Author Topic: Shadow/Vorlon issues  (Read 1762 times)

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Offline Ratri

  • 24
Shadow/Vorlon issues
Well first of all congratulations on a job well done.
When I saw the battlecrab fire that ANIMATING beam I couldn't believe my eyes. Oh and the glowpoints really add to atmosphere in the game.
About the Shadow/Vorlon ships:
The thing is while they are powerful they only have few weapons at their disposal and when they are disabled the ships are doomed. This is especially the case with battlecrabs. I think the best solution is to simply increase the hull to turret hitpoint ratio, I myself increased it to 60 for the battlecrab. This way the ship itself still has the same strength (and won't cause additional balancing problems) but it is next to impossible to disarm it. The shadow beams could also use some additional power.I want to see them slicing that G'quan with a single shot ;7

Other thing is the size of the Vorlon cruiser and large battlecrab. While the Vorlon cruiser should be "over 750m long" it is actually 256m in length also large battlecrab is 2km wide instead of 3km.

Well that's it, not exactly huge problems but you don't see me not complaining.:p


Offline -Norbert-

  • 211
In the Show the Vorlon fighters fire their beams in short bursts of about one second, but in the game the liftetime of the beam is more than 3 seconds.

I would suggest to decrease this and increase the damage/sec so that the average damage keep the same.


Offline Fury

  • The Curmudgeon
  • 213
Perhaps you should try out the latest beta...,34428.0.html


Offline IPAndrews

  • Disgruntled Customer
  • 212
  • This site stole my work
I suggest you both try using the latest beta in the beta testing forum and see if that resolves any of your issues.

Edit: Damn too slow :)
Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.


Offline -Norbert-

  • 211
And there I thought, I can help to improve TBP, but was too slow....
