Author Topic: Writing Stories?  (Read 2561 times)

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Has anyone here ever made a story before? Just for fun, not for a school assignment or anything. I mean, I enjoy it a whole bunch but I find that people who actually write are few. Here is a cover art for my story...


Offline mikhael

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Yes. Its a part of being an RPG player. ;)
[I am not really here. This post is entirely a figment of your imagination.]


Offline Axem

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Sort of, I'm a terrible writer (I can either write nothing but dialogue, or no dialogue, but not both), so instead of have a giant plot line detailing different events within the story.

One example of a dialogue filled story was about a news broadcast gone horribly wrong, it went on for 24 pages. I also wrote 2 other 24 page ones, which now that I look at them, nonsense. To which after I started on a real sequel to the first one, and got stuck at page 13 (or something). I may one day finish it!


Offline Singh

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Yup, written before, still am too....just tend to get stuck here and there once in a while (which is proven by the number of incomplete works I have......;)) :D
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Dreamed of much, accomplished little. :(


Offline WMCoolmon

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I wrote a story for my 7th-grade English class that's 28 kb as a plaintext file. IIRC, it was over 13 pages long double-spaced.

The assignment was a 3-page story. I wrote a cheesy sci-fi thriller with time travel and wormholes. :D

I also found this amusing short:


A desperate battle is fought at the Interplay-Volition jump node. Fighters fly escort for the larger capital vessels as they duke it out with other warships of the GIF. Already, the VVD Parnusin is breaking up, shredded by internal explosions.

   "Weapons, target that Rakshasha!" shouted Captain Transtin, "Communications, signal Vasutrin and Pride of Deneb our attack. Helm, full speed toward that cruiser!"
   The Rakshasa, racing ahead to reach the node, was the target of the beam cannons fired by the three Destroyers making up the backbone of the VTF forces. Already by the battle, the hull of the dark vessel was ripped apart by the immense energy of the beam cannons.
   On the bridge of the Gemini, Transtin watched apprehensively as the entire GIF Fleet began to accelerate towards the node. The vessels continued directly towards the node, as if pulled to it by a large magnet.
   A Leviathan-class Cruiser happened to be between the node and a Interplay Destroyer heading towards the node. The Demon-class Destroyer seemed to be oblivious to the vessel. It slammed into the cruiser without even decelerating. The outer hull of the Destroyer began to bend inward, then fire ripped it's way free of the Interplay vessel's hull, quickly being extinguished by a lack of oxygen. The lights on the Demon flickered out, a clear sign of the Destroyer's loss in the fight.
   Interplay fighters rammed capital ships; Captain Transtin watched in horror as a Fenris was slammed into by a Moloch, then bounced off the Moloch and hit an Aeolus, snapping the ship in half.
   Then a Cain class cruiser that had been making a course correction towards the node flashed red, and a line was drawn from it to the node-but through the Eisenhower II.
   "Helm, get us out of the way of that cruiser! Weapons, aim to disable but do not hesitate to destroy. Sensors, what's the hull integrity of that vessel?" said Captain Transtin.
   "83, sir."
   "Comm, can the Vasutrin or Pride of Deneb Assist?"
   "Negative, Captain. The Vasutrin is dealing with a Ravana, and the Deneb is losing hull integrity due to fighers."
   "Sir! A Demon class Destroyer has gotten past our lines, and is only five kilometers to the jump node!"
   Transtin knew that if the Destroyer reached the node and jumped, it could very like destroy or severely damage shipyards and refueling stations. However, as he watched the Demon burn hard for the node, a sensor contact appeared, larger than any destroyer. Larger even than the Colossus. Then the comm unit crackled.
   "All vessels, this is the GTVF Furcifer. Interplay vessels, you are ordered to power down your weapons and engines


Offline Rictor

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Man, I really should force myself to sit down an write, cause I got some pretty cool stuff flying around in my head. But its always a wierd feeling, like doing a voice recording for something. I just can't get over the fact that I, yes I, am writing/speaking something which apparently is meant to be taken seriously by people, most of all by myself.


Offline Nico

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My head s full of stories :p
I could make a living out of it, I'd be rich :p


Offline TheCelestialOne

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I've written a B5/ST fanfic but never finished it... I even posted it here on this board :p (See my sig. You can still reply and I might even continue it :p)
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Offline Killfrenzy

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I'm in the very slow process of writing a novel. It's hard work! :D
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Offline Black Wolf

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I write all the time, including a novel in work, though whether it'll ever get published is, of course, questionable
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Offline Unknown Target

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I have!

(check the sig ;))


Offline Setekh

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Every time I make a render, I write a story. ;)
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Offline Nico

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which means nothing recently :p


Offline Setekh

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I also write a story every time I take a photo. :p
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.

I am, it's nearly finish just a few more pages left and I'm done.  It based slightly on FreeSpace and Star Trek etc.


Offline Nico

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Originally posted by Setekh
I also write a story every time I take a photo. :p

I don't believe you :p


Offline J3Vr6

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I used to write like mad... mostly horror short-stories.  This was back in highschool and college... Out in the real world, though, I haven't had the heart to write again :(
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"Hey barkeep, who's leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here?"
-Brian, Family Guy

I fnd writing stories to be a big part of what I do for enjoyment. Sometimes I write like mad and just continue to pummel Microsoft Word with text. Other times I can only write a paragraph before I become tired of it and just leave. But other then that, I've writen about 10 short stories, all of them sucked, one 50 pager in 8th grade, and now another 50 pager for 9th grade. I've just been making them increasingly long as of late.


Offline Turnsky

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Originally posted by .::Tin Can::.
Has anyone here ever made a story before? Just for fun, not for a school assignment or anything. I mean, I enjoy it a whole bunch but I find that people who actually write are few. Here is a cover art for my story...

not only i write a story, i draw, ink, and color it too ;)
do not torment the sleep deprived artist, he may be vicious when cornered,
in case of emergency, administer caffeine to the artist,
he will become docile after that,
and less likely to stab you in the eye with a mechanical pencil

I used to play NW, and I did some **** for TerranFrontier. I have written one thingy for the Warpstorm contest, but only because Eish was begging, generally, the results are crap when I write. I do sometimes enjoy it though.
just another newbie without any modding, FREDding or real programming experience

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