Author Topic: Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)  (Read 4402 times)

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Offline magatsu1

  • 210
Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Here, check it out!

clickerty click click

my first 100% complete mission (normally I can't be arsed with debriefings etc)
not sure about the link, and I made a couple of changes without testing (bad mg1 ! *smack* *smack* !) but what the hell.
Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about

Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
OK, I haven't finished it yet, but I've got some comments already on the first time round.

First, this mission was made with Fred2_Open, so anybody else fancying a go should be aware of this.

Second concerns one or two little things in your mission briefing.  In stage 2, I believe 'sleaves' should be 'sleeves.'  I think you have much fewer spelling mistakes than I do on average.  The second little thing is: should 'Vergo' wing be 'Virgo'?  Vergo seems a little strange...

Third, on my first try, I lost all of the Omega freighters.  (Pretty bad, no?)  So, when I lost Omega 3, I get the message:
"All units, we're done here. Evacuate the area."
and the 'Return to Base' directive shows up.  But then, I get the message:
"Omega 3 is down ! All units, destroy the cargo and return to base."
Methinks you should make sure that the latter message shows up before the former.  It is somewhat confusing right now.

Now I'm going to go back and keep crunching away at this mission...


Offline magatsu1

  • 210
Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Thanks for lookin' at it.
1: Yeah, sorry. Forgot to mention that.
2: Blame my dodgy typing and general lazyness when it comes to writing briefings.
3: Omega1 & 2 were supposed to die. That was my "s**t you up point" Also, I decided to make "destroy the cargo a bonus objective after a little testing. I must have forgot to remove/tweak one of the related events.

How did you loose Omega3 ?
Did the initial ambush idea work ? I was trying to do something a little different.
Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about

Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
I was actually hanging back to watch the action, so Omega 3 got scrapped by the Bakhas.  

Oh, after watching the action, I must conclude that saving one of Omega 1 or 2 is not too hard.  The destroyer takes a long time to kill them, and a pilot who is on his/her toes can easily disable the offending beam cannons with ease in time to save at least one of them.  (Vasudan turret armour is weak!  Subachs kill them rather easily!)

I don't know how you may fix this potencial loophole.  Perhaps have the beam turrets 'regenerate' as to make them impossible to disable.

Just my two cents. :)


Offline magatsu1

  • 210
Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
actually, I've noticed one or two other bugs as well.... :nervous:

I had accounted for this, but got a weird bug. When they had taken so much damage, say 20% each,  Omega1 & 2 were set to self destruct. However, the as their hull integrity dropped, the rate of "damage" slowed, then stopped at 1%. At that point, they then became indestructable!!
I have no idea why this happened, but it was kinda annoying.

I tried to get around this by putting plenty of distance between Omega and Alpha.
Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about

Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Hmm, time for me to take a closer look at your mission in FRED.  (While I'm at it, I can fix little spelling errors too!  Teehee!)

Oh, about that 1% invulnerable thing, I think you may have set ship-guardian on Omega 1 and 2.  I can't think of any other way that sould happen.

Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Bah, FS_Open just crashed on me.  It looks like my 'testing' your mission will have to be via FRED for now... :mad:


Offline magatsu1

  • 210
Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Originally posted by kv1at3485
Hmm, time for me to take a closer look at your mission in FRED.  (While I'm at it, I can fix little spelling errors too!  Teehee!)

Oh, about that 1% invulnerable thing, I think you may have set ship-guardian on Omega 1 and 2.  I can't think of any other way that sould happen.

Nah, I'm 100% I used "slf destruct"

as for the spelling, "ofcourse" is one word. Heh, that's for starters.
Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about

Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
You mind if I modify your mission in an attempt to help fix it?  No offence, but your events are sorta convoluted. :nervous:


Offline magatsu1

  • 210
Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)

explain thyself good sir!

Any sugestions are greatly recieved.:)
Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about

Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
My apologies, I did not mean to be insulting. :(  Here are a bunch suggestions... :nod:

1) Get rid of unnecessary events.
'success pt2' and 'failure pt2' don't do anything, as far as I can tell.
Also, you have events (plural) that maybe handled with single events.
These things will help others to understanding what's supposed to be going on.  (Sorry, but being a newbie-programmer, I still have that maxim going through my head: 'Make your code understandable!')

2) Your bonus objective should be more encompassing.  For example, what happens if Omega 3 is destroyed before it can dock with a cargo container?  Your bonus objective doesn't handle this possibility.  Make a clause in your bonus allowing for the player to destroy both cargo containers if necessary, not just one.

3) Fix the deaths of Omega 1 and 2.  This can be done by making a repeating event that repairs turrets 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the destroyer to full strength every second.  OR you can change the entry angle and/or distance of the destroyer and/or the transports so that the destroyer can bring more cannons to bear on the targets, allowing for the transports to die quicker.

4) I think you may have seen this bug already, but here it is...
When you have Omega 3 take Cargo 1, you fail to make Cargo 2 vulnerable.  Instead, the event makes both cargo pods invincible, making it impossible to fullfill the bonus objective.  The opposite is true when Omega 3 takes Cargo 2.  This is an easy problem to fix.

That's all I remember right now.  But this should help make your mission run more smoothly. :cool:
« Last Edit: November 19, 2003, 06:09:23 pm by 1077 »


Offline magatsu1

  • 210
Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
it's OK, I wasn't being serious!

1: yeah I noticed that too. Not sure what that was all

2: I think adding "not_is destroyed delay_Omega 3" would fix that. Then, if destroy cargo 1 & 2 became a primary goal when/if Omega 3 goes down. How's that ?

3: Maybe I could use "Fire beam" with a repeat count to speed up the Destroyers rate of fire ? On the subject, you may notice the destroyer is protected, so that does help a little.
To be honest, I was more interested in trying to make the Rick. appear right on top of the player!

4:Uh, yeah. That was already on the list.

Crazy all the stuff you can miss isn't it ?
'suppose a fresh perspective (ie, someone's other than my own) really helps. If you do change the events, care to post the mission so I can see what you've done ?

Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about

Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Whew!  Off the hook! :)

Anyway, I did a whole bunch of futzing, so with all the little changes I hope this will help.  Feel free to discard and modify even further! :yes:

Well, here it is...

All yours, enjoy! :nod:
« Last Edit: November 20, 2003, 07:21:19 pm by 1077 »


Offline magatsu1

  • 210
Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Okay a couple of points (hehehhe, pay back!;) )
what did "Authoriziation to withdraw do ?"
and I wouldn't bother limiting a Leviathan's waypoints speed when it's top speed is lower than the limit anyway! (just a small point)

the events were "cleaner" though. I'll be sure to keep that inmind.
To be honest I was gettin' sick of this mission towards the end. Ha, could you tell ?

Anyone else care to add a few thoughts ?:)
Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about

Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Check the mission debriefing... ;7


Offline magatsu1

  • 210
Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Oh. Good debriefings BTW. No, really !:)
Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about

Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Say, have you tried out some of my stuff?  (It's somewhere in another thread...)  I too could very much use another opinion.

(Besides, I'm sure you're just dying to throw a few punches of your own! :) :p )


Offline magatsu1

  • 210
Somethin' for you lot to look at (!)
Heh, don't worry about it. If I didn't want your opinion, I wouldn't have asked for it.

I take you mean your incomplete campaign ?
Yeah, I'll have a look, and will post comments on your thread.:yes:
Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about