Storyline: 3.5
A pretty straightforward plot -- you start out on a regular patrol but fend off a surprise attack. Nothing we haven't seen before, so this submission needs something to make it stand out -- and it mostly delivers. This mission introduces the novel idea that the Vasudans want to start an internal rebellion to depose Khonsu II and reinstate the Vasudan parliament, but want to keep the GTVA out of it. It's something original that we haven't seen before, since the HOL, the NTF, and most 3rd-party rebellions fight indiscriminately against both Terrans and Vasudans. It's also a fresh look at Vasudan politics, and a tantalizing foretaste of what has the potential to become a fascinating political turn of events. Unfortunately, we don't get to see much of it in this short mission.
Balance: 3
The standard loadout would probably work well enough, but I swapped it out for a Myrmidon for the four-gun bank. As it turns out, I probably needn't have bothered. The mission plays out more or less automatically, and there's not much opportunity for either the player to dish out damage or the enemies to inflict it. The capship battle looked like it had the potential for some real action, considering the premise, but it was over pretty quickly. There's nothing strictly wrong with the balance, since it worked well enough (in fact, the player has more choices than he needs), but it felt rather more like an interactive cutscene than a challenging mission.
Design: 3
The design works pretty well; there were no dead ends or plot holes, but not much that was remarkable either. There were, however, a few nice touches: the Aten Mark II and the PVN instead of GVN prefixes, for instance. There were a number of spelling and grammar errors, and "Christ on a crutch" seemed like an inappropriate turn of phrase for the occasion. I only found two significant flaws: first, one of the mission goals didn't have any descriptive text, so it wasn't clear what the second primary goal was until I looked at it in FRED; and second, the two capship fleets started a little bit too far away from one another, producing about 30 seconds of dead air before the beams started flying.
As a postscript, this mission was submitted under the SCP/no mods category, but there doesn't seem to be anything in the mission that actually requires the SCP.
Gameplay: 3
The word for this is "meh". It worked; it was fun, but there wasn't really any motivation for me to play the mission more than once, either for better or for worse. This mission is more suited for an interlude during a larger campaign than as a single mission by itself.
Overall: 3
Fun, but not really remarkable. I'd like to see the rest of the campaign, though.