Author Topic: A question about style  (Read 16393 times)

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Offline aipz

  • 28
  • War,war never changes...
Starsip capabilities...
Will your team implement similar starship characteristics like in
X-Wing and TIE-Fighter Series?

Or will you make your own unique vision of star wars space combat?

When I mean
Characteristics I mean: shields, speed, manouverability, durability and  weapons (except starfighter weapons which are widely known)?
"Another fellow pilot"


Offline TopAce

  • Stalwart contributor
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  • FREDder, FSWiki editor, and tester
We'll try to stick to canon ship data, but also keep the charasteristics of FS2 gameplay. For example, shields are possible to do(so I hear), but there will not be tractor beams and the energy management system will remain the same as in FS2.
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I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline aipz

  • 28
  • War,war never changes...
You're right - the tractor beams on fighters were somewheat strange... No SW starfighter has them in standard version...
"Another fellow pilot"


Offline TopAce

  • Stalwart contributor
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  • FREDder, FSWiki editor, and tester
Actually, I was thinking of starship tractor beams. :)
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I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline aipz

  • 28
  • War,war never changes...
Fighters or capital ships for me it's ok. In LA games also were no tractor beams on any capital ships...

On the other hand are you going to implement turbolasers? = a very strong laser cannon which has power>x times bigger than weaker lasers (like starfighter ones)... At last a pilot would have to be VERY careful when flying close to enemy capship ( 4-5 hits in a X-W and game over...  :D ) Of course the turbolasers would have to fire at a slower rate (like 60 mm pulse cannons in TBP )...
"Another fellow pilot"


Offline TopAce

  • Stalwart contributor
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  • FREDder, FSWiki editor, and tester
There were tractor beams on capital ships in XVT and in XWA which only took effect on the human player. Jamming beams.
If we ever release something, there will be turbolasers, which are slow and easy to evade in a fighter.
My community contributions - Get my campaigns from here.

I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline aipz

  • 28
  • War,war never changes...
With all the ships you have ( +/- Nebulon B) you could easily make a first base release within this year. I'm sure this would be breakthrough and you're not so far away...
You're always saying "if we release something" - don't let yourself down and keep up the faith... It can't be so bad when you've managed to do so much within the 2 years, isn't it?
;) :ha: :yes:
"Another fellow pilot"

There were tractor beams on capital ships in XVT and in XWA which only took effect on the human player. Jamming beams.
If we ever release something, there will be turbolasers, which are slow and easy to evade in a fighter.

Slow-firing, you mean?  Slow-travelling TLs would be... strange.  SW capships have effective point defence: watch the Falcon get pasted in ESB.  The 'zomg caps can't hit fighters!!11' thing is extremely frustrating.