Author Topic: Looking for....  (Read 1125 times)

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Offline Gai Daigoji

  • Gekigangar!
  • 28
I'm looking for someone who is good at making a logo.
My campaign could do with an image to make an 'impact' on people.

Please note this is just a one off job.

What am looking for is the Neo-Terran Front logo in the background and then a silhouette of a Shivan Sathanas on the left corner of the logo and an Orion on the right corner.

Whats in it for you, I hear you ask?

Well for starters I'll add you to the credits of the project and I'll also give you an advance download link of the campaign when its finished. So you'll be one of the first to get it before anyone else :D

If you think you have the time to produce something like this for me, either e-mail me with the completed work (My contact address is: [email protected]) or contact me and let me know your interested and when you can have it down by.

Many thanks.
Freespace 2: Neo-Terra - My Freespace 2 website that holds my completed FS2 campaigns.

Darkness Rising - Current campaign I'm working on.

Mission Designer for the Wing Commander Saga.

COMPLETED PROJECTS: Neo-Terra, Unification Prequel, Solar Wars Chapter 1, Deep Blood, Return to Neo-Terra (Part 1).