Author Topic: some questions!  (Read 1093 times)

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1.  does anyone here use Vue d'Esprit, would anyone here benefit from .vobs (Vue Objects) of the various FS2 ships with appropriate lights (beamcannons, turrets, thrusters, etc.), or if they already have them, where???  If you DO use Vue, any pointers?  
I was considering whipping some up if anyone is interested
I'm working on a simple picture of a Deimos carving a swath out of a planet's surface with a beam cannon, rendered from the ground, looking up into the sky at the Deimos.  only problem is properly getting a "beam" feel to it, it feels too solid with tangible material, rather than pure energy.  gonna work on that tonight
I've already tweaked the lighting flares for a GREAT firing effect

2.  What is the functional difference between raytracing and shadow maps,  I believe ray tracing is where the renderer actively plans and bounces light off the objects (much like real life, but with out so many trillion trillion trillion photons).  correct me if I'm wrong

3.  something

I've got nothing to do here at work, and they're paying me $8/hr to sit on my ass and troll forums :)
1 hr, 40 min to quittin' time :)

(nm, some real work!)

Hippie. n. a long-haired unconventionally dressed young person