Author Topic: Chapter 1 How was it  (Read 26468 times)

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Offline Woolie Wool

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  • Fire main batteries
Originally posted by Charmande

Many everthings use the boss spawner flame some from doom.... like the fire shooter thing in star fox adventures.

it's kinda funny when you are watching this new movie with all these great sounds... and suddenly you hear an explosion or monster roar from doom... this old old game.  hah :ha:

I heard the Doom door opening sound occasionally on various TV shows.
16:46   Quanto   ****, a mosquito somehow managed to bite the side of my palm
16:46   Quanto   it itches like hell
16:46   Woolie   !8ball does Quanto have malaria
16:46   BotenAnna   Woolie: The outlook is good.
16:47   Quanto   D:

"did they use anesthetic when they removed your sense of humor or did you have to weep and struggle like a tiny baby"
--General Battuta


Offline Flipside

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Well, I'm only a few missions in, but loving it! Specially with Bobbs new Specular build ;)

My only mistake so far was to pick a bomber and then try to fight scorpions..... that took a loooooong time!

Flipside :)


Offline Viko

  • 23
Impressive work

I enjoyed the campaign a lot

Thanks to you for making the Freespace's spirit going on :yes:

Looking for the second chapter :D

I loved the campaign and can't wait for the second chapter.  I'm even more excited to fly those sweet-looking EA fighters.  

I don't know if there's somewhere else to post this, but I did find a couple minor things that could be tweaked if you have time.  In one of the command briefings it mentions the Independence leading the 2nd Fleet, but I thought it led the 4th.  I'll have to check which one though.

Also on the mission where you disable the Sol Gate's weapons, I managed to take out the weapons modules, but the Hastor was destroyed by that Lindos.  I ended up destroying the Lindos myself, and thus succeeded the mission even though I lost the Hastor.

Again, really minor things barely worth correcting if at all.  

*goes to play it through for the 3rd time*


Offline DragonClaw

  • Romeo Kilo India Foxtrot
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For some reason it always crashes(freezes) on me whenever the briefing shows a static transition, so I never look at any of the briefings before I play a mission heh :p

Anyway, noticed something really small, still playing through... In the Sol Gate scanning mission when you finish scanning the last two cruisers, its the Praetorian that tells you good job on scanning(the enemy telling you good job hah :ha: ), not the Icarus. Something small, but hell, I like complaining :p


Offline Woomeister

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Actually it's the small things we are trying to hunt down, there's been nothing major for me to fix (the reason there's been no patch)
the R1 campaign will be re-released with the r2 one, hopefully with a few scp features.


Offline DragonClaw

  • Romeo Kilo India Foxtrot
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Meh, I can't play this anymore, crashes on average twice per mission and its just pissing me off *delete*  sry :sigh:

Hope everyone else has had better luck...


Offline Woomeister

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Tried lowering the settings?

Using standard FS2?


Offline DragonClaw

  • Romeo Kilo India Foxtrot
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Yeah, haven't tried 640x480 though.

Was using standard FS2, tried to use FS_Open but when I click any button on the mainscreen it brings me back to desktop.

I downloaded the 1 file all-included VP.


Offline Starks

  • 29
I know this is only chapter one... But you left us on too much of a cliffhanger... It's just like when the Lysander was put in its place. I have a feeling that Chapter 2 will bring us right into the action with a battle similiar to the up close and personal hell that was

Slaying Ravana
Formerly of the Dark Wings and Legion of Apocalypse


Offline Woolie Wool

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  • Fire main batteries
Slaying Ravana was easy. I must've only used two or three Cyclops during the entire mission. One of my wingmen got the kill. Damn him.
16:46   Quanto   ****, a mosquito somehow managed to bite the side of my palm
16:46   Quanto   it itches like hell
16:46   Woolie   !8ball does Quanto have malaria
16:46   BotenAnna   Woolie: The outlook is good.
16:47   Quanto   D:

"did they use anesthetic when they removed your sense of humor or did you have to weep and struggle like a tiny baby"
--General Battuta


Offline Woomeister

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Originally posted by LLivingLarge
I know this is only chapter one... But you left us on too much of a cliffhanger... It's just like when the Lysander was put in its place. I have a feeling that Chapter 2 will bring us right into the action with a battle similiar to the up close and personal hell that was

Slaying Ravana

If you mean the first mission will be an all out assualt against the Gigas...then no it isn't :D


Offline Starks

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The only questions I have is will there be medal missions and loops?

(P.S. Can I voice act?)
Formerly of the Dark Wings and Legion of Apocalypse


Offline Starks

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I can't wait to see the Ancients in action... The demos weren't enough.
Formerly of the Dark Wings and Legion of Apocalypse

i played this campaign i must say pretty good:)
Square-Enix employee


Offline Woomeister

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We currently have no plans to use the medal system as we would have to overhaul it to make it compatable with all FS2 language versions.

Loops are most likely.


Offline Starks

  • 29
There will be ranks right?
Formerly of the Dark Wings and Legion of Apocalypse


Offline Woomeister

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I haven't disabled them, so it is possible to go up ranks, though it has no effect on the story.

longtime listener, first time caller. here's my thoughts on chapter one, piece by piece.

fighters - one of the strongest features of the mod. enemy fighter designs are well correlated to faction and function, and GTVA fighters are restrained enough (ie, nobody got too giddy with the "well what if it NEVER RAN OUT OF WEAPON ENERGY" or whatnot) to make the player's choice of ships subtle and complicated.

weapons - one of the weakest features of the mod. there is far too little deviation from the original fs2 weapons. the only original one is the hammer, which is a singularly useless waste of a hardpoint.

capships - good. the larger turrets that visibly rotate are nice. other posters have mentioned the cavalier attitude you guys have towards nuking capships. bigger is *not* always better, but on balance i think the bigger capship battles are an improvement, and the only reason we didn't see more of that in fs2 was a concern over framerates that's not really relavent a few years after it's release. that said, though, perhaps more could be done to explain the shift plotwise. if, as is said in one mission, there's still "10,000 vasudans" on a cruiser, more melodrama should accompany their deployment...but it's quite possible that crews are smaller, automation is more widespread, and, say, mobile robot shipyards (a hook for mission backdrops) are the norm.

mission design - pretty quality, although not perfect. the tactical flow (if that makes any sense) of the missions is always spot on, and some of the new elements (like the sol gate and associated ship parking lot) are quite interesting. the difficulty levels of the missions are wildly erratic, though. many were simple enough to beat the first time through, but 13 and 14 each took me multiple days of effort...and i'm unemployed. ;) you can imagine my surprise, then, when 15 turned out to be a cakewalk...

animations, music, briefings, etc - totally good enough. i can't believe other posters complain about the lack of voice acting (very difficult to get right). this is all more professional then i had hoped; i'd much rather play something where the extra effort went into the missions. i suppose my only complaint here is that the tech gazeteer is spotty. the stilletto, for instance, doesn't seem to be in there, and it would be nice to have some solid gameplay specs about the ranges of weapons and such.

thanks for all the hard work, i'm very much looking forward to the next chapters!

I'm still on the Sol Assault mission, I keep loosing too many ships, so I've yet to rate the campaign but thought I'd throw out a few comments.

   I thought the difficulty of the campaign was actually pretty easy, I'm playing it on medium or whatever the generic setting is (easy maybe?). And one thing is that for pretty much every mission I was rarely in fear of my life. Sure, I lost missions but I rarely ever died. One of the things I noticed is a distinct lack of AAAf beams. Don't any of the ships mount these weapons anymore? The one time I remember dying is from getting rammed by the Ke'hat (spl?), oddly enough I got rammed by the Nemesis later on for like 10 seconds and didn't take a point of damage.

    The new designs were a mixed bag. I didn't care for a lot of the GTVA fighters, but the EA ones tended to be very good. The Stenton is probably the best out of the lot. The ships were pretty good but I thought that the debris could have been better. It looked more like a piece of lego from the ship rather than a piece of debris if you know what I mean. Maybe the textures are off or something, I dunno.

    I'm not sure I liked a lot of the new beam effects. I don't think they're an improvement, but I accept them as something different. Let's say they're cool and different, but I prefer the FS2 ones. One effect I liked is the Hellstorm X bomb, those were a real pain in the ass to shoot down. Some of the fighters seemed a bit inconsistent too, the Perseus Adv for example could take Harston (spl?) and fire repeatedly. But take one of the bombers, which I've done to try and pass the last mission, and the ship fires maybe 10 shots before energy hits zero. And for a rating of 1 versus shields, the Harston sure eats through shields like there's nothing there.

    Some of the briefings are inconsistent. In one mission it says that EA has less ships, but with better quality compared to the GTVA. While in another mission later on, it sounds as though the GTVA is outnumbered. Thought that was kind of odd.