Author Topic: [FA] Retail Mission 3  (Read 15677 times)

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Sure, I uploaded it to the usualy place:


Offline TopAce

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Do not use this SEXPing:

---NTT Omega

use this instead:
---NTT Omega
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Offline Fergus

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I got that as well for the GTSC Aeschylus, but I changed.
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Offline TopAce

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And, did it work?
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I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.

RE: Bad SexP

   Where are you looking? At the "Check NTT Status" event? I changed it to your suggestion right after you told me.


Offline karajorma

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More playtesting.

Okay. That was fun. Hard but fun (I guess I've gotten crap at Freespace again)  :) This is actually quite a polished little mission now. There's lots of lovely chatter in the mission and your habit of including who says it in the message names is one I'm considering adopting from now on :D

You're not quite finished yet but this mission is definately nearing the finishing line. I didn't notice any gross errors, what I spotted is little nitpicks or easily made mistakes.

1. The terran ships continue to attack the Alexander after it surrenders. They actually knock it down a full 20% in that time. The best solution for this is to protect-ship the Alexander in the MSG: Alex is Disabled event and then unprotect it when you change the IFF to friendly (You could change it later if you wish but as soon as it's friendly is a good time to do it).

2. Command give Beta an order to return if they're intact. Personally I'd rather see this spun off into it's own event that checks if there are any bombers left in beta wing first. Secondly (and somewhat amusingly) beta didn't actually leave. I was actually quite glad of the extra help but I thought I should mention it.

3. If the Alexander gets away you're still given the message in the debriefing praising you for covering it well. That's a little out of sorts with the rest of the chewing out you got for letting the Alexander escape. It would probably be better to only play this stage if the Alexander didn't escape before the Iceni shows up.

4. The NTT ship should be on the escort list as it's a pain in the rump to cycle through all the enemy ships to find it. Bump the Iceni off as the Fulligan and Alexander are mission critical while the Iceni shouldn't be killed.

I forgot to check what happens if NTR transport succeeds in docking , what happens if the fulligan is killed or if the player attempts to disable the Iceni but if you've taken similar care to what you've done in the rest of the mission then the mission is done.

I'll be starting up campaign 4 soon. Feel free to pick a mission from there if you want. :)
« Last Edit: October 03, 2004, 01:10:52 pm by 340 »
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

Okay, I'll check it out when I get the chance. I'm currently occupied with doing some PDFs for an online magazine, but once that's done I can get back to doing some fredding.

Hey, just thought I'd let you know that I've made the four changes to the mission that Karajoma suggested. Though I'm not sure if I got the debriefing one correct, I presume he was saying that I loose the mission I shouldn't have the bit about the Fulligan being protected well. If that's the case, I think I should not show up now, but who knows. I also managed to fix whatever I broke last time, so the Damocles actually blows up the Alexander if the transport dies. I realised I didn't have a pre-docking destruction clause. I played through it on Medium and it was damned easy, though that may be due in part to the fact I was invulnerable :) haha

Anyway here's the file: Retail Mission 3 Version 2

Note on difficultly settings:
Medium - For those who found the Myrmidons hard, do not play at this difficulty as you will face two wings of Myrms. As well, additionally fighters (Ulysses) will show up with the Damocles
Easy - This level drops the extra Myrms and the Ulysses, though some may find it difficult for reasons unbeknownest to me (it may be easier as I have a Wingman joystick to use)
Very Easy - beams on the Alexander are locked the whole mission. Though if you can't beat the Myrms and the Perseuses this wont help you much.

Anyway, I think it's more/less finished. Let me know if something's wrong (other than the fact that it's pretty hard).

Excellent Mission...........a bit diffucult though..
In MEDIUM........The Flak alone killed me and all my wingmen.

I noticed some Bugs...
I Destroyed the NTC Alexander, But nobody told me: "Hey, we were supposed to capture it, not to blow it up"...or...something... would be REALLY handy a Hotkey for the NTT Omega... when it arrived...i didn't knew where it was until i saw it near the Alexander...............Then, i blew it up 3 seconds before (or after, not sure) it docked with the Alexander. Then, nothing happened.
I opened your mission and checked out the events....
If the Omega is destroyed, the NTFr Damocles would say that the Alexander is of no use now, and the Beam it down...[SPOILER/], but, that didn't happened...

OOPSSS.............forget ir.....i was playing FAC1M1 Version 1..........................
now downloading FAC1M1 V2..............and preparing for playtesting...
« Last Edit: November 30, 2004, 01:31:00 pm by 2309 »
Developing a FS2 Campaign:
Corruptible, everyone has a price

Ooops, my bad I'll go and change the other post to say it's an older version.


Offline karajorma

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More bugs. The bane of any FREDder :)

1) If the Alexander succeeds in escaping you shouldn't really get a commendation for protecting the Fulligan. It would probably look better if that message only appears if the Alexander was disabled.

2) If you're sneaky you can get Beta Wings bombers to stick around to help you out. If Beta have been told to protect the Fulligan then those orders have a priority of 100% compared to the maximum of 89% for the ai-warpout SEXP.  Use the departure cue in the ships editor instead.

3) It is possible to destroy the Alexander instead of disabling it.  Nice try switching it to friendly and SEXPing the ships to stop but if you load up everyone with Tornados you can actually kill it before they kick in. :D Add a SEXP to recall the player and a Debrief to berate the player suitably cause at the moment it completely breaks the mission.

4) After disabling the Alexander the damocles jumped in. Someone (I think it may possibly have been beta wings bombers) then proceeded to blow it up. At this point the mission broke again with the NTT Omega coming in to dock with a non existant cruiser and Striker talking to it too. If it was beta wing then fixing 2 will take care of the problem.

5) You should add some dialog to make it seem as though GTVA marines are fighting on board the Alexander because it isn't quite clear why the player shouldn't just blow it to hell.

6) While looking through the events I've noticed that in the reassign Gamma event Gamma are given ai-chase orders with respect to the Fulligan. Surely that should be ai-guard?

7) My main problem though is that the mission is still too hard. I tried and failed to take out the alexander 5 times using the forces at hand before I gave in and simply gave myself some stillettos to do the job with. You might want to consider hinting in the briefing that the bombers are armed with Stillettos so that the player is at least thinking of using them himself. You may also wish to be less subtle than that :D One method I've used in the past is to suggest that the player (since he is the squadron leader) can choose between a bomber or fighter role. Even though the mission is unplayable in a bomber that would at least get the player thinking of taking down the Alexander himself and turning Beta into a second wing of fighters.

8) Keeping with things being too hard. I like what you did by checking the skill levels but I think you should bump it so that the differences are between missions played on hard, medium and easy rather than medium, easy and very easy. That 5 second change would probably make the mission much more playable.

Apart from that this is a pretty solid mission. I'm impressed by the trouble you've taken to anticipate mission breakage and counter it.  :D
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

Apart from that this is a pretty solid mission. I'm impressed by the trouble you've taken to anticipate mission breakage and counter it.

   That's the problem with my missions, the more complex they are the easier it is for some monkey to break it (not calling anyone around here a monkey, just a figure of speech)


Offline karajorma

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I know exactly what you mean. That's why I was impressed :D

I tend to write overcomplicated missions myself so I know exactly how much playtesting is needed to catch problems like these. I feel that the final result is worth it though :)
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]


Offline karajorma

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Okay. Played the mission again. Only thing I have to add to my earlier comments is that you might want to lock Gamma wing. Otherwise you face the possibility of the player putting Terran craft in there to replace the vasudan ones :D

Still enjoy playing the mission a lot. :)
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

Okay. Played the mission again. Only thing I have to add to my earlier comments is that you might want to lock Gamma wing. Otherwise you face the possibility of the player putting Terran craft in there to replace the vasudan ones  

    How do I do that?

    I still gotta do those last updates you recommended, been doing some other stuff of late .


Offline karajorma

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Pretty simple. Choose gamma 1-4 in the ships editor. Go to initial status and then tick the locked checkbox.

Locked means that you can see a ship in the Team Loadout screen but you can't edit its weapons.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

I think I'll do that for Beta Wing too.


Offline karajorma

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Awww. I quite enjoyed changing them to fighters :D Made the mission much easier :D
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

Damn players screwing around with my master plan! :)


Offline Kosh

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I just finished beta testing this mission and here is what I thought:

This mission has some real balance issues. Unless you're packing maxims, attacking an Aeolus with anything less than a wing of Ursas or Boanerges bombers is suicide. It was able to chew through 2 wings of Artemis bombers with barely a scratch. I had to disable it myself, and even then I died twice. The only way I could have disabled it was by loading my fighter up with Stilletos. But when the Damoclese arrives, the new fighters will finish off what is left of my wingmen and by then I am severly damaged. So of course they finish me off too.

It also has a bug in it. I ordered beta wing to disarm the cruiser to keep its guns busy for me to disable it. After I disable it, command wants them to return to base, but they don't. So when the Damoclese comes in with some other fighters, they are wasted.
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