Author Topic: Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes  (Read 7125 times)

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Offline phreak

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
Ok CVS has been rather busy with commits lately, so i'd figure that i'd dump this to a build

Goob's Super Secret Feature.  Now with additional bugfixes.

Smart Shields - (When shields recharge, a set value is applied to every quadrant without regard to whether the quadrant was fully charged. This behavior became wasteful if there was only one shield quadrant that was damaged. Using the new smart shield option is that, if specified, the most damaged shield quadrant will have all available energy directed to it. if this manages to fill up the quadrant energy, the next damaged quadrant will receive any leftovers and so on.)  To Enable this there is a "-smart_shield" paramter for now, but that will change soon (hopefully).  If you want to test how fun this is, then fly Training 5.

Electronics (D-Missile) type weapons will now correctly work with shockwaves.  As long as it didn't have a shockwave, electronics weapons could disrupt multiple ships that were within the blast radius.  this has been fixed. :drevil:

Electronics Parameters now have the "randomness factor" specifiable.  It used to be that the disruption time was modified between -4 and 4 seconds.  this is now specifiable. (

Also has some various bugfixes and optimizations.

This doesn't have the 6 ship code for ABG wings yet.

Added to the website.//redmenace
« Last Edit: February 10, 2005, 03:23:12 pm by 887 »
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
Awesome. :):yes:
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Offline taylor

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
Should also have a couple of techroom fixes:

 - Previously it would never unload ship textures so you could end up with the techroom loading about 700Meg worth of data when you don't really need it.  It will now only keep track of 11 (current, 5 previous, 5 next) model textures at the time and unload the rest.  The change should keep it at around 100 meg.  This could also lead to an issue where if you looked at all of the ships you may not be able to play a mission because there would be some sort of a level load error or image corruption.

 - Also (for the mod makers and art people) a new hotkey is available in the techroom (ships data tab only) which will automatically display *all* ships in ships.tbl.  This hotkey is CTRL-SHIFT-S.  It doesn't change your pilot file in any way and if you exit the techroom the view is reset to normal until you hit the hotkey again.


Offline WMCoolmon

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
It should also have my fix to the techroom bug where it would close if you went to intelligence and then back to ships. (It's a little more memory-efficient overall than retail, too.)

And cockpits should work properly, without clipping, from first person view.

Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
Man, there have been so many new builds coming out lately that I have run out of campaigns to test them on!

Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes

Will you people (phreak and wmcoolmon) ever listen to me and fix this?

 Sorry if I'm screaming .... just tell me to cool it if I need to ....thx

Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
Currently MANTISing some things, most of them are trivial but you still might want to check them out....


Offline WMCoolmon

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
Well, it was sort of need a weapon loadout icon called loadgun07.

You may also need a weapon animation for it, too...

You should be able to just copy the ones for the subach or something.

This build may fix it, I added some code to show text if an icon was missing and played with the weapon animation code some so that it wouldn't crash (for secondaries) if an ANI wasn't playing.

Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
*is banging his head against the wall trying to figure out Goober's super secret feature*

Any hints? I cant wait to find out. Something tells me it has something to do with the lighting but I have no idea.


Offline WMCoolmon

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
It's been mentioned before. :D


Offline Goober5000

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
And how many features have ever been mentioned on the SCP forum? :lol:


Offline Nuke

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
the thing with loadgun07 (and sometimes loadmissile04) can be fixed be editing the table. i mentioned this when the new media vps came out. but noone listens to nuke :D
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Offline Trivial Psychic

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
Can the Exectronics flag be used with anything other than secondaries?
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Offline phreak

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
it might, try it.
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Offline Bobboau

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
"Electronics (D-Missile) type weapons will now correctly work with shockwaves. As long as it didn't have a shockwave, electronics weapons could disrupt multiple ships that were within the blast radius. this has been fixed. "

can this be made optional?
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Offline phreak

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
possibly, i need to do a few tweaks with how the default electronics behavior also should be specified.  Its going to break the balance of some campaigns that used electronics stuff before it was released.

bob: the thing was that if you had a weapon with a giant blast radius but without a shockwave, all ships within that radius would get disrupted.  basically the electronics code was applied under one part of an if/else pair, but not the other.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2005, 10:32:34 pm by 31 »
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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Offline Bobboau

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
what if you wanted an area effect electronics weapon, so you could disable an entier wing of fighter/bombers for example.
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
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Offline Sesquipedalian

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
No no, the part that has been fixed is that it now also does an area effect when a shockwave is specified.
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Offline MetalDestroyer

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Latest CVS build + new features/bugfixes
Hum, with all those Built, we need te redone the Media VP to recognize some of the new features like Electronics effect, ogg support, smart shield,  3D cockpit, missile rendering, and so on.

And of course instead write flags, it is better if we can activated them directly from the Fs2_launcher just clicking in the features.

Something is wrong with both builds here...phreaks AND coolmons!
The last build I was using was the WMCoolmon Cumulative Build, no problems.

Under this build and WMCoolmon's "nother build", I receive no cockpit HUD whatsoever and all menus in-mission don't appear including the EXIT GAME and OPTIONS screens. No black screen, no weird colors --- they just don't display. Again, everything was A-OK in the Cumulative Build...although rendered cockpits didn't render in that one =|

Ingame, I get very little of the actual HUD, and the Perseus Fixed model I got off the main SCP forum has an opaque center readout thing. see zpack perseus thread.

This post has been also posted in WMCoolmon's build's thread.
P.S. I use OpenGL mode (ATI Radeon 9800 Pro), not Direct3D
« Last Edit: January 31, 2005, 03:01:20 pm by 1644 »