Author Topic: HTL Herc II  (Read 23478 times)

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Offline Unknown Target

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Who wants to texture her properly when I'm done?


Offline Taristin

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A little WIP xmas present for all of you.
Nice white bar... ;)

I was thinking of putting a cocpit in the Ares, but I'll be damned if I can make it HTL like.

Edit: Your 2 is backwards.
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Unknown Target

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That's how it was on the texture, I didn't map it :)

Anyway, anyone have any ideas on how to continue this? I'm sort of stuck :( I've recessed the engine outlets on the back (left them on the top and bottom), recessed the little space between the two things, and fiddled with the "tail"...anythign else I can do?
« Last Edit: December 26, 2004, 04:57:29 pm by 368 »


Offline Admiral Nelson

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A little WIP xmas present for all of you.
That's a gold star for you... :)
The Herc II is such a mess its great to see someone fix 'er up.

How about visible gun barrels? That might add some form to a very plain craft.
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Offline Bobboau

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Offline Kie99

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Is it just me or is the front bit longer?
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Offline Unknown Target

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It is, I touched it up a tad to try and make it a little sleeker. Should I put it back?
« Last Edit: December 26, 2004, 06:55:43 pm by 368 »


Offline Unknown Target

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Offline Trivial Psychic

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I think there's supposed to be a grill where you've got that gap directly under the cockpit on the main hull.  I'd also suggest adding little endentations for each firepoint... nothing drastic mind-you.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline Taristin

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A little WIP xmas present for all of you.
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Unknown Target

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A little WIP xmas present for all of you.
Don't steal my thread! :D Just kidding, that's pretty cool. Are you going to add any more details?

EDIT: Smoothshading shows off the details much better:

« Last Edit: December 26, 2004, 10:53:05 pm by 368 »


Offline Singh

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A little WIP xmas present for all of you.
suggestion to UT: See those black holes in the texture towards the front? I bet those are supposed to be missile racks and gun ports. Recess them and make them 'true' holes, maybe with a missile head sticking out. That'd make it ub3r, just like the partial hi-poly Uly in the other thread :drevil:
In fact, you can use that as an example of what is needed.

Raa: That is simply thumbs-up a+ material right there.

w00tage! The hi-polyness! :D
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"Cursed be the FREDder that trusts FRED2_Open."
Dreamed of much, accomplished little. :(


Offline Taristin

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Haven't decided if I'm even going to spend more time on it. I was just excited I got an orange tinted glass effect. ;)
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Unknown Target

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Here :)


Offline Grimloq

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holy... Pcount???

A alphabetically be in organised sentences should words.


Offline Turnsky

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A little WIP xmas present for all of you.
Kudos UT, i always thought that the older Herc MK2 model was a little featureless.
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Offline Night Hammer

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im not sure i like the engines, kinda makes it look like it has scales
Stop... Hammertime :hammer:


Offline FireCrack

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A little WIP xmas present for all of you.
The panel above the engine pods.
actualy, mabye not.
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3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 59230781640628620899862803482534211706...
"Your ever-constant homily says flaw is discipline, the patron saint of imperfection frees us from our sin. And if our transcendental lift shall find a final floor, then Man will know the death of God where wonder was before."


Offline Unknown Target

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A little WIP xmas present for all of you.
I put them there to try and add a Vasudan influence to the design. Polycount is 2309, untriangulated. Someone else needs to texture this, though, I can't texture :(.


Offline Night Hammer

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A little WIP xmas present for all of you.
yeah ill need to see someone texture it b4 i pass judgment
Stop... Hammertime :hammer: