Author Topic: Ship class flags  (Read 825 times)

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Offline Solatar

  • 211
What exactly do the ship class flags do to a ship's behavior? I know that "fighter" behaves different than "cruiser" and "corvette" takes more damage than "cruiser", but what does "gas miner" do for instance? Is there some place I can find these?


Offline phreak

  • Gun Phreak
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actually "big damage" determines the damage equations.  most of the flags are there for ai purposes.  "supercap" serves a double function between ai and another damage equation.  The supercap damage equation only let weapons marked as "supercap" (Helios, large beams) damage the hull beyond 75%.
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
phreakscp - gtalk
phreak317#7583 - discord


Offline Solatar

  • 211
Then what's the difference between, say "cruiser" "corvette" and "gas miner"?

EDIT: Something I just thought of, is the only difference the default briefing icon?


Offline phreak

  • Gun Phreak
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that, along with the "num_type_kills" sexp, and maybe a few more.
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
phreakscp - gtalk
phreak317#7583 - discord