Author Topic: High Poly Moloch  (Read 38022 times)

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Offline Nico

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Well, hem, voila, if anybody could post it ( just need the main lod with the turrets ), that would be kewl :)


Offline Black Wolf

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Ya ya.

What do you want it for out of curiosity?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 10:27:18 am by 302 »
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Offline Nico

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I'll let you guess :p
thanks, anyway :)


Offline TopAce

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There will be a High-poly Moloch soon...
Go ahead, Nico!
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Offline WeatherOp

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Offline Taristin

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Could be an animation, too guys. Or he could just want one for posterity, knowing Nico... anything is possible :P
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Offline Bobboau

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or maybe he wanted to ask for some random model file before he disapeared again so everyone would think he was hard at work on a new HTL model when in reality he was slacking off at some school doing things like 'homework', 'getting drunk', and 'makeing an ass of himself in front of women'.

here's me wishing Nico was a bigger fan of FS1 style Shivans than FS2 style.
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Offline Nico

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Originally posted by Bobboau
here's me wishing Nico was a bigger fan of FS1 style Shivans than FS2 style.

I am, definitively, but I have no idea how I'd make a moloch more "FS1"...


Offline Nico

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If some admin can rename this to "high poly moloch", please...

Work in progress pics ( I've mostly worked on the front and the central neck thing ):

( I like the last pic, it looks like a nasty insect :p )

I figured the moloch looked like some sort of big worm in armor( you can imagine that big neck being prolonged to the "head" and the engine exhausts, and you can even see holes in the ship where it shows ), so I'm just detaching the armor, adding a few polys here and there, that's my take on it.


Offline Taristin

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Interesting. It's an ass ugly ship, but that's not your fault. And I kinda like the armor around the top, having a gap in it. :nod:
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Offline Roanoke

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I always thought it looked pretty funky



Offline Nico

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Originally posted by WeatherOp
Maybe, you can you a better job than I'm doing on it.:D


Yeah, but I don't know how it looks like ( don't feel like registering on yet another forum ), and I have my own idea of how I want it, so might as well do mine.


Offline Nico

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I require some advices:
I'm thinking of some small design changes, coz the moloch, yeah, is not a bad design, I think it has potential, but there's a couple major areas ( like the prow ) that are quite plain imho. So, point per point:

1) I'm thinking of splitting that prow in two, following the frontal leading edge
( from top, now you have /\,
after splitting you'd have something like / \ )

2) I'd keep the general shape, but completly break the whole smooth surface, maybe by making it into segments, like some sort of steps.

3) the back... well, for now, I have no idea on what to do with it. The same "step" method as for the prow wouldn't look right there, I think. But I'm actually thinking of doing the same split as for the prow, on the large pointy part that runs from the hangar to above the engines. Then I'd have that hangar incorporated to the "worm body", and have it diving deep inside it, ending in some sort of shivan hangar, which leads me to ( the dodgy ) point 4):

4) I don't really picture a shivan hangar like a terran one, I rather see some sort of bee hub, with cells. I don't actually compare shivans with bees, I just think it's, well, handy to have it that way, you can put cells in there w/o actually having to think about the fighters :p
Eventually, tho, the hangar will just be there if polycount isn't too high, otherwise, it'll just be a dead end, as usual. I'll most likely choose the ( very short ) dead end anyway, it prevents various problems, like " oh, I have to kill that moloch, let's go inside and pummel it from there".

5) the spikes. Mmh, well, the usual idea is to smooth them. I hate that. FS1 ships were not smooth, and they had much more character. They were angles over angles and some more angles. So I won't smooth the spkes, no, I'll make them less smoothed, in fact, like insect legs ( bad analogy, coz I surely don't want them to look organic, but you get the idea for the shape, it's a broken line ).
Actually, save for the worm body ( wouldn't be right otherwise ), I'll kill any blatant leading curve on the ship, I'll just keep surface curves.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2005, 10:23:27 pm by 83 »


Offline Trivial Psychic

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For comparisson, could you show both the original and this model untextured?
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Offline Nico

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No? If you don't remember how the original looks like, there's no point bringing it back to memory. The idea is to have that one to be good as it stands, not being compared to the old low poly ship.


Offline StratComm

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I agree completely.  Personally I wouldn't mind seeing you take some extra liberties with the Moloch, as it's a pretty bland ship to begin with.

Oh, and I say if you can spare the polys, make the hanger.  You can always shove a cover over the opening with the infamous "invisible" texture to keep fighters from getting in there.
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Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM


Offline Nico

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But then you couldn't get to the hangar, couldn't see it, and therefore, it would be useless ;)


Offline StratComm

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*pulls up the moloch model*

There really isn't much space in there for a bay, is there?  What I was advocating though was putting it somewhere that was visible from outside, so that you could "see" the hanger without actually being in it.  Most :v: models avoid having to deal with this by bending the hanger launch tube up and in, so that you can't see the end, but the Moloch doesn't.
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Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM


Offline Nico

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Yeah I know, it's just a plain "hut" dropped on top of the ship. bah, I'll see about the hangar at the very end, what bothers me more is the whole rear part. I think I'm gonna "blow it up" and make it 2 or 3 layers of "scales" that overlap a bit and open toward the rear and the underneath of the ship, ala lucifer, but less scattered.