Author Topic: Fresh Blood wanted  (Read 7963 times)

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Offline Grug

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  • From the ashes...
TAP is going to get a face over one way or another and this will require a few more minions *cough* I mean co-workers to help the fellowship reach their goal...

So if you think you've got some skills and ideas and the time and the software and the ABILITY to do work then post your name, what you have to offer and we'll see what happens.

TAP needs all the Man Flesh (not that kind you grot) it needs at the moment, so drop us a line in this post, after all you can't be chosen if you dont let us know. :p :drevil:

Positions most needed:

3d Modeller - Should be able to go from making raw model and pof'n them for FS2.

Texture Persons - Should be able to make some new textures, texture current models. This includes, raw texture, glowmaps, shinemaps.

Animation / Renderer's - Someone who has ability to create and render 3d movies using max or some other program. (Preferably with some sound editing abilities as well.)

Effects artist - Preferably Photoshop adept, good at creating pretty explosions and awsome weapon special effects etc.

Web Page Artist - Someone who can make some cool webpage things. ie flash, fireworks etc... (this is a maybe, but we'll see how we go, goto see what our current web site slave is doing ;p hehe)

=== === === === === === === === === === === === ===

It would be prefered that - you own HW1 / Cat / or HW2, that you have at least a bit of experience with the field you apply for, and that you are decent honourable person with good sense of humour.

But I would also prefer that I end up marrying an intelligent supermodel who's also a nymphomaniac, but as life goes you can't always get what you want, so drop us aline anyway, and we'll give you a trial run (try before you buy kinda thing) to see how l33t your skills are. :D

I think that covers it, any further questions, direct them to this thread, thanx.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2004, 04:11:56 am by 501 »


Offline akeizm

  • 24
I'm thinkin about taking the Modeling job,  I know about homeworld, I own homeworld1 and 2 (great games!)  and also have cataclysms.

I model in 3dsmax atm, and last time when I made a cap ship, I was having no end of trouble trying to get the thing to convert properly and importing it into a pof proggie.  

So I'm going to give modeling in Truespace a go.  Hopefully it wont be too bad... I can make models easy enough,  its more of setting the thing up for debris, turrets etc I still have to learn more about.

Get in contact with me if you wish to speak to me about it more.  ICQ = 33906529, MSN = [email protected]

Thanks, akeizm (Marc).


Offline Thorn

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You still have me for rendering you fool :p
I'm moving back to halifax.. and I seem to have recovered from my creative block... so expect to see some stuff in the next month or two (I'm in the middle of moving)


Offline Grug

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  • From the ashes...
Hehe :p , yes yes Thorn, afraid of a little competitiveness eh ;) ?

I'm sure we'd still have use for more rendering ppls, knock it down in half the time. :D

But yes....

I think holidays are almost over and things are slowly starting to pick up a bit again.

akeizm: It's good to see that there are still people willing to learn :)

Get some practice etc and in the mean time I'll see if I can get elorran or someone to get the all clear to get in contact with you and have a chat. :)

If things do start to pick up we might just need a few more modelers or two ;)

Oh, I am also presuming you can handle a bit of texturing also?

But yeh, stay in contact and we'll see how things turn out.


Offline Grug

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  • From the ashes...
Hi Ho, don't go, my bro...

Hehe, offer still stands.

Things are slowly starting to pick up internally...

If we could get a moddeler / POFer TAP could actually reach something worthy of release :)


Offline TrashMan

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You could let FT make you a campaign avatar....
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline Grug

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  • From the ashes...

There is a campaign avatar, thorn has it under his name.
since my name change its been missing.. might ask setekh about that... :)

Let me ask... how is this mod going to be? A conversion of Homeworld into Freespace, yes, but same ships or what? And about the campaign? Will it be the same as Homeworld or an original one?


Offline Thorn

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Same ships yes. As for the storyline, I'll let Grug answer that one...


Offline Grug

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  • From the ashes...

ok, well i think its going to be an original storyline... If the one currently in development goes ahead, you will be able to play as some of the ones from HW1 and Cat along with some original ships and also maybe even some of the HW2 ones.
So there will be alot of vairety... :D

We hope to get a demo out soon... ish. :p


If you want to be ready for Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn, then download and play the prologue first.


Then, while waiting for the Darkest dawn, Download Starshatter 4.02

You 'll understand why once you have.


Offline Grug

  • 211
  • From the ashes...
ah, nice.

thanx for the heads up :D


Offline Thorn

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Offline Grug

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  • From the ashes...


What are the textures like though?
Still many smaller files or 1 or 2 big ones?

kewl btw :D


Beware that last site, soem of the models there are a little screwed up, and the textures something have wrong UV maps.
I have a better site to download HW2 models but i only got the site address at home; anyway as i've already converted a lot of HW2 ships to FS2 i can tell you that most use 1 or 2 large textures, with some other small textures to fill some parts of the ship, but there are no more than 5 or 6 for each model


Offline Ashrak

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i can do webbies :)
I hate My signature!


Offline Thorn

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Originally posted by ryuune75
Beware that last site, soem of the models there are a little screwed up, and the textures something have wrong UV maps.
I have a better site to download HW2 models but i only got the site address at home; anyway as i've already converted a lot of HW2 ships to FS2 i can tell you that most use 1 or 2 large textures, with some other small textures to fill some parts of the ship, but there are no more than 5 or 6 for each model

I've been using them for a while in Lightwave.. I havent noticed anything wrong with them yet... But I also havent used them all yet either...


Offline Grug

  • 211
  • From the ashes...

Ashrak: webbies = websites? :)

We do have DragonClaw around as the 'website slave' hehe, but he is fairly busy of late...

If your good, and willing, and have time available to you, perhaps DragonClaw wouldnt mind a bit of assistance...?

I might have to PM him or something, see what he's upto.

But yeh, in the mean time do you have any examples of your work?



Originally posted by Thorn

I've been using them for a while in Lightwave.. I havent noticed anything wrong with them yet... But I also havent used them all yet either...

Just an example, the Vagyr flagship has 2 command towers, one on both sides, while in game it has got only one...


Offline Thorn

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So it does. Easy enough to fix though.