Author Topic: Trade Federation battleship  (Read 11445 times)

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Offline Ratri

  • 24
Trade Federation battleship
I've been working on this model with intention to texture it and release it to the general public but there was an unexpected problem...My texturing abilities suck...bad. So I was wondering if you guys would want this model. It hasn't been turreted,has no LODS and has almost 8000 polys (triangulated).


Offline TopAce

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Trade Federation battleship
Very nice. :yes:
Albeit we are facing the same problems you do: We are low on texturers, most of our models are only modelled, left unturreted and unLODed.
We could put this ship to a good use if it were textured and turreted.
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Offline Ratri

  • 24
Trade Federation battleship
Well I guess I could make LODs and probably turret it but as for texturing... I'll give it a shot and post again when(and if) I make any progress. My offer about the model remains.


Offline AqueousShadow

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Trade Federation battleship
Very good work :D


Offline KARMA

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Trade Federation battleship
it's undoubtely very nice but IMHO a bit overrounded
I don't have an idea of how big she's supposed exactly to be so I may be wrong, tho.
I mean that you could have spent those 8k polys a little less in roundings and a little more in details
Nice work BTW, can you unwrap too?


Offline Ratri

  • 24
Trade Federation battleship
The ship is 3170 meters long according to starwars database.
Maybe I'll do another version of the model(les rounded with more detail). As for unwraping I never even tried it.


Offline TopAce

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Trade Federation battleship
I agree with KARMA that it is too rounded.
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Offline Bobboau

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Trade Federation battleship
what's the polycount?
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Offline JR2000Z

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Trade Federation battleship
8000 polys...
I finally destoryed the Shivan armada and all I got was this lousy T shirt.


Offline TopAce

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Trade Federation battleship
That's too much if you ask me, but since I am not a modeller and my opinion about lower poly models is not approved, I would rather shut up.
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I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline Gank

  • 27
Trade Federation battleship
It is rather high for the amount of detail present.


Offline Bobboau

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Trade Federation battleship
it's a bit high, and could be made better, but it isn't too much.
though that realy is pushing it, and you could probly get away with half of that.
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
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Offline Ratri

  • 24
Trade Federation battleship
I'm already working on a new version. I think it won't be over 5000 polys (without turrets).


Offline Getter Robo G

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Trade Federation battleship
I've seen a decent fly through version (wrap around inner tunnel like in the movie) for under 3k... No turrets...
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[I'm Just an idea guy, NOT: a modeler, texturer, or coder... Word of advice, "Watch out for the ducks!"]

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Offline Ghost

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Re: Trade Federation battleship
That looks pretty good. Only problems I can see are the aformentioned lack of turrets/LODs/texturing... as for the model itself, I recall there being greebling on the exterior. Then again, I could be mistaken; I hate that ****ing movie.
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



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Offline Galemp

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Re: Trade Federation battleship
Well, the Droid Control Ship has antennae and dishes arranged around the perimeter, which breaks up the monotony of the hull. When you finish this, make the core a dockable object with the outer ring (as seen in Episode II) so we can have a standard battleship hull and a Control Ship hull.
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