Author Topic: thruster optomiseation  (Read 7387 times)

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Offline Bobboau

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thruster optomiseation

I would like someone to make/find a model with the most absurd number of thrusters on it posable, then fill a mission with as many as you can, and then run any of the recent (last week or two) builds, note your framerate, then run this build, note your frame rate, finaly come back here report your findings.
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Offline FireCrack

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By thrusters to you mean engine subsystems or actual enging glowpoint thrusters?
actualy, mabye not.
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3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 59230781640628620899862803482534211706...
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Offline Bobboau

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glowy things
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Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together

I didn´t do exactly, what you said (wrote), but i just  tried "surrender bellisarius", which gave me 100 - 120 FPS most of the time using "older" builds like your WM-build. With the new one i have 25-30 FPS each time i have two or more ships in my reticle. This means a framerate drop to 25%. I am using Cat 4.3. Maybe it´s really an ATI specific problem. Aren´t there any NVidia guys out there, who can confirm this?


Offline Bobboau

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the wepon model build isn't recent enough.

try useing this one

an actual mission with fighting and stuff is going to have too many things going on to tell if this specific change is working or not, and if there arn't a lot of ships the diference will be too small to notice.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2005, 07:06:00 pm by 57 »
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
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Offline Nuke

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pf chimera has 10 thrusterpoints. id sugest making a mission for nukemod with about 50 of the little suckers. the way the things handel should make for an intresting furball :D
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Offline Descenter

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the wepon model build isn't recent enough.

So does that mean that the weapon model bulid is included in the recent "Tri-Build"?
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But the weapon model build is fast an stable, much faster than all recent builds i´ve tested in the last four weeks. Ah...ok.. i think you opened this thread to test your new feature, so don´t take care of me ;-)


Offline Bobboau

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Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together

Mhhh... i really know what you´ve done (and you are doing) to the community. So what i´ve said was not to critizise you, it is just my opinion. I meant it, when i said "don´t take care of me" or maybe better "don´t take attention of my post" (english is not my native language)


Offline Bobboau

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ok first off I didn't realize that was in caps when I wrote it out, so I didn't intend to yell, the point of this thread is an atempt to address the recent slowdown that has been plageing recent builds, so your telling me that the weapon model build is better doen't help me any, becase I know this, I'm trying to corect the problem in all recent builds.

second, I just want someone to do a simple couple of tests, to see how much if any benefit my new geometry batcher is dooing. just someone, anyone who has a working version of Fred plop in about a hundred (/*thinks of a ship with a lot of thrusters*/) tritons all lined up in the same general direction and in a positon were you can see all of them at the same time from behind. use my new build and tell me what the diference between it and any other build relesed in the last week or two (like this one) is, imy new build should be faster at least by a bit.

further, I have another new build
wich should have better performence in combat (made some improvements with the laser rendering code.)
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
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Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together

This latest build crashes at start up for me. Missing vorbis er somthing/


Offline WMCoolmon

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Make sure you're not using OGL, Bobb's builds often dislike it.


Offline Bobboau

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no it's those damned vorbis dlls he's haveing problems with.

I have yet another build, this one has particles sped up quite a bit, this should make for far more reliable framerates in mission, it isn't perfict though. but do tell me if frame rates seem to be moveing in the right direction.
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Offline Bobboau

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try these dlls.
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Offline taylor

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Originally posted by Bobboau
no it's those damned vorbis dlls he's haveing problems with.

Can't remember if anyone else asked or not but why don't you just static link it?  There's no license issue with that and it saves you from giving out the dlls.


Offline Bobboau

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well, I sure do hope what I did helped things cause its'a go'n in.

thanks alot guys, realy. nice to know you can be depended on :).
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
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Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together


Offline Vasudan Admiral

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I would have tested this sooner, but i was flooded with work. Finally got to test it and i have only one thought on the matter:

I put 30 high poly tritons into one mission - which adds up to 179070 polys visible at one point in time, and 510 glowpoints all visible to the player. The triton also uses a 2048x2048 res texture, along with 1024 res glowmaps and shinemaps.

The C03122005 build managed to average about 10-15FPS. This would drop right down to 2FPS when particles are displayed in force (strafing a hull).

Your 3-14-05a build managed to average 80-90 FPS. Even with particles. That's a hands down success right there. :D

Congratulations man. :yes:
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Offline Bobboau

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well then, good :)
thank you!
this is in CVS, so you can look forward to this in all future builds.
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
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Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together

Wow, that sounds...amazing. Gotta try this.