Author Topic: RELEASE: Sync  (Read 104199 times)

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Offline Ransom

  • M. Night Russel
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Finally finished my first campaign. Been working on this since early July.

FS Open only. 39 missions long. Uses StratComm's Hedetet (included in the VP).

Story-wise, quite similar to Homesick, but from a somewhat different angle (although the idea's been in my head before I even got into Freespace - some parts of it have been inspired by Homesick, though). Note that this is a very story-oriented campaign, also extremely linear (probably even excessively so).

« Last Edit: December 14, 2004, 08:57:29 pm by 1494 »

YaY, new campaign!!!!


Offline phreak

  • Gun Phreak
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awesomes, ill play it saturday or sunday
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
phreakscp - gtalk
phreak317#7583 - discord

Curses! FSOpen only again!
I'm going to have to upgrade my computer at some point.


Offline NGTM-1R

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own
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  • Syndral Active. 0410.
Crash To Desktop on attempt to enter first mission, using 3.6. No error message given. Does the same thing in the INF build...

This can't be good.

EDIT: This seems to be needing some Inferno stuff that isn't actually there, judging by what FRED says...

It wants the Scylla corvette pof, the MRed and Shivan Missile for the Scylla's armament, and the LRBVas for the Hedetet, none of which are actually included in the VP.

EDIT THE SECOND: Turning off all options via the launcher and attempting to play it that way: same result.

Your campaign looks broke...

EDIT THE THIRD: Exact errors FRED and the 3.6 Debug give are as follows:

Warning: Unable to find WEAPON_LIST_TYPE string "LRBVas"
in ship: GVD Hedetet's default primary banks.

File:E:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Parse\PARSELO.CPP
Line: 1540

Call stack:
    parse_ship()    parse_shiptbl()    ship_init()    game_init()    WinMainSub()    WinMain()    WinMainCRTStartup()    kernel32.dll 7c816d4f()

Warning: Unable to find WEAPON_LIST_TYPE string "MRED"
in ship: SCv Scylla's default primary banks.

File:E:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Parse\PARSELO.CPP
Line: 1540

Call stack:
    parse_ship()    parse_shiptbl()    ship_init()    game_init()    WinMainSub()    WinMain()    WinMainCRTStartup()    kernel32.dll 7c816d4f()

Warning: Unable to find WEAPON_LIST_TYPE string "Shivan Missile"
in ship: SCv Scylla's default secondary banks.

File:E:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Parse\PARSELO.CPP
Line: 1540

Call stack:
    parse_ship()    parse_shiptbl()    ship_init()    game_init()    WinMainSub()    WinMain()    WinMainCRTStartup()    kernel32.dll 7c816d4f()

Warning: ships.tbl(8440):
Error: Required token = [#End], [$Subsystem:] or [$Name], found [SBanks: ( "Shivan Missile" )].

File:E:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Parse\PARSELO.CPP
Line: 401

Call stack:
    required_string_3()    parse_ship()    parse_shiptbl()    ship_init()    game_init()    WinMainSub()    WinMain()    WinMainCRTStartup()    kernel32.dll 7c816d4f()

3.6 Debug gives this error when loading the first mission:

Assert: sp->ship_initial_hull_strength > 0.0f
File: E:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Ship\Ship.cpp
Line: 6336

Call stack:
    red_alert_bash_wingman_status()    game_start_mission()    game_enter_state()    gameseq_set_state()    game_process_event()    gameseq_process_events()    WinMainSub()    WinMain()    WinMainCRTStartup()    kernel32.dll 7c816d4f()
« Last Edit: December 14, 2004, 11:46:44 pm by 2191 »
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story

Oh...this looks GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD.............
did you used some of those new SEXP that creates explosions and subspace holes from nowhere..........i you did................AWESOME....
Developing a FS2 Campaign:
Corruptible, everyone has a price


Offline JR2000Z

  • 27
Holy crap all these campaigns are coming out.
I finally destoryed the Shivan armada and all I got was this lousy T shirt.


Offline Ransom

  • M. Night Russel
  • 210
  • It will not wait.
    • Rate of Injury
Originally posted by ngtm1r
It wants the Scylla corvette pof, the MRed and Shivan Missile for the Scylla's armament, and the LRBVas for the Hedetet, none of which are actually included in the VP.

Argh. I knew I'd forget to do something important. Gimme a sec...

Edit: Ok, link updated. Should work now.

(The Scylla somehow got itself into the ships table... it's not in the campaign. And I just forgot to include the weapons table with the LRBVas.)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 12:32:46 am by 1494 »


Offline NGTM-1R

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own
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  • Syndral Active. 0410.
It's still Crashing To Desktop

3.6 Debug says:

Assert: sp->ship_initial_hull_strength > 0.0f
File: E:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Ship\Ship.cpp
Line: 6336

Call stack:
    red_alert_bash_wingman_status()    game_start_mission()    game_enter_state()    gameseq_set_state()    game_process_event()    gameseq_process_events()    WinMainSub()    WinMain()    WinMainCRTStartup()    kernel32.dll 7c816d4f()

I think it's objecting to starting the campaign with a Red-Alert.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline mitac

  • 28
39 missions, that's a lot of stuff. I'll try and get it to work, but playing it will have to wait after I have finished all those other campaigns. :)

Edit : the first missions works for me. I'm using the 1106 build with the new media vp.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 03:19:42 am by 1928 »
marcet sine adversario virtus.


Offline Ransom

  • M. Night Russel
  • 210
  • It will not wait.
    • Rate of Injury
Small update, fixed the Red-Alert thingy (not really necessary anymore anyway considering how much the mission's changed since it was first made) and fixed a few naming errors. Same link.

Ive played it to the point where you find the truth and encounter the dextroyer. It is remarkably bug free so far. Well Fredded Ransom! Pretty good plot so far. I will report back later...


Offline Roanoke

  • 210
I liked that picture you posted in Skippy's Campaign thread.

Uh oh. Problem. The destroyer Erikheiten appears as a Ulysses. Big problem because I am guessing that its supposed to be some big destroyer???


Offline Kie99

  • 211
Before everyone starts posting what happens I beg you to use spoiler tags (Same as Quote tags but instead of saying quote they say spoiler)

P.S. Looks good
*Begins Download*
"You shot me in the bollocks, Tim"
"Like I said, no hard feelings"

Ok, I beat the campaign, here is my overall review and summary. Twas pretty good I might say...........


This campaign is vaguely smiliar to homesick although not completely. You start out as a merc defending some mysterious cargo. You later realize that the cargo has subspace repurcussions. You discover a parallel "universe" in another galaxy. By the time you find civilization again you meet a few NTF ships and they turn hostile to you. You are then recovered by a GTVA scout ship and taken to 3rd fleet HQ. Your group then decides to flee because the shivans have returned. The cargo container, aptly named "sync", warps you out to another galaxy. The first mission there explains many misunderstadings. You are chased by the shivans for about 12 missions. The end is VERY surprising. Read on if you wish to know the end (not recommended)

Ending, dont read unless you HAVE to.

You then realize that the shivans are following you capture and use sync to activate a knossos portal. Beta shows up and issues a warning of imminent total destruction. The warning is pretty much ignored. A knossos portal is then activated and you are taken to a GTVA system. You arrive just in time to see several destroyers and juggernaughts destroying a GTVA base. An entire fleet HQ is leveled in a matter of seconds. It is the end of the "universe". You are then dumped to the mainhall promptly after that. Then end. Was a good campaign until the ending.

and my review.....

I thought the campaign in general was remarkably well FREDDED. I found no bugs throughout the entire campaign. Great plot, Good story, Good suspense and it keeps you playing. Ending was rather lamethough but i give it a 8.5/10 . Excellent job Ransom and I hope you have another one for us soon!!! Let me help you with the next one.


Offline mitac

  • 28
I'm about half way through. My opinion? That thing has great potential to become a classic. Really good. :nod:

The only bugs I encountered were a support ship that shouldn't have been there, and a sudden change of Alpha 1's armament. Nothing wild.

I'll conclude tomorrow, I hope - if I have the time.
marcet sine adversario virtus.


Offline NGTM-1R

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own
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  • Syndral Active. 0410.
I think your campaign don't like 3.6 very likes to crash on mission load in Red Alerts for 3.6, but it works on more recent builds.

God only knows why.

I'm not sure how far in I am yet, but overall my impressions so far are favorable. At least as good as Homesick or Derelict.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 06:14:28 pm by 2191 »
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline mitac

  • 28
BTW, this thing needs to be newsified. Anyone knows how that works? ;)
marcet sine adversario virtus.


Offline phreak

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Originally posted by ngtm1r
I think your campaign don't like 3.6 very likes to crash on mission load in Red Alerts for 3.6, but it works on more recent builds.

God only knows why.

I'm not sure how far in I am yet, but overall my impressions so far are favorable. At least as good as Homesick or Derelict.

works fine with goober's new build

and the first mission is a fine example of WTFery
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
phreakscp - gtalk
phreak317#7583 - discord