Author Topic: weapon models  (Read 34828 times)

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Offline DaBrain

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Yeah, it works, but there is a problem:

Try to use you afterburner.
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Offline Taristin

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They're providing aditional thrust! :p
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Offline WMCoolmon

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Just hope they don't detonate when their fuel runs out. :p

I just realized that bug could become a FEATURE! Bobbeau, can you adapt this so that people can make a weapon/missile that is in fact another engine for your ship (think a refit modification on missions that you cant change your loadout on!) or a secondary afterburner booster?!

Starlancer had something like that! You could, instead of mounting missiles, mount extra afterburner fuel pods. But this is even cooler than that. Gotta go faster? MOUNT MORE ENGINES! ROFL! PLEASE expand upon this.

Practical future applications: If we take this step, we take a step toward the ability to have ultimate loadout control: The missile list wouldnt be just missiles anymore --- it'd be extra EQUIPMENT. Cloaking devices. Experimental warp drives you can't unmount by order of mission designer. Prototype beam cannons. A secondary shield energy injector for faster shield regeneration. A shield capacity booster. Armor upgrades. Enhanced radar systems (think Porto-AWACS). Retro rockets for backward thrust. Think about the possibilties....

 I would LOVE to try my hand at balancing "rocket booster missiles" that you cant fire but boost your top speed/ab whatever ^_^
It all starts with one: full support for AB-boosting, missilebay mounted ENGINE PODS!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2005, 04:20:52 pm by 1644 »


Offline aldo_14

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Goddammit!  Every time I think I've finished a ship, you add another feature I can incorporate.


nice work BTW


Offline WMCoolmon

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Originally posted by Gregster2k
I just realized that bug could become a FEATURE! Bobbeau, can you adapt this so that people can make a weapon/missile that is in fact another engine for your ship (think a refit modification on missions that you cant change your loadout on!) or a secondary afterburner booster?!

Starlancer had something like that! You could, instead of mounting missiles, mount extra afterburner fuel pods. But this is even cooler than that. Gotta go faster? MOUNT MORE ENGINES! ROFL! PLEASE expand upon this.

Practical future applications: If we take this step, we take a step toward the ability to have ultimate loadout control: The missile list wouldnt be just missiles anymore --- it'd be extra EQUIPMENT. Cloaking devices. Experimental warp drives you can't unmount by order of mission designer. Prototype beam cannons. A secondary shield energy injector for faster shield regeneration. A shield capacity booster. Armor upgrades. Enhanced radar systems (think Porto-AWACS). Retro rockets for backward thrust. Think about the possibilties....

 I would LOVE to try my hand at balancing "rocket booster missiles" that you cant fire but boost your top speed/ab whatever ^_^
It all starts with one: full support for AB-boosting, missilebay mounted ENGINE PODS!

This is all being done under the banner of "tertiary weapons". Go search the forums.


Offline phreak

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or pester me

preferably just search :dizzy:
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Offline Setekh

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Originally posted by Unknown Target
I see the missiles. What, they weren't shown coming out of the ship before?

You're kidding, right? :nervous:
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Offline jc4jc

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Originally posted by Unknown Target
I see the missiles. What, they weren't shown coming out of the ship before?

When they fired yes, but they were not sticking out waiting to be fire.
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A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up...
A Time For War and A Time For Peace.
                                   Eccl. 3:1a, 3, 8b

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Advanced Weapons modder, and Fred2er, TBL modder (mostly ships and weapons). Baisc-Intermediate Ship modder. Intermediate Ani modder. Basic (not that good) Texture modder.

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Offline Mav

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This is VERY nice. :cool:

I'd vote to make it either a ships.tbl feature or possibly a .pof feature (i.e. a value you set for each missile/gun point you want to have this on; that way it'd also be assured that that point is placed properly with respewct to the model and you won't get pics like the one Raa came up with).

And Raa: Yes, it looks scary on that fighter; from the looks of it I'd say that the code places the end of the missile model at the firing point, and the firing point is placed at the exit of the missile launch tube. You see, original FS1/2 ships weren't designed with this in mind. They're supposed to have internal missilebays.
So either you don't use this feature with original FS ships or you (or someone else) have to move the firing points a bit more backwards.

About the problem where it displays the wrong LODs - I have completely no idea....
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Offline Deepblue

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Originally posted by Ypoknons
But it works great for Starfuries in TBP. :)

This from TBP 3.1 Raider Wars, taken at 1024x768 downsized, sadly. Should I just post the 1024x768 next time?

Ah, here lies the problem I was mentioning, the missile rendering is screwy.

Originally posted by SadisticSid

This is all being done under the banner of "tertiary weapons". Go search the forums.

Heh. I discovered that after the fact an hour after I posted that message but was too lazy to change it.


Offline Rictor

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Bob, you're a genius and saint.

Those TBP screens look, well, fantastic is an understatement.


Offline Descenter

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Hey just an idea but couldn't you make a new table file for the other missles?  I know that if you overpack the ships.tbl the game crashes, at leatst in normal mode, however, you would be able to keep as much space for the ships.tbl file open for other add-ons later if you need them.   Anyhow just an idea...:D

Michael Blanchard (Descenter)
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Offline Bobboau

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ummm... this adds like two or three lines to the table
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Offline Descenter

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Welll, like i said, its just an idea just to keep things simple, (depending on how you would look at simple for FS2).  Whatever, i new to this sort of thing anyhow.
"War is like playing a game of chess.  You move units on a field, and stratiegically try to weaken the opposing force, a sort of... elequent ballet.  Sure you might lose a few units,.... but, at times, it all part of the plan..."

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Offline Ulala

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Offline Bobboau

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well you can't get much simpler than simply adding a line to an exsisting table, much like you can't get much more complex than makeing a new table that ties into another table.

anyway, why don't more peoplle test this, granted the link to the quasi-final build is in another thread, but it bugs me to no end when I ask for testers get maybe one or two replies then the thread just sinks
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
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Offline Descenter

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Ok, well then my next question is, is the couple of line of code for the entire table or will you have to make the lines for each ship, to get the proper effect.  Im going to try to learn as much as possible about playing around with open source, as i know so little, so forgive me if these question are a little petty.

"War is like playing a game of chess.  You move units on a field, and stratiegically try to weaken the opposing force, a sort of... elequent ballet.  Sure you might lose a few units,.... but, at times, it all part of the plan..."

"Most of the human race really don't give a damn.  Well I do, and I try to do something about it by giving a damn."