff to be done are some techroom graphics for the weapons and a touch of TBL rebalancing. My personal estimate for release is before July.

If you've played the second INF demo, I think you'll be impressed by the stark constrast in quality between that and the upcoming release.



Offline Woomeister

  • Infyrno Missile
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    • Inferno SCP
Ok if my connection is working tommorow the Terran pack will be released, it will include the following:

GTF Vesuvius
GTF Cyone
GTF Perseus ADv
GTF Alves
GTF Deadalus
GTF Keres
GTB Danaus
GTB Sabus
GTB Jotun
GTC Alcyone
GTCv Alexandria
GTCv Phobos
GTD Icelus
GTD Boreas
GTCa Warlock
GTI Arcas
GTFr Vela
Vela Cargo
GTFr Clarius
Sol Gate
GTDI Titan

Like the EA Pack no tables will be provided as this will be an official campaign modpack running from the tables that will be released on the final launch day.
The SOC/Vasudan pack will be released in a few weeks, or perhaps sooner ;)
The pack is about 19mb to download.

Another step closer to Chapter 1 GTVA Side :D


Offline Woomeister

  • Infyrno Missile
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    • Inferno SCP
Terran pack should be up tommorow, checked the files it looks ok and my connection seems to of returned to normal.


Offline Woomeister

  • Infyrno Missile
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  • 213
    • Inferno SCP
Terran Pack is now avaliable on the Inferno website.


Offline Rampage

  • Son Of Rampage
  • 211
  • Urogynaecologist
Question: When is the SOC Pack due?  I'm currently scouring the web for the Banshee and the Horae for my campaign.


Offline Woomeister

  • Infyrno Missile
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  • 213
    • Inferno SCP
Maybe 2 weeks from now.


Offline Ashrak

  • Not Banned
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    • Imagination Designs
uhm when do we get tha missions?
I hate My signature!

When I'm finished rebuilding all of them.



Offline Woomeister

  • Infyrno Missile
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  • 213
    • Inferno SCP
Terran VP files as seen in modelview:


Offline Merlac

  • 20
okidei, first of all I have to say that so far this Inferno looks too awesome to be handled! :yes:

I just yesterday found your site and I have really liked what I have seen. However, I have been a bit confused about all these files shown in the downloads-page... so...

Q1: This Inferno-campaign includes 3 campaigns? (for three races)

Q2: Is it possible to download just one big file to install one release?

Q3: How easy is it to install such thingie? Does it affect if I have previous custom table-files & stuff?

Q4: I understood that Release1 is released... or is it? When is the whole thingie ready?

(Yes I'm a bit n00b with these thingies, I can handle up to 20 Maras alone but putting all those files in correct folders & stuff is too hard for me :D )
Famous last words:
"Of course I know how to fly Colossus"